Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon at The Alsatian,
2300 Reno Dr., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Enter south side of building and turn right to Activities Room.
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375
Gift Certificate for Lease of American Flag for 6 Holidays
Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Constitution Day, & Veterans Day
The Louisville Rotary Club will place a 3’x5’ flag on a 10’ Staff, placed in a buried plastic anchor pipe in your front yard, a few days before the listed Holidays. The anchor pipe will be flush with the ground with a cap when not in use. The flag will remain the property of the Rotary Club. You must live in the Louisville School District. As a bonus, the flag will remain posted from Labor Day thru 9/11 and Constitution Week. All profits will be used to support Rotary projects such as:
Sponsoring a foreign exchange student, a worldwide effort to eradicate Polio, new restroom project at Metzger Park, Louisville Punt, Pass & Kick competition, Louisville YMCA, the Library reading programs, the gazebo on the square and many others.
You are the recipient of a US Flag for this year. This Gift is from: _____________________________________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Print, Cut above and Give top half to recepient. Thank you!)
Recipient's Name: __________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
Cell: __________________________________________
Email: (if) __________________________________________
Gift Flag Application ~ $30/year
Donor's Name: ____________________________________________
Donor's Cell: ____________________________________________
Who will pay for next years invoice? __________________________
To Pay:
Either: > Send a $30 check and application to: Louisville Rotary 419 E. Main St. Louisville, Ohio 44641