Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St.., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2020
The Louisville club was invited to join the Plain Township Rotary Club for a joint meeting held at Skyland Pines Event Center. The purpose of the meeting was to hear a message presented by State Supreme Court Justice Sharon Kennedy. About 12 members of our club attended to hear the Justice give a civics lesson regarding the roles of the various courts in Ohio’s judicial system. She opened the floor for questions following her message and there was lively discussion about current issues facing Ohio.
First elected to the Supreme Court in 2012, Kennedy is up for re-election for the six-year term this November. Her opponent is John P. O’Donnell, a Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge.
There is an addition to last week’s minutes regarding Rick Crislip’s story.
Only part of a quote I used was in the story and an additional message was left out. Here is the corrected quote: Rick said "I recognized the need for improvements and better communication between the administration and the teachers. I know how hard that was for the teachers to feel their only option was to walk out. I don't want that to ever happen again."
Sorry for the omission.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
No Pix of Judge Kennedy available
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
October 14, 2020
President Jared Shive chaired the club’s monthly business meeting held in Paradise Church’s Fellowship Hall with 11 members in attendance. The meeting was begun with a call to order by Jared followed with a prayer given by Paradise Pastor David Anderson, a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. There were no guests and Songmeister Sigler was silent this day.
Happy Dollars
* Jim Edwards was pleased to reminded us the Browns are now four & one for the first time since the early 90s. “Go Browns,” he closed his message.
* Barb DeJacimo announced she had only two fundraising cards left for the LHS volleyball team. They were only $20 so get to her soon before they are gone.
* Pastor Anderson, with a flair, discussed the church’s Date Night, a Kidwatch fundraiser, this Saturday. Catered by Scratch, there is an evening of activities planned. Also he invited Rotarians to participate in Trunk or Treat for children on Halloween afternoon, Saturday from 3 to 5 and held in the church parking lot. Bring your children or grandchildren. Bill Wood has volunteered to participate.
Club Business
President Shive proudly announced that Bill Wood is now a Paul Harris +2 member. This designation is granted to Rotarians who give three times the amount of money as required for membership as a Paul Harris Fellow. Bill was given a round of applause by the membership. What a fine example he is.
Jared announced this month is Polio Plus Month and the District sent us a gold coin to auction off with funds going to the District’s commitment to the Polio drive. It was suggested that members put their donations into a pot and those participating will be in the drawing for the coin
Scarecrows on Display. With Jared leading the assemble group of Cindy Petitti and Cynthia Kerchner, the club has an entry in this yearly community activity.
Jared asked if any member would like to order a face mask with the Rotary seal for just $10. There were no takers.
There are two new member applications. One for Casey Ellington and the other for a previous member, Andy Turowski. Both applications were accepted.
Jared said the September financial report stands at $38,407.25 a figure that is both the checking and money market accounts.
Barb DiJacimo reported she is sending in the order for 115 various sized and color coats. Her aggressive fundraising has raised $2,680, most, if not all the funding necessary for the winter coats, gloves and hat for each child. Friday, Oct. 30 will be the distribution day.
There are five community grant applications so far, less than usual.
Denny Valentine expressed concern that there needs to be more information available to the community regarding how the flag funds are used. The printing of a brochure was discussed.
It was agreed there would be no meeting the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Rotarian Code of Conduct
“We all know that 2020 has been a year of non-stop discussions, political, moral, race, hoaxes, what is real and fake, and so on,” Jared said as the topic was introduced. “Now, there is something to be said about the level of comfort in our club and our ability to speak openly and freely with each other. Please do not take this as a limitation of free speech and thought. This is really just a reminder for all of us to think before we say!
While we are conversing at tables or at social events, the Board asks that we all run the conversation topic through the Four-Way Test and use judgement if this topic is really appropriate for the company and setting. Are the subject or opinions really going to be beneficial to all concerned?
This is real feedback we have received. Let’s inspire and help each other and our club be better each day. Let’s go back to the reasons why we joined Rotary and make sure that it is reflected to those veteran members and those still new in their Rotary journey.
I know each of us cares about this club, today and in the future, and most importantly, we care about each other. So here is my call to action. Can we commit and renew ourselves to goodwill and better friendship as Rotarians and as a club?”
The Rotarian Code of Conduct
As a Rotarian, I will:
1. Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life.
2. Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect.
3. Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improved people’s quality of life in my community and in the world.
4. Avoid behavior that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians (including using profanity and offensive jokes).
5. Help maintain a harassment-free environment in Rotary meetings, events, and activities; report a suspected harassment; and help ensure non-retaliation to those individuals that report harassment.
President Shive asked for a sign of agreement and there was a nodding of heads among those in attendance.
Coming Events
Oct. 21 — Trail clean-up. No food, meet at Greg Anderson’s home at noon.
Oct. 28 — Megan McKimm, Peace Corps volunteers
Oct. 28-29 — Flags out
Oct. 31 — Trunk or Treat.
Nov. 3 — Rotary Board, noon Uptown Joe’s.
Nov. 4 — Business meeting
Nov. 12 & 13 Flags retired.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Octoper 21st, In lieu of our regular meeting, our club met at Greg Anderson's house to cleanup the Metzger park walking trail, we split up and covered individual portions of the trail.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2020
Twenty-seven persons, including several guests, attended the club’s last meeting of October. Jared Shive chaired the session with Paradise Pastor David Anderson opening with a prayer. Jared announced that today’s meeting would be Zoomed and four members chose to zoom in, including KennyBob Smith, a longtime Rotarian who now resides in St. Joseph’s Care Center. Our President asked members to come forward to greet KennyBob and most accommodated with cheery greetings. Unfortunately, a short time later the cranky computer suffered a technological hiccup and the connection was lost. Bob Hallier hopes the program will be better next week.
Happy Dollars
* The club has a budding media star. Desmond Germany is working on a cooking show to be streamed on-line. For those who may not know, Desmond is the owner of the Scratch Steak House in beautiful downtown Louisville. Good luck D.
* Glenn Heiller showed a book written about the Army company his father fought with in WWII. The outfit experienced 500 straight days of combat including the Battle of the Bulge. This company was honored as having fought the most battles of any company in the US Army doing the war.
* Joanie Aljancic congratulated the LHS volleyball team for their victory last week and commented on the match that was streamed online. Unfortunately, she felt the two male announcers did not have much understanding of volleyball.
* Greg Anderson spoke about the need for passing the school levy in next Tuesday’s election.”It’s important to maintain housing values,” he said.
* City Manager Larry Collins spoke in support of Issues 5 & 6, both matters of importance for the city’s charter. “This is no increase in income taxes,” he stressed. “This is just good business.” As a carrot to think about, he promised no utility increases over 3% for the next 3 years.
* Ron & Betty Derry will be interviewed for a regional two-part telecast about the Louisville-Nimishillen Township Historical Society. More local media stars!
* A member who preferred to be shielded by anonymity announced the Browns’ quarterback Baker Mayfield was named Offensive Player of the Week for the team’s win over the Cincinnati Bengals.
* Barb DiJacimo announced that 137warm coats, with gloves and hats, would be distributed this Friday from 1-5 from the YMCA. Helpers are needed.
The Program
Marisa McKimm stressed that she grew up a Lady Lep, but for her junior and senior years she attended Hoover High School’s Cosmetology program graduating in 2004. After high school she obtained her state cosmetology license, worked for the CSE Credit Union and attended Stark State for a year before transferring to the University of Cincinnati graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business. Somewhere along this early road of life she decided she wanted to see more of the world, meet its peoples, and experience the awe of God’s nature. Her subsequent adventures over the next ten years rival those of the fictional Indiana Jones; however, Marisa McKimm’s adventures were very real.
Marisa presented the Rotary’s noon luncheon program last Wednesday, holding the members in wonder and admiration. Her presentation ran over the allotted time, so President Shive invited her back for the November 18th meeting for Chapter 2.
Speaking as it might have been just a walk in the park, this adventure found her and a friend walking the sandy beaches of Mozambique along the southeast tip of Africa; the Indian Ocean on the right, a mountain range port side. They hooked up with another friend and together found a boat to ferry them to the island country of Madagascar.
To begin her odyssey, Marisa joined the Peace Corps and was assigned to the African Country of Morocco where she served from 2010 to 2012. There her job was to work with the local women who developed a business using a local species of roses. “The women had the skills and talent, but they didn’t know how to market their product,” she said. “My job was to teach them business skills.” The next two years she was assigned to the country of Namibia where she worked developing small businesses. Namibia is a country in southwest Africa that borders the Atlantic Ocean and lies north of the country of South Africa.
Wherever she is located, Marisa teaches sports to the children and feels her best work is with the native women. She is currently based in Morocco working with study abroad programs which has allowed her to travel through most of the European countries. She crossed over to Spain with a group of students on March 11, but by the 13th the borders started to close. “I waited in Spain for three months to return to Morocco, but the King had not re-opened the borders and my visa was near expiration. Returning to the USA was my only choice.” She returned to Louisville June 5, “I’m not sure where my next work will be as tourism has been greatly affected by the pandemic,” she said. “I’m thinking about a transition back to West Africa or Southern Africa; this may be the time.”
Marisa’s father is Terry McKimm, a Louisville resident. Meghann is her sister and Wilma Snyder is the mother-in-law of her uncle Tom. They attended the meeting.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2020
Twenty members and one guest attended the monthly business meeting held at Paradise Church. President Jared Shive was at the helm, Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave a nice prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the Four-Way Test. Both Andy Turowski and Casey Ellington were welcomed as new members. The meeting was sent via Zoom, but there is no follow-up to determine if it worked well.
Happy Dollars
Jeff Uhler, the Post Master for the Louisville Post Office was a guest.
City Manager Larry Collins was ecstatic that the city’s 2 charter language issues passed with heavy voting in the November 3 election. Issues 5 & 6 are updates.
Denny Valentine was excited about next week’s program featuring a guard for the Unknown Soldier buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Bill Wood forked over $2 to thank the Almighty for a good weather day for the Trunk or Treat Day October 31. Working with Luca Bydos, a student planning to do an exchange program this year, they passed out over 5 bags of candy.
Bob Hallier thanked the work of Barb DiJacimo with the Warm Coats program. With 2 helpers from the two elementary schools, 135 coats, gloves and hats were distributed to 87 families.
Club Business
1. President Jared announced this year’s RYLA conferee was officially cancelled due to the Coronavirus. He also added that the club has $35,147.95 banked.
2. Jennifer Anderson will begin work on the Community Grants. That committee will be meeting soon.
3. Checks for the Polio Foundation along with our $1,000 pledge have been sent.
4. Company officials from Know Your Roots, a company that plans and carries out Farmer’s Markets, met with Jared and Casey Ellington representing the Chamber of Commerce last week. The company would plan and market a Farmer’s Market on 17 Fridays. The cost of the service in $15,000, way out of our ballgame. But what if the Chamber would be in for $5,000, the city in for $5,000 and out club for $5,000?. Jared will check with the city or the Chamber. Saturday mornings are saturated for farmers markets. There is $700 in the club’s budget that is available. There was spirited discussion but further study will be needed and planned. No decision was made but the idea had to be decided by December 31.
5. The suggestion of doing a pancake breakfast drive through was discussed. Charging a donation was an idea. The church $200 rental fee would have to be paid. Hopefully, St. Joseph’s Care Center could provide the food supplies. There is a question of whether the church has a 220 volt service for the club’s grills.
Coming Events and Attractions
Nov. 11 — Regular meeting at noon in Paradise. Veteran’s Day speaker. Members should invite a veteran.
Nov. 12-13 — Flags retired for the season.
Nov. 18 — Marisa Mckimm (part 2) at Samantha’s restaurant. RSVP required.
Nov. 25 — No meeting allowing spouses to help prepare Thanksgiving.
Dec. 1 — Business meeting.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
The Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2020
This famous day in US history, members were to invite a veteran for the meeting and program. We had 29 persons attending. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave a prayer, the Four-Way Test was received along with the Pledge of Allegiance. A highlight was Songmeister Mark Sigler who led all in the singing of It’s a Grand Old Flag. Mark put his heart and soul into it. Lisa and David Kress, friends of the program presenter, attended the meeting as guests.
Happy Dollars
* Meghann McKimm is happy her son, a high school soccer player, was voted to the 1st team district squad and was also chosen to the first All-County team.
Short Business Session
Pancake Breakfast. A back & forth discussion, but it was decided to wait until Gov. DeWine’s scheduled afternoon announcement regarding restrictions for the Covid 19 pandemic.
In the race for the gold coin for the largest donor to the Polio Plus campaign, Bill Wood was the winner.
The Program
Denny Valentine introduced the program presenter, a program well-suited for this Veteran’s Day. Aaron Lopez-Stone, who happens to be the only Ohio veteran who served as a sentinel for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery shared his experiences in that capacity. Sergeant Lopez-Stone told how his family roots were military that date back to the Civil War. “When I joined the Army at age 22, I felt like I was going home.”
The regular height requirement was 5’10”, which put him at a disadvantage since he is just 5’7’” and a half. But he endured the year-long training that included learning that sentinels do not laugh or talk while on guard for the 24-hour shifts. Why do it? “It is an honor to be selected,” he said. “People come here who have lost family, and this gives some closure.” There have only been 670 soldiers who have qualified for the Tomb of to the Unknown Soldier duty. Each duty day requires 1,187 steps in exact formation.
One of the rumors Aaron discussed was that the soldiers live under the tomb. Not so, but there are rooms there for uniform storage, bathroom and rest area. There is also a rumor that sentinels are not allowed to swear —“That’s a doggon lie,” he said, with a sneaky smile. When asked if the guns the sentinels carry were loaded — “No,” he said. “But the sentinels are trained to guard the property and they do. Those bayonets are sharp.” Women are allowed to apply and serve, according to Aaron.
Coming Events
Nov. 12-13 — Flags retired.
Nov. 18 — Marisa McKimm part 2, noon at Samantha’s Restaurant.
Nov. 25 — Happy Turkey Day, no meeting.
Dec. 1 — Board meeting.
Dec. 2 — Business meeting.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2020
For a change of scenery the meeting was held in the west room of Samatha’s Restaurant. One long table seated the 16 members in attendance. The ordering, serving the beverages and taking the lunch orders from the menu carried over into the time allotted for the program, so President Shive dropped the usual club opening ceremonies.
The program was Part 2 of Marisa McKimm’s odyssey as a member of the Peace Corps. Her assignments were in Africa and the Part 1 was the program three weeks ago. During that program, Marisa’s excitement and unusual adventures kept members on the edge of their seats. We wanted to hear more.
This program, with accompanying color slides, focused on her travels around the African continent with side stories about the people. She spoke of her latest role as a program leader working with culture exchange programs that bring American university and high school students together with peers from Morocco, Botswana and sometimes Europe, Asia, Latin America and beyond. She has this dream as she gets to bring people together from both of her worlds. Marisa feels this is the true path to peace and development because people discover others from different backgrounds and the preconceived ideas and stereotypes start to wash away. It also enables people to start recognizing each other for who they are, not what they are. We also heard about her then 12-year-old Moroccan sister, Sabah, who took Marisa under her wings. The girl taught Marisa the language and customs. The two have remained friends over the past 10 years since Marisa first lived in Morocco. She worked with the local artisans and small businesses. “The main idea is to transfer ideas and skills.” She said “With the Peace Corps the main idea is the transfer of knowledge and skills.” She found the Moroccan culture very welcoming — “we drank a lot of tea” — and when asked if she was ever fearful, she said No! While hitchhiking from Morocco to Togo, she said she met many people. “I wear a LeBron James jersey,” she said. “Whenever people ask me where I’m from, he’s the only way many know Ohio.” Last year she decided to get a new perspective and traveled to Brazil. Rio deJaneiro is now her new favorite major city on the globe.
“I’m always on the road,” she commented. “I want to get back out into the world . . . I enjoy bringing people together. They’ve shown me love, respect and selfness like I had never experienced before . . . people are good!”
Marisa, who is single and free, is a Peace Corps advocate. “It’s taught me how to live with less.” Her message also taught the Rotarians a thing or two.
When she leaves America to return to Africa, members of our club wish her a safe and fruitful new chapter. May God be with you, Marisa.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary.
Note: There is no meeting next week so enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.
Due Thanksgiving, there was no meeting on November 25th
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2020
Fifteen members tuned in to the business meeting back on-line for the second period of time since the Covid-19 virus was unleashed on the world last March. The first on-line meetings were held from March into June. The club will finish the month of December Zooming, after that things will be reevaluated.
We tried to do the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test, but somehow repeating it from the kitchen table just doesn’t cut it. Perhaps next time we should have Songmeister Sigler lead the singing of a Christmas Carol.
Happy Dollars
* Dave Yeagley is happy the Christmas decorations along and over Umbrella Alley are up and lighting.
* Betty Derry agreed saying she was glad to have all the uptown Christmas decorations in place. Some quipped that many of those decorations once adorned the Derry house on Columbus Road.
* Jennifer Anderson reminded all that the YMCA Snowflake auction is in progress and has a host of nice items Santa Clause would be proud of.
Club Business
President Jared welcomed Cliff Varian to the Rotary fold as a new member. He will be formally inducted as soon as we can get back to normal meetings.
The President discussed an idea apply named Louisville Winter Fest put forth by Bob Hallier. He suggested we do something to help local restaurants. Others agreed. Starting Wednesday, Dec. 9 the club will support SCRATCH either by eating there or purchasing gift cards. The following Wednesday, Dec. 16 Samantha’s will be featured the same way. Other local eateries will be featured later. It should be noted that Thompson’s is now closed — seemly a victim of Covid 19 keeping customers away.
Jennifer Anderson submitted the listing of this year’s grant applicants for approval. Seventeen different applications were submitted with eight being funded. Jennifer said all the applicants were worthy. The amount of $7000 was allotted for this year’s grants.
It needs noted that the money the club uses for community grants comes from our Flag Lease program. The Louisville Rotary Club has participated in the flag program for the past nine years. Notification of the recipients will be sent next week.
The grant applications were approved with the amount :
Louisville-Nimishillen Historical Society — $1,000
Louisville Public Library — $1,000
Umbrella Alley — $1,000
The Military Family Center/Pegasus Farm — Joint project with the Plain Township Rotary with both clubs funding $900 each.
Pollinator Project by Katie Horn (a Girl Scout Project) — $800
Legacy of Honor — Dan Riggs — $500
Pet Waste Station — Caitlyn Arbogast (Girl Scout project) — $400
Paradise Church Thanksgivings for needy families — $700
The other applications are listed with encouragement to re-apply next fall. They were all illustrative of the giving nature of this season. Thank you for applying, good luck, and we hope to see your application next year.
Louisville School’s Care Team
Light up Louisville
Vantage Aging (formally Meals on Wheels)
First Tee of Canton
Lighthouse Ministries
New Arts Alive
Refuge of Hope
Louisville Area Businesses for the Community
Other Business
Jared suggested a newspaper article sharing with the community our accomplishments for 2020. Al will do that after the data is collected.
Bob Hallier suggested we contact Charita Goshey for a speaker, possibily for the June induction banquet. Jared will check that out.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
December 9, 2020
Tuned in on members’ cell phones, iPads or computers, this meeting was on the Zoom platform with 10 members logged on. This, of course, was a good Christmas shopping day, which may have accounted for the scant member participation. President Jared Shive gave the prayer, we recited both the Rotary Four-Way Test and the Pledge of Allegiance and we were off zooming.
Happy Dollars
* Jennifer Anderson was happy with the on-line annual Snow Flake auction with 31 items on the auction block. “I hope to do this in person next year,” she said. “This is a good community event.” We all agreed.
Club Announcements
# President Shive reminded us that tonight was “Support Our Local Restaurants” night. This week it is the Scratch Steak House. Next week it will be Samatha’s. So Rotarians, eat out, carry out or buy gift cards and support our Louisville restaurants.
# Grant notification letters will go out next week.
# Jared reminded members this was our club inventory month and all members names, addresses, etc. need to be in to the national headquarters. This count will determine what dues we must pay the International.
The Program
Former Rotarian — and a past president — Louisville resident Ross Riggs shared the story of the new group in town called Legacy of Honor, a volunteer organization designed to help veterans through difficulties. Ross’ son, Dan Riggs a LHS graduate, started the organization following his serious injury while he was in the Army Ranger program. Now retired, Dan had earned his wings as a member of the 82nd Airborne squadron. Dan and his wife Sarah lost triplets during her pregnancy, so Dan decided he wanted to do something, to give back to those other military families who have lost children. Working with Ashley Embrace, one of the organization’s projects is providing a Cuddle Cot to parents who may need one. “We want the word to get out there that we are willing to help vets,” Ross said.
The organization has an office on the second floor of the insurance building on the corner of Mill and 229 East Main Street, suite C. Their website is www.Honor the legacy.org and their phone number is 330-806-9649. “But most contacts come from other veterans who know about our organization,” explained Ross. “We are reaching out to other groups that deal with disabled vets . . . including nursing hones.” The Rotary has given the organization a $500 grant for this coming .year.