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Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2022
President Eva Roshong was out-of-town due to the Florida Hurricane, so PresidentElect Barb DiJacimo stepped up and took charge. Attending the noon meeting held in Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church were 16 members and two guests. Joel Dunbar and Josephine Wade were guests and Ms. Wade was given a membership packet. There was no song as Songmeister Mark Sigler was not present. The day’s luncheon menu included sloppy joes, fries, carrots and a cupcake for dessert.
Jared Shive gave the prayer and he passed out dues invoices during lunch. The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Happy Dollars * Cynthia Kerchner reminded all that the October Second Friday was next week. “It’s going to be great! There will be pumpkin painting and the fire department will do a Stop, Drop, and Roll activity. Please show up at 4 pm and 10 pm for set up and tear down.
We were able to donate $1,790 to the Main Street Group from Farmer’s Market proceeds. Next year Farmer’s Markets will be May through August. Please return the signs so we do not have to buy new ones next year *

Scooter Israel said that he and Denny are selling ads and designing the placemats for the Pancake breakfast on November 11. Please consider buying an ad. *

Don Marshall announced “There’s a NEW Berlin Festival Saturday in North Canton from 12-7 pm. Please stop by the theater company’s table,” he said. “It’s like an Octoberfest and should be great fun.” *

Amy Simpkins reported the YMCA Fall Harvest Auction is November 11 at the Hall of Fame Stadium complex. It’s a sit down dinner this year with a live and silent auction showing lots of great items. You can buy tickets for $70 online or call Amy at the Y to order them personally.

Rotary Information and Announcements Lunch update--now $9, there will be a $2 meeting assessment for those who do not eat church-prepared meals. Think of it as a $7 lunch and a $2“cover charge.” A menu was posted at the bottom of this page for the rest of October and November.

Warm Coats Update--So far 122 coat requests have been turned in and an initial order was made for Operation Warm Coats. A 20% increase from a year ago at this time. As late requests come in, we will purchase additional coats as well as hats and gloves.

The Greg and Jennifer Anderson family has donated $1,000, Amy and Rick Simpkins have donated $500, HP Products have donated $500. We are waiting to hear back from other sponsors to reach our $3000 goal.

Grant Committee--grant requests due no later than Oct 15. Spread the word. Night for Ukraine – A motion was made by David Yeagley and seconded by Bill Wood to pledge $1000 from the club to the event with 50% of the money going to Ukraine Relief and 50% to the Rotary Disaster Relief Fund. It passed unanimously.

RYLA update-- Bill Wood updated us on our exchange student, Arantxa. She is doing well and went to homecoming with a group of girls. RYLA is at the end of February and we will be sending two male and two female junior class members. Let Bill know if you know a junior who would like this opportunity.

Pancake Breakfast- We need to find a new sponsor this year. Please reach out to local businesses to see who may be willing to purchase supplies. Greg Anderson has updated the list of supplies needed, arranged for Kim to help us in the kitchen. Jared Shive will print tickets; Scooter Israel will take care of placements, Denny Valentine will make signs, and Dave Yeagley will be in charge of the Biery Cheese order. Other comments for the good of the order: Denny pointed out we have no club dues, only district and international dues. We may be the only club in the district that does this. Many agreed.

Upcoming Programs/Events

Oct. 12 – Dr. McClaugherty

Oct. 19 – Pearson Duvall

Oct. 26 – Melinda Carmicheal

Oct. 28 - Warm Coats distribution YMCA

Nov. 1 - Tree dedication for Ken Smith at Aljancic Park (after Business meeting)

Sat., Nov. 12 - Pancake breakfast at LMS

Luncheon Menu for October & November

Oct. 12- Pepperoni Pizza, wedge salad & fruit cup

Oct. 19 - Chicken Salad croissant, potato chips, dill pickle and fruit cup

Oct. 26 - Chili, tossed salad, cornbread and jello

Nov. 2 - Chef Salad, crackers, applesauce, cookie

Nov. 9 - Fish sandwich, California blended vegetables

Nov. 16 - Rigatoni w/meatballs, tossed salad

Nov. - No meeting. Have a Happy Thanksgiving

Nov. 30 - Grilled cheese sandwich, sweet potato fries, coleslaw, piece of fruit

Special thanks to Amy Simpkins for standing in & taking notes for me. AG

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2022

President Eva Roshong led the meeting with 26 persons in attendance that included three guests. Following the usual club rituals, Songmeister Mark Sigler entertained us with a recorded-sing along version of Bruce Channel’s 1962 million record sale Hey Baby, Will You Be My Girl?

Happy Dollars and Club News *

Eva reminded members of the Night for Ukraine fundraiser coming up Sunday, Nov. 6 from 3 to 7 at the St. George Serbian Church, 4667 Apple Grove St., North Canton. Tickets are $60 a person. Our club is closing in on the $2,500 donation requested. Hopefully, we can get enough attendees for us to have our own table. This activity is a District-sponsored activity. *

Today is the last call for Rotary grants. *

Eva announced that 120 warm coats were ordered. *

Tickets for the pancake breakfast were passed out to members. Denny is working on signs and Scooter Israel is putting together the place mats. Scratch Steak House is sponsoring the food. Volunteer help is coming from the Constitution Queen Court and a Girl Scout Troop. *

Cynthia Kerchner needs help Thursday afternoon unloading straw bales and carrying pumpkins for the Second Friday celebration. Help is needed Friday afternoon and for the 10 o’clock closing take-down. The November Second Friday is the last one for the season.

The Program

Dr. Chuck McClaugherty and Dr. Marcie Groesbeak representing the Citizens’ Climate Lobby spoke about their organization and its approach to finding solutions to combat climate change. Dr. McClaugherty is a retired Mt. Union University professor and Dr. Groesbeak is a retired Family Medicine physician. What are the risks of doing northing to lesson carbon emissions which would allow the Earth’s temperature to rise? According to Dr. Grosbeak, there are three major areas of concern: the economic costs of global warming, the medical or health costs and tipping points. Climate change has increased the frequency and severity of hurricanes, flooding in coastal regions has increased and a 20-year drought for the western states is a current problem. There has also been an increase in forest fires and the destruction of homes and forests. In Ohio there have been 19 weather disasters since 2014 totaling $1 billion in damages. Tipping Points are critical thresholds when crossed lead to large and often irreversible changes in the climate systems such as melting of ice sheets, die-off of coral reefs, loss of the Amazon rain forest and slowing the Atlantic Gulf Stream. One of their goals is to reduce America’s carbon pollution by 50% in 2030 and zero by 2050. The costs to our economy of ending the burning of fossil fuels pales in comparison to the costs of doing nothing. In conclusion, at Citizens Climate Lobby we believe that a carbon fee and dividend plan will be one of the most effective drives of change to all-electric worldwide energy production and we welcome new members that want to join our efforts.

Coming Programs Oct. 19 — Pearson Duvall

Oct. 26 — Melinda Carmichael

Nov. 2 — Business meeting followed by the bench dedication for KennyBob Smith at Aljancic Park

Nov. 12 — Pancake Breakfast

Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Dr. Chuck McClaugherty and Dr. Marcie Groesbeak:


Dr Chuck McClaugherty.jpg

Louisville Rotary Club

Meeting Minutes
October 19, 2022
To open the meeting’s activities, the Paradise Church kitchen volunteer staff, under the direction of Sharon Allgood, was asked to appear before the club where they received a round of applause for the good meals and their concern for our nutritional needs.

After the pledge and the Four-Way Test, Songmeister Mark Sigler led the members in singing Take Me Out to a Ballgame in honor the the Cleveland Indians-Guardians successful year including their exciting run for the AL Division Championship. Beforehand Mark also gave the prayer. Twenty-two members and two guests were present.

Happy Dollars *

Glenn Heiller said the highpoint of Friday’s LHS football game was the young girl riding her horse while carrying an American flag. She circled the playing field twice. It was a touching tribute to the American military many of whom were in attendance at the game. *

Cynthia Kerchner gave thanks to the volunteers for last week’s Second Friday event. “We are having another Second Friday Nov. 11th,” she said. “Please return all Rotary signs.” The Eyes of Freedom will be there and help setting up will be needed. *

Jim Edwards shared his excitement over the Leopards victory Friday night and described the ending in detail. His grandson, Charlie Waters, made some clutch passing that eventually tied the game, forcing an overtime, then the

victory. *

Barb DiJacimo discussed the progress with the Warm Coats project. Some community donations are in, some promised. The coats are ordered, the pass out date is Saturday, Oct. 28 from 2 till 6 at the YMCA. Volunteer help is needed to help distribute the coats, hats and gloves. *

The Grant Committee has met and there are seven applications. The applications will be reviewed by the committee next week with a report to the group at the November business meeting. *

The Ukrainian Relief fundraiser is set for Sunday, November 6. Get tickets on-line. Short Business and the Program President Eva asked Jim Edwards to tell the story about the Rotary club’s last Haunted House project back in 1980. Jim obliged with a colorful recounting of how the club put on the Haunted House as a fundraiser. The club made over $8,000 the second year, but due to an injury to a guest, that was the last year for the Haunted House. The $8,000 was almost three times the club’s annual budget. So the Haunted House project was shelved, but its memory still lives on among the members who participated. That included Dave Yeagley, a student at the time, and Don Marshall.

The two gentlemen, Person Duvall and Brandon Wright, who are presenting the day’s program, were introduced by Don Marshall. They began the Haunted House (HH) program several years ago when the two men were neighbors on East Gorgas Street. Both were surprised at the early response and enjoyed doing this. The first HH was on the front porch, the 2nd was moved to the driveway that is used by both men. The 3rd night was an all-driveway activity, but then came a change in plans. Brandon decided to move to a different house. What to do, what to do? The decision, with the help of Mayor Pat Fallot and Police Chief Andy Turowski, the decision was to move the Haunted House project to Metzger Park where the Haunted House became the Haunted Trail. The plans continued to grow and this season there is, of course, the Haunted Trail, but there is also a festival. The festival will include food trucks, face painting, story times by the library, bouncy houses, Trunk or Treat, a bake sale. and at scheduled times — entertainment. Haunted Trail activities will be for two weekends — the 21st, 22nd - 23rd and the 29th-30th. There will be no charge for entry to the festival and $10 for the Haunted Trail. Duvall and Wright hope the event becomes annual.

Coming Events & Lunch Menu

Oct. 26 — Beech Botanical Garden. Chili, tossed salad, cornbread & Jello

Nov. 1 — Board meeting.

Nov. 2 — Business meeting followed by bench-tree dedication. Chef salad, crackers, applesauce and a cookie

Nov. 6 — Night for Ukraine Relief

Nov. 12 — Pancake breakfast

Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

Pix of Pierson Duvall and Brandon Wright

Pearson Devaul, Brandon Wright.jpg

Louisville Rotary Club

Meeting Minutes

October 26, 2022

President Eva Roshong called the meeting to order with 19 members and one guest in attendance.

Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the opening prayer, the group repeated the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-way Test before Songmeister Sigler temped our musical tastes with the old Beatles song Octopus Garden. You ask what is the story behind Octopus's Garden? It is the second song Ringo Starr wrote and was inspired by a boating trip Starr took in 1968 with his family during which he learned that octopuses are fond of collecting stones and shiny objects underwater, which they build "gardens" with. By the way, is our fellow Rotarian Randy Starr a relative of Ringo? Let us know Randy. Happy Dollars & Club Business *

Eva informed the members that a former Rotary President Todd Burwell passed away. *

Mark Sigler said he appreciated the Beech Creek Botanical Gardens & Nature Preserve. (Our today’s program) *

Denny Valentine announced that today is the last day for advertisements for the placemats we use at our Pancake Breakfast. *

Cynthia Kerchner asked for help with the traveling veteran’s memorial called the Eyes of Freedom which will be making a stop in Louisville for three days arriving in town Wednesday, Nov. 9th. It will be open for display Thursday and Friday, the 10th & 11th in the former NAPA store downtown. We will need 8 to 10 volunteers to set it up Wednesday evening. Volunteers should come at 6. This will also open for Second Friday activities Nov. 11. It will be taken down and trucked off Saturday. *

Glenn Heiller announced that Veteran’s Day flags go out next Wednesday. *

Jim Edwards shared the back room printing organization for the Flag Routes.


The Program Melinda Carmichael, Director of the Beech Creek Botanical Garden & Nature Preserve, presented the program. The 164-acre Preserve is located near Alliance at 11929 Beech Street. Carmichael gave a brief history of the 35-year old non-profit organization that developed from the idea of giving people a place where they can connect with nature. The development and growth of the Preserve runs something like this:

1999 — First discussions with the idea.

2003 — Purchase of 164 acres that was originally land-locked.

2005 — First education grant.

2006 — First open to the public with one trail and a small parking lot.

2008 — Butterfly House opens, they published their 1st book about native Ohio plants.

2010 — Plant & Environmental Science Center opened including The Amazing Garden.

2011 — Visitors Center & offices opened on-site.

2012 — First time any employee is compensated.

2013 — Purchase of 11.5 acre plot on the southwest corner.

2018 — Nature Playground opened.

2019 — Purchase of 6.4 acre plot on southeast corner. A 3/4 acre pond and a storage building & house are included in the purchase.

An endowment platform is developed with a $10 million goal. Ms. Carmichael passed out information for donors at the close of her message. Other information: The staff teaches over 2,000 people each year. In the winter, the Bird in Hand Feeding has become very popular. They are open year round. November 25 through Dec. 29 Christmas special tours. There are now 4 trails. They are now an Raptor Hallow sanctuary. There are kids adventure camps. Seasonal events & animal shows. Future plans Do more eagle therapy Programs for mental health Ms. Carmichael concluded by saying “Nature is my passion . . . What is your passion?”


Coming Events & Luncheon Menu

Oct. 28 —Warm Coats distribution

Nov. 1 — Board meeting

Nov. 2 — Business meeting & bench dedication at Aljancic Park — Chef Salad, applesauce, cookie

Nov. 9 — Speaker TBA — Fish sandwich, blended veggies, pudding

Nov. 6 — Ukraine Relief activities

Nov. 12 — Pancake Breakfast

Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

Oct 28th - Picture of Rotary Warmcoat program. Many businesses donated so Rotary could distributed 150

coats and gloves to children in Louisville.  More pictures at the bottom of this web page!


Louisville Rotary Club

Meeting Minutes

November 2, 2022

Perhaps Songmeister Mark Sigler now carries another title. Paradise Pastor David could not make the monthly business meeting, so Mark gave the opening prayer. He now is the club’s Songmeister and Prayermeister. As a tribute to the flag posting this week, our song for the day was The Grand Old Flag. Eighteen members along with our exchange student dined with a chef salad for lunch.

Happy Dollars *

Glenn Heiller requested help following the meeting and our bench dedication to remove the 50 flags from the downtown Green Space. *

Cynthia Kerchner is still looking for Second Friday signs. Also help is needed next Wednesday from 5 to 6 to unload and set up the Eyes of Freedom display in the downtown old NAPA store. The display will be available Thursday, Friday, and Veteran’s Day - Saturday. *

Barb DiJacimo thanked helpers for the Warm Coats distribution. Our club has now delivered 130 coats, gloves and hats for needy children. *

Jim Edwards told the story of the men who retired from flag posting. Glenn Shook and Tony Presutto, both have been doing a flag route from a number of years. Jim said the flag team retirement age is now 92 — Glenn’s age. The club ought to invite them for one of our lunches for a retirement celebration. *

The yearly YMCA fundraiser is set for Saturday the 19th. And Mark Sigler reported a benefit fundraiser at the high school put on by the girls and boys baseball teams this Friday. Club Business # Club President Eva presented three applications for membership for the club’s approval including Lisa Lingenhoel, Josephine Guibeau-Wade and Alec Wade.

The members approved them wholeheartedly. #

Eva also reported that our club had met the $2,500 goal for the District’s fundraiser for Ukraine Relief. Meeting the goal will give the club a Paul Harris Fellowship to be given to one of our members. The pledge that put our club over the mark was an $800 gift from Brad’s Carpet Company. #

Greg Anderson passed out work assignments and a time schedule for the Pancake Breakfast. The meeting was adjourned allowing members to move to Aljancic Park for the dedication of a park bench and two trees in honor of Kennybob Smith. Pat Smith, their two adult daughters, church friends, neighbors and Rotarians attended the dedication. Jared Shive handled the welcoming duties and three Rotarians spoke of their warm memories of Kennybob. Rest in Peace, Ken, you are missed.

Coming Events & Menus

Nov. 6 — Night for Ukraine Relief dinner

Nov. 9 — Former City Manager Bob Nau — Atlantic Cod fish sandwich, with California blend vegetables topped off with a pudding dessert

Nov. 12 — Pancake Breakfast
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

Rotary Group with Bench.JPG
Bench and Certificate.JPG

Louisville Rotary Club

Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2022

President Eva Roshong opened the meeting with 25 persons in attendance including two guests. Terry Lingenhoel was a guest along with a friend who is a missionary in Hungary. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the opening prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by the Rotary Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler led group singing of America the Beautiful.

Happy Dollars & Club Business *

Dave Yeagley said he was grateful that Pat Fallot was present so at least one person could carry the tune. *

Glenn Heiller was thankful for all the volunteers for the flag routes. *

Cynthia Kerchner announced The Eyes of Freedom convoy would be arriving in Louisville shortly after 5 this evening. Pizza would be available for volunteers. The traveling display will be available for viewing Thursday, Veteran’s Day Friday & most of Saturday. *

Mark Sigler noted that this was the 100th anniversary for local physician Dr. Brown, who in1922, gifted the land at the corner of South and Silver Streets to the school district for the purpose of developing a football stadium. *

Eva remarked that last week’s dedication at Aljancic Park in honor of Kennybob Smith was a very nice program. *

Eva also noted that calling hours for Ted Burwell begin at 10:30 at the Berean Bible Church Saturday on Meese Road. Our club sent flowers. *

Greg Anderson reminded all the Pancake Breakfast is Saturday and workers should be there by 6:30 and bring your extra tickets and money. *

Eva talked about the Night for Ukraine dinner. Our club exceeded our goal of $2,500 and District 6650 exceeded its goal of $100,000 goal. A good time was had by all. *

The Grant Committee met before the regular meeting and decided to add another grant application to the slate for recommended applications. Eva placed the list of five grant recipients for a vote which passed without a dissent. The following are this year’s grant recipients:

Caleb Leatherberry — Eagle Scout project: Building a pavilion in Aljancic Park. $2,500.

Jeff Hoffman — Louisville Main Street Committee. Build 40 collapsible tables. $2,000.

Pearson DeVaul, Gorgas Street Horror. Fall Festival & Haunted Trail. $500.

Louisville Schools. Meditation Path. $1,000.

Ron Derry, Ahha Galary/Historical Society. Digitalization of Herald’s microfilm. $1,000.π

The Program Bob Nau, a familiar face, was introduced by City Manager Tom Pukys. Bob, a longtime Louisville resident and former City Manager, is currently the Director for the Stark County Regional Planning Commission. Bob came to town in 1989 as Louisville’s Planner and took over in 2000 the City Manager’s position. “I feel blessed,” he said. The Stark County Regional Planning Commission (SCRPC) was established in 1957 under the leadership of Navarre resident and former U.S. Congressman Ralph Regula. Nau credited this achievement the beginning of Regula’s 36-year political career. The purpose of the SCRPC, according to its mission statement, is to improve the quality of life in Stark County and its communities through effective regional forum characterized by communication, collaboration, facilitation and planning assistance. Just a few of the organizations activities are: * Implementing the Moving Stark Forward 2050 Transportation Plan * Planning for future land use through the Stark County Land Bank * Re-purposing vacant tax delinquent properties * Demolition Assistance to eliminate slum and blight * Remediate environmental issues * The Stark County Crash Report 7 Safety Work Plan According to the SCRPC 2021 Annual Report, these complex issues such as transportation, aging infrastructure, community development and land use require an integrated multi-disciplinary approach to problem solving — all important to improving the quality of life for Stark County resident.

Upcoming Events:

Nov. 12 — Pancake Breakfast 6:30 - 11:30

Nov. 16 — Ray Hexamer. Rigatoni w/meatballs, tossed salad, ice cream

Nov. 23 — No meeting. Have a happy Thanksgiving

Nov. 30 — First Ladies Museum. Grilled cheese sandwich, sweet potato fries, cole slaw and a fruit

Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Bob Nau:

Robert Nau.jpg

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2022
It might have been the cold or the gray day that brought 25 members to the meeting or it might have been the rigatoni on the day’s luncheon menu, but either way, it was a good turnout. President Eva Roshong opened the meeting and led the usual Rotary procedures with Songmeister Mark Sigler leading us in the song Takiin Care of Business by Backman-Turner Overdrive. The reason for choosing that song that was big in 1973, Mark told us, is in honor the day’s program relating to Stark County business.
Happy Dollars & Club Business: *
Cynthia Kerchner thanked everyone for help with the Eyes of Freedom display, the Second Fridays and the Farmers Markets held over the summer and fall months. *
Gerry Taush reminded members about the high school play this Saturday night put on by the school’s Drama Club. *
Allen Gress related his brief encounter with a past Rotary President Wendy Jackson. *
Lisa Lingenhoel thanked the opportunity for working the Rotary Pancake Breakfast. *
Eva said there was a surplus of place mats so what to do with them? Allen said the church would take them and use them for church dinners. *
Eva read a thank-you note from Pike County, Kentucky for the $200 donation for their flood relief fund. *
Eva presented the slate of five grant applications that had been chosen by the Grant Team, approved by the Board of Directors and was now to be voted on. The grants, totaling $7,000, were unanimously approved by the membership. The grant money comes from the flag leasing fees. *
Jim Edwards thanked Barb DiJacimo for her leadership in the grant program.
The Program:  Tom Pukys introduced the day’s program presenter — Ray Hexamer, CEO/President of the Stark Economic Development Board. Ray, according to Tom, is a former Rotarian who brings a unique skill set to his job including 22 years working for Canton radio station WHBC. Most of his work life, according to Tom, has been in the private sector. Ray’s radio experience made him a polished speaker and that put members in a comfortable mood while discussing this favorite topic — Stark County Business Development. “We have one purpose; to grow businesses in Stark County. Our mission is simple. We help existing businesses grow and expand, attract new companies to our community and help entrepreneurs start new businesses.” Funding for their activities comes from there sourses; corporate funding, foundations and the county. Just of few of the facts Hexamer shared in his 25-minute message included : # There are 592 businesses in Stark County registered with the state. # Economic Development Board this year made 211 calls for local business. # The best preparations a local entity can make is to prepare a shovel-ready site and make it ready to build. Factors looked for by companies is location, availability of water, favorable taxes, cost of utilities and a trained labor force. # The best thing that happened at the state level was the moving of the economic activities out of state government. # Ohio is rated in the Top 10 of all states as a place to start a new business. # Hexamer has talked to 12 companies in Amazon’s supply chain. # 70% of the work force for these companies do not require a college degree. # The last 3 years Stark County has had growth adding 1,336 new jobs. # Locally, Biery Cheese is looking to expand. # Yearly, new businesses brought $2.5 million in new property taxes to the county. # The Hall of Fame Hotel is booked 56% more than last year’s business. # The population within 50-mile radius of Canton is 3.6 million. # The average work drive in the county is 21 minutes. # There are 80,000 college students within a 25-mile radius of Canton. The Stark Economy Development Board has two websites and their address is 400 Third Street, Canton. Phone 330-453-5900.
Upcoming Events:
Nov. 23 — No meeting. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving
Dec. 4 — Light Up Louisville. Join us and enjoy the holiday spirit.
Dec. 6 — Rotary Board meeting — noon
Dec. 7 — Business meeting
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Ray Hexamer:

Ray Hexamer.jpg

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
November 30, 2022
President Eva Roshong chaired the meeting held in the Paradise Church Lounge with 15 members present. She gave the prayer, the club pledged the Allegiance and recited the Four-Way Test before Songmeister Mark Sigler led the singing of Silent Night, Holy Night. There was a funeral dinner going on in an adjoining room, so Mark wanted a less jubilant song than is normal for club singing.
Happy Dollars & Club Business
Greg Anderson was thankful that Dave Yeagley and wife are recovering from their auto accident and home fire.
Club members have offered their support and love for them.
Glenn Heiller, the club’s Flag Czar, announced that our worn flag box has now collected over 800 used or damaged flags. Jim Dutter said Donna Sells had passed away while in Florida.
Eva announced that grant letters have been sent. Members should return unsold pancake breakfast tickets and any money collected. Also, Tuesday is Giving Day for the Rotary Foundation. “We hope for 100% of club giving.”
Eva and Glenn discussed Lite Up Louisville Sunday from 3 till 6. Are we going to have hot chocolate as last year? The decision was no, not this time but maybe next year. Eva announced that Dec. 17 was Wreaths Across America day and said this idea would be discussed at the Board Meeting Dec. 6.
There will be a Christmas party Wednesday, December 14 at Cynthia’s home. Bring finger food. More information will be forthcoming.
The Program Park Ranger Jennie Krob presented the meeting’s program. Ranger Krob is assigned to the First Ladies National Historical Site (FILA) in Canton. The two-building site includes a tour through the historic Saxon House where President William McKinley, wife and family lived for 25 years. The other building located at 205 Market Avenue South and next to the house is the six-story old Canton National Bank Building that was constructed in 1895. It currently houses the site offices and museum. Her responsibilities include providing education to visitors while protecting the site’s artifacts. Answering a question about that subject, she said that she does not carry a firearm as do most of the park rangers who work the parks. Ranger Krob said she enjoys school groups and less a Junior Ranger group. “I give tours of the Saxon House,” she said. “We explore the inside of the house and compare our lives now to a young girl’s in the 1800s. We’ll reflect on how major events in U.S. history impacted first ladies lives.” The library is often used for genealogy study. Ranger Krob took questions from the group before the meeting adjourned.
The First Ladies National Site offices can be contacted at their website .
Upcoming Events & Luncheon Menus
Dec. 4 — Lite Up Louisville
Dec. 6 — Board Meeting
Dec. 7 — Business Meeting Sloppy joe sandwich, potato salad, pumpkin crunch cake
Dec. 14 — Christmas Party (If we have a noon meeting, the menu is chef salad, roll with ice cream )
Dec. 21 & 28 — No meetings for holiday break. Merry Christmas

Ranger Jennie Krob.jpg

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
December 7, 2022
This week’s story deviates from the normal format so we can salute a special person, a person who was not a Rotarian, never attended our meetings and was not known by any current members. Peggy Jean Henderhan Brechbill passed away about two weeks before her 84th birthday last July 30th. What we do know about Peggy is that she had a big heart, liked to help people and cared about Louisville. Born in Nimishillen Township, she lived in Salem. Peggy worked at AT&T for 34 years and was survived by three sisters, three brothers and was preceded in death by sister Ruth Young.The Stier-Israel Funeral Home handled Peggy’s funeral arrangements with her final resting place in Union Cemetery. Her will bequeathed a sizable gift of money to be given to a Louisville Area organization that benefits people. Her family knew about the Louisville Rotary Club and gave our local club $1,500 to be used for the good of people. So Peggy Jean, you can rest in peace knowing that your gift is appreciated and will be used according to your wishes. But more important than money is our memory of what a good and generous person were were. We wish we could have known you — you would have been a great Rotarian.
The Meeting President Eva Roshong chaired the noon meeting held in the Lounge of Paradise Church. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer, members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Sixteen members enjoyed a sloppy joe and a scoop of potato salad lunch. There were no guests today.
Happy Dollars & Club Business *
Bob Hallier told how the Louisville Town & County Garden Club placed a Christmas wreath on the site of the Blue Star Memorial in Metzger Park. *
Ron Derry thanked the club for the grant used to digitize select items from the Herald. *
Eva discussed the club’s family Christmas party on the 14th. The fun begins at 6. Bring your own beverage and finger food. There will be no noon meeting on the 14th and no meeting the Wednesday between Christmas and New Year’s Day. *Eva said the Board of Directors sent $150 of flag lease funds to support Wreaths Across America.
The money will provide for 10 wreaths to be placed this Saturday on the graves of soldiers. *
Eva discussed a community service project for sometime the next six months. A 3- person person committee was formed to find such a project. One suggestion was an Arbor Day package for young students. *
Eva read a thank-you note from the Louisville Board of Education for our donation of $200 for the school’s Backpack campaign.
Coming Events
Dec. — 14th. Christmas Party
Dec. 21 & 28 — No meetings till next year
Jan. 4th. Keep the Rotary Foundation among your New Year’s resolutions. The menu for the Jan. 4th meeting — Chef salad, roll.
The meeting adjourned at 1:02.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

Louisville Rotary Club
Christmas Party
December 14, 2022
About 50 Rotarians, spouses, children and friends met at Cynthia Kerchner’s home Wednesday evening the 14th to celebrate the holiday season and enjoy good food, drink and friendship.
The evening’s highlight was a surprise honor for Jim Edwards who was celebrating 50 years as a club member. President Eva Roshong presented Jim with an engraved plaque while Songmeister Mark Sigler composed and directed the singing of a song accompanied with the lyrics of the Beatles favorite Yellow Submarine. Jim took the singing and laughter in stride. All agreed it was a special way to begin the holiday season.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary & Merrymaker

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