Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St.., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375

Louisville B Rotary Club Meeting Minutes July 15, 2020
If only Songmeister Mark Sigler had been at the meeting, but then this is a John Denver song that was appropriate for our first meeting with food back at Paradise Church. And the meal was served by a friendly waitress.
Hey, it's good to be back home again
Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend
Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again.
President Jared Shive lead the meeting with 16 members somewhat spaced apart due to Coronavirus concerns; Paster David Anderson gave a prayer, we pledged allegiance to Old Glory and repeated the Rotary Four-Way test.
Happy Dollars
Bob Hallier was happy to be physically back with Rotary friends.
Club Business
* Jared asked if anyone needed a Rotary pin as he has some that need new homes.
* Jared reminded everyone that our FaceBook page gave some love to Bob Hallier for his year and a half tour of duty as Rotary President.
* It was noted that there are still some flags and Farmer’s Market signs that have not been picked up. If you see either, pick it up and return it to the barn.
The Program
Jim Edwards introduced the day’s speaker Jeff Hershey who will talk about his business The Hershey Golf Company. Located in downtown Louisville, the Hershey Golf Company provides opportunities for virtual golfing experiences with various computer programs. Local golfers can play 18 holes on hundreds of golf courses across the United States. His business opened doors last January.
Hershey, a pro golfer for 16 years, lives in Louisville and serves as a coach for the middle school golf team. Jeff grew up in Hartville and graduated from Lake High School Class of 1999. He graduated from Walsh University. Jeff began playing golf when he was just five years old. About playing with the pros he said “I soon found out I was good, but there were others who were very good.”
“My main business focus is training and teaching,” he said. The business offers family memberships and there are group classes with unlimited practice. “This is a 24/7 business, he added. “We offer private parties,” Jeff said. Unfortunately, his business was shut down due to Coronavirus from March 13 through May 13.
So bring your own clubs or rent them there.
During the question period the question was raised — Could we have a field trip to the business some Wednesday noon? Yes. More on that in the weeks to come.
Upcoming Events
July 22 — Lunch meeting at McDonald’s. Bring money for your Happy Meal.
July 29 — Evening social at Samantha’s 6 p.m, Family invited.
Aug. 1 — Farmer’s Market 9 till 1.
Aug. 5 — Business Meeting
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Jeff Hershey
Louisville A Rotary Club Meeting Minutes July 15, 2020
Louisville Rotary Club Meeting Minutes July 15, 2020

Louisville C Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2020
President Jared Shive chaired the luncheon meeting held at Paradise UCC with 19 members and four guests present. Guests included Todd Hixenbaugh, the new Associate Pastor at Paradise; Alex Powell, a Rotarian in the Canton Club ( she is now living in Louisville); Linda Parrish and Terri Horn, the Louisville Schools Athletic Director. Members stood in rapt attention as Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave a prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and Four-Way Test was recited. Despite his presence, Songmeister Sigler let us down with no song.
Happy Dollars
* Cynthia Kerchner reminded all that Saturday was Farmer’s Market and help is needed early in the morning. She also said the LHS Drum Corps will be playing for everyone’s entertainment.
* Joanie Aljancic was thankful for the Splash Pad which was filled with happy children this morning before she left for this meeting.
* Jim Edwards announced we now have 1,297 flag recipients.
* Greg Anderson brought everyone up to date with what is going on with the Citizen of the Year project. He promised to keep us posted as new discussion is held.
The Program
Barb DiJacimo introduced the day’s speaker Terri Horn, the Athletic Director for the Louisville School System. Terri’s first comment deflated most of the members when she announced that she had no tickets for Friday’s game. She went on to explain that due to the Coronavirus, they are allowed only 15% of the seating capacity for a game — that’s 900 tickets. (Louisville stadium holds 6,000) The allotment, she explained, was tickets for the parents and siblings of the players, band members and cheerleaders. Two hundred tickets go to the visiting school. Then came Board members and school employees needed to work the game.
Terri went on to define who she is — a 30+ year educator with previous athletic director experience in the North Canton Schools. Not too long ago she was working on a doctorate degree but was sidetracked with her fourth child. Her husband is the pastor of an intercity Canton church.
The Louisville football program was allowed just one scrimmage. Terri had high praise for the Federal League in helping her fill a 6-game schedule. She told of getting a Youngstown Area company to live stream the games and settled that just two days before the Dover game. The company — YSN — wants to get a foothold in the Stark County market and expected a few viewers for the first game. Terri said that the game had 22,000 hits, some from across the country.
Fans can watch Friday’s game by streaming at https://ysnlive.com/team/louisville. Terri reminded members that tickets are available for 9th grade games, JV games, volleyball, soccer and cross country. Team schedules can be accessed at LeopardsAthletic.org.
Terri also mentioned that there were no real decisions on winter sports at this time. Responding to a question about league affiliation, she said the school was keeping options open. “Being in the wrong league is like being in a bad marriage,” she noted.
It needs to be noted that Ms. Horn’s message went 10 minutes past one, but not one sole left or was anxious to leave.
Coming Events
September 16 — No luncheon meeting; members should register for the Tri-District meeting via Zoom.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Terry Horn, Athletic Director
Louisville D Rotary Club Meeting Minutes July 22, 2020
John and Nancy House, owners of the Louisville McDonald’s restaurant, hosted the club for lunch and presented a program featuring their business. This was a first ever such meeting for the club. Fourteen members filled a corner of the restaurant as the usual noonday customers came and went, President Jared Shive skipped the normal club rituals and moved into the Happy Dollars portion of meeting.
* Glenn Heiller announced that he was doing his patriotic duty serving as a part time census taker. Looks like a future program.
* Jarad was thankful he had the outside of his house washed.
* Barb DeJacimo related the story of a lost baby raccoon that was looking for his mother. Barb also gave an update on the school opening plans that may be changed depending on guidelines from Washington and the Ohio Governor’s office.
* Don Marshall announced that the club’s bylaws were now updated. It can be assumed our bylaws will stand any legal challenge before the Supreme Court.
The Program
Jim Edwards introduced the day’s speaker, Nancy House. Nancy graduated from Canton South High School and she and husband John reside in Lake Township. She attended the University of Akron’s Law Enforcement program, graduated when she was just 19 and took a job with the Ohio Highway Patrol as a dispatcher. “When I was 16, I worked at a MacDonald’s,” she said. That’s where she met John, who would stay with the McDonald’s company until he became an owner. After dispatching, she was enrolled in the OSP’s academy, graduated and became an Ohio State Highway Trooper. “I was the first trooper to ever have a baby,” she quipped. But John wanted to own a franchise and when a store became available in Toledo, they bought it. It was an intercity location — very intercity — and needed some TLC. She remembers people asking why they would put money in a rough neighborhood? “We made it nice and clean, safe and the locals appreciated it,” she said. “Doesn’t everyone deserve a nice McDonald’s?”
That was the beginning. “We feel like sometimes we touch somebody . . . if there’s something we can do (to help our community), we do it,” she said.
The Rotarians found out that 75% of the store’s income comes through the drive-in window. Their 13 stores are in 10 different cities and they employ about 600 people of which 25% are fulltime. “In making coffee, we filter our water three times,” Nancy said. “That’s what makes for good coffee.” Expenses take 96 cents of every dollar, according to Nancy. “We get 4 cents profit.”
Following the message, the Rotarians got a personal tour of the kitchen.
Coming Events
July 29 — Wednesday evening social at Samantha’s Restaurant. Six o’clock, family invited.
August 4 — Board meeting noon at Uptown Joe’s
August 5 — Business meeting, noon at Paradise Church
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Nancy House