Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St.., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375

Louisville Rotary Meetings 2019

4th Quarter
PAGE DOWN - to get to the NEWER minutes!
Rotary Club of Louisville Board Meeting
Minutes of Meeting October 1, 2019, noon
Members Present: Bob Hallier, President, Barb De Jacimo, Dave Yeagley
Items of Business:
1. Meet the Candidate Night The event will be held on October 23, 2019 from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. The Louisville Eagles will give us space for the event. Dave Yeagley and Barb De Jacimo are working on the event.
2. Halloween Fest in Downtown Louisville The event will be held on October 26, 2019 from 5-10 P.M. Kathy Russell is requesting volunteer help from Rotary Members for the evening. This event is sponsored by Unhitched Brewery, Umbrella Alley, 20/20 Louisville, City of Louisville, Nimishillen Historical Society and ArtsinStark.
3. World Polio Day Wine Auction, This will be held on the same night as Meet the Candidate Night. We will show a short video on Rotary's Progress in the fight to eliminate Polio from the world. The president will hold an auction for the wine after the video. All funds are to go to the fight against polio.
4. Purple Bag Project We need to request 18 bags for our club.
5. Rotaplast Donation The Board would like to suggest we use any unspent committee funds for this project. The Farmers Market is the only one using these funds at this time. We are projected to have about $1,000 . We will wait until we are further in the year to release these funds.
6. Warm Coats Barb De Jacimo is well underway with this project. We now have a crowd funding account where people can make direct deposits to our coat fund on the web. Barb has sent out 13 letters requesting funding from donors in our community.
Meeting Adjourned 12:45 P.M.
Bob Hallier, President ( Missing Al Gress, the best
Rotary Club Secretary in Stark County)
Louisville Rotary club
October 2, 2019
Meeting Minutes
The Rotary luncheon meeting was held at the Pegasus Farm Military Family Center in Nimishillen Township. This was a joint meeting with the Rotary Clubs of Plain Township, Lake, Perry and Louisville. Following a pizza & salad lunch, first on the program was a message from Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose. Following that each president of the four clubs spoke briefly about their own club programs. After a welcome and brief message from the Director of the Farm, the meeting adjourned and Rotarians were free to tour the facility and talk with staff personnel.
Louisville had 19 members in attendance and President Bob shared current club projects including the flag program, community grants, the sponsorship of the Constitution activities, the Citizen of the Year and our acceptance of two foreign exchange students. Allen Gress brought copies of the club's history booklet and passed a number out to various persons from the other clubs.
Secretary LaRose discussed a variety of issues his office is charged with. He began with a discussion of his job description which lead into changes he made in the Notary Public program and the state's voting processes. He noted that this year the state has spent $120 million for the newest, up-to-date voting machines that will be used in this upcoming November election. He discussed in detail the security of the state election process and reassured us that hackers could not get into the machinery because the voting machines do not connect with the internet, are kept in a secure room with a locked door with two keys necessary to open one held by a Republican and the other by a Democrat. LaRose, who lives in nearby Hudson and has been in office only since last January, has visited 70-some of the 88 county Board of Election offices and has plans to visit all of them before the year is over.
Pegasus Farm Military Family Center Site Coordinator Missy Howard gave a short presentation of the Military Family Center. Pegasus Farm has been providing therapeutic equestrian activities to veterans since 2007. With financial assistance from donors and foundations, they have served over 150 veterans. They have provided nearly 5,000 hours of services dedicated to helping veterans overcome conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, physical disabilities, traumatic brain injury, substance abuse, depression, and social isolation.
Several years ago the Plain Township Rotary Club became interested in developing ways to serve veterans and their families. The Rotarians met with these groups to identify their needs and formulate potential strategies. They club applied to the Rotary International Foundation and received funding to purchase rehabilitation and exercise equipment to help veterans heal. In 2015, the Plain Township club met with other Rotary clubs and approached Pegasus Farm asking if they would be willing to consider a partnership that would expand our veterans, services to form the Military Family Center (MFC). Walsh University joined this collaboration to offer direct clinical services - physical therapy, occupational therapy, and clinical counseling to veterans, first responders, and their families.
As time went on, other Rotary clubs pitched in and have contributed.
The MFC is open for individuals and families to come develop a better understanding of services provided. Stop by anytime during daytime hours. If you would like to make an appointment for a tour outside of these hours, please call the Military Family Center. The MTF is located at 5495 Meese Road, Louisville. They can be contacted at 330-871-8900.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
October 16, 2019
Meeting minutes
Eighteen members and two guests attended the luncheon meeting with former president Jennifer Anderson presiding. President Bob Hallier was absent on this day. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer, the club pledged the flag and recited the 4�Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler led the singing of God Bless America. Paul White and Grant Emerick were guests.
Happy Dollars
*. Bill Wood threw a couple of bucks in the pot while announcing that two host families have been found for our two exchange students.
*. Barb DeJacimo thanked Jim Edwards for his help with the website for her Warm Coats committee.She announced that there are now 100 students signed up for the WC project.
*. Ken Willett. Shared his fatherly pride in his son who is a freshmen at Malone University. His son is participating on the swimming and track teams.
Club Business
*. Al Gress brought in a copy of the LHS football program that included a full page ad for the club. "I wanted you to see where your money went," he said. Also, he brought a copy of the Herald that had the lead story about our Citizen of the Year. Both items were passed around for all to read.
*. Scooter Israel discussed the placemat for the Pancake Breakfast coming up fast. Two ad spaces are still available for just $100 each.
*. Dave Yeagley reminded everyone there would be NO luncheon meeting next week (Oct. 23) and we are to attend the candidate night at the Eagles Hall beginning at 6:30. Wear your good Rotary shirt!
The Program
Pharmacist-and businessman Paul White reminisced about the first years of his Louisville store that he started in 1988. He was told by an unnamed Louisville official that he would never make it here because he didn't live in the community. Paul lives in North Canton. It took nine months before the store turned a profit and he does not look back. That first store was in a 12,000 square foot building. He later opened a store in Canton (1996), one in New Philadelphia (1994) and another one in Minerva. Paul branched out with the Half Off store and there have been additions since. Today's pharmacy has two drive-up windows. He is contemplating adding durable medical equipment sales or rentals to the Louisville location.
Paul's career began with his graduation from Ohio Northern University in 1966. He has two sons in the business and he prides himself with the use of computers and a robotic filling system. Paul also prides the MedSynic System designed for customers with more than one prescription. The system fills all a person's prescriptions with one stop per month.
Mr. White gave an insight into the problems of the pharmacy industry in today's mail-order retail world.
Up Next:
October 23 - No noon meeting; Candidates Night at the Eagles Hall.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
October 30th, 2019
Meeting minutes
Due to the absence of President Bob Hallier, President-Elect Jared Shive took command of the meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church. Fourteen members with two guests attended the session. Paradise Pastor Dr. David Anderson gave the prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance was offered by the members and Rotary's 4-Way Test was recited. Since our Song Meister was absent members were disappointed there was no song. This was Derick Emerick's third visit to a meeting and he has agreed to help with a program set for the third week of January. The topic will be a surprise.
Happy Dollars
Your secretary seems to have misplaced his meeting notes, so members can read whatever into that confession. The information about the program comes from his memory with help from the Louisville Library website and a phone call to the library director.
The Program
The newly hired library director, Brock J. Hutchinson, attended and gave a brief introduction to the library's community survey called Where is the Louisville Library Going?. The Impact Group, a company from Hudson, is doing the survey. Presenting for the company, Chris DiMauro conducted the program.
The survey asks questions regarding the library's services, its programming and its facilities. Questions include: How do you see the library's future? Should it stay in the same building? Should the library go for another bond issue to build in the downtown Green Space? Buy the old Zwick Building now housing the Board of Education or possibility using the St. Louis Elementary School building? The Library Board has discussed the use of the school building with St. Louis Parish officials who said they have no plans for the school building and would discuss sale of it with the library board.
The text of the discussion included a 15-minute period for questions and answers. Some of the old arguments, perceived mistakes and library decisions were again rehashed. Opinions varied, but the tone of the discussion seemed to be that Rotarians liked the library, were aware of its programming, supported its board and administration, but had no unified opinion about where a new building could be located or how it was to be financed.
Where is Andrew Carnegie when we need him?
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 sharp.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
November 6, 2019
Meeting Minutes
President Bob Hallier was back in the saddle presiding over the luncheon business meeting held at Paradise UCC Church. There were 19 members including five guests present including Theresa Linder, the Rotary District 6650 Assistant Governor. Theresa is a member of the East Canton Rotary Club and was given a copy of the club's history. Also in attendance was Megan McKimm representing the Louisville Soccer Association. LHS sophomore Lucca Bydos attending. She wants to be an out-bound student to Spain for the next year. Both exchange students were also in attendance.
Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test was recited. Songmeister Mark Sigler led the group in a 3-round singing of Row, Row Rotary after which we all sat down with a sigh of relief.
Club Business
*. Glenn Heiller announced we were getting new, improved work trays for the Flag Program. Also, flags go out this afternoon, Thursday (the weather forecast is showers/snow) or Friday. (Weather forecast is freezing cold tempetures).
*. President Bob reviewed the message that Saturday is Pancake Day so its ALL HANDS ON DECK! The first crew is due in at 6:30 a.m. Also, we need workers to stick around for clean-up beginning at 11:30.
*. Jim Edwards introduced Megan McKimm and she talked about supporting the community's soccer program. She was given a complimentary copy of the club's history to place by her bedside. She has also taken a flag route.
* The Prexy asked for a resolution to accept four students for this spring's RYLA program. The motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
*. President Bob then gave all a glimpse of the bottle of wine that will be up for auction. The proceeds will go to the World Polio Fund.
*. Bob then discussed the Purple Bag program and urged support.
*. Next on the agenda was November is Foundation Month and cash/check envelopes were passed out with Bob's urging to chip in and support the fund.
*. Bob brought up for Cynthia Kerchner the annual Christmas party to be held at the NEW Hitching Post Brewery planned for December 11. Is it necessary to announce All Hands on Deck?
*. Denny Valentine spoke to the idea of having one evening meeting a month with a quality speaker saying that would give the club good publicity and draw in those who cannot attend noon meetings. Bob said the idea would be on the Board's next meeting which is in December.
*. Jim Edwards, unusually verbal today, asked for an update list of members, their phone numbers, email address and spouses names. Bob said Jared was working on one.
Happy Dollars
*. Al Gress asked for round of applause for Barb DeJacimo for her courage in challenging two Board of Education incumbent members who were up for re-election. Barb received significantly more votes, winning a seat, that the two others. Applause was enthusiatically given.
*. Barb thanked everyone for their support, then announced there were boxes of coats delivered over night so there is a warm coat handout set for Friday the 15th. Volunteer helpers are needed. Ask Barb what you can do.
Meeting Closing
President Bob, who is also the President of the Library Board, talked a little while about the library's renewal levy defeat in Tuesday's election. "We lost by 103 votes," he noted. But the library board will undoubtedly ask for another vote in the March Primary election. The issue contains about one-one-third of the library's budget. "It took us years to get where we are . . . talk to your friends," he concluded.
The meeting adjourned at 12:55.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
November 13th, 2019
Meeting Minutes
President Bob Hallier presided over the luncheon meeting held in Paradise Church. Eighteen persons attended the meeting including two guests. Jerry & Trudy Jackson were the guests. Mark Sigler gave the opening prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited as was the Rotary Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler led singing of the University of Tennessee fight song or was it their beer drinking song? Anyway Mark, who happens to be a UT graduate, got Rotarians going with Rocky Top Tennessee. Unfortunately, the program scheduled was cancelled so we punted.
Happy Dollars
*. Cynthia Kerchner announced the details are NOT yet finalized, but she is working to hold our annual Christmas party at the Unhitched Brewery. The sticking point is the $750 pledge for the evening's business. "Are we willing to go $20 each in purchases?" She asked and was answered by raising hands. Looks good!
*. Jen Anderson reminded all the Snowflake Auction is coming December 7. Tickets are $60 single, $110 for couples and she has a few left. This annual event is held at Kent State Stark.
The Club's Business
* President Bob passed out more Purple Bags for that project.
* Secretary Gress discussed the 2nd letter from the Nimishillen Grange requesting our support of Scarfapallooza, their project for knitting scarfs for the needy. What to do? Gress said a response is called for, so what does the membership think? President Bob suggested we write them with the invitation to join our Warm Coats project, if not this year, then next year. Our Warm Coats project provides winter coats, gloves and a hat to children from poor families. Could we co-ordinate a joint project? Gress has agreed to write the letter.
*. Barb Dejacimo discussed this year's Grant applicants and the committees response. This year's recipients included:
$1,000 to YMCA
$1,500 to the Veteran's Horse Farm
$1,000 for the Girl Scout's plan for play equipment for Wildwood Park
$500 each to the Louisville School's Care Team, the Chamber of Commerce Light Up Louisville, Umbrella Alley for tables & benches, Louisville Elementary Mentoring program and the Historical Society's paint the front of the Historical Society building.
The motion to accept the recommendation was made by Mark Sigler thanking the team members for their hard and thorough work. Barb also reminded members of the coat pass-out this Friday, 1 to 3 in the afternoon. Meet at the Old Post Office (I can't remember the building's new name.)
* President Bob thanked all who worked the Pancake Breakfast and said we had 476 customers.
The Program
President Bob discussed the December drive for the Paul Harris Fellowship program, a program that dates from 1928. The current twist for this month is a dollar-for-dollar match of donations. A brief video was show regarding the fellowship program.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 o'clock.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
November 20, 2019
Meeting Minutes
Sixteen members and three guests attended the meeting held at Paradise Church and chaired by club President Bob Hallier. Italian pasta was the main menu item. Paradise Pastor Dr. David Anderson opened the meeting with a prayer, the club stood for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. There was no song as Songmeister Mark Sigler was busy taking down the flags posted on and around the football stadium. Megan McKimm attended her second meeting. The other two guests presented the program and will be introduced later.
Happy Dollars
* Proud grandfather Jim Edwards announced that two of his grand-daughters were honored as Students-of-the-Month at last Monday's Board of Education meeting.
* Equally Proud Father Greg Anderson announced that his 12-year-old son was honored at last week's council meeting for saving a classmate's life. The student was choking and Beck ran over and did the Heimlich Maneuver saving the girl. He said he learned the technique by watching it on television. Greg also said he enjoyed helping hand out coats last week at the Warm Coats work session held at the Old Post Office. "It is one of my favorite projects," he said.
* Barb DeJacimo announced that 147 coats and gloves were handed out this year. She thanked everyone who helped saying "This was truly a team project."
Club Business
*. President Bob added to Barb's message by telling us that financial contributions to the Warm Coats project came from Midlake Company, Encino Energy, First Commonwealth Bank, H-P Products, The Eagles and on-line giving.
*. Dave Yeagley announced the date for the Rotary Christmas Party has been changed. It is now Friday, December 18th. Mark your calendars.
The Program
Ron Bensinger, the Director of Business Development for Mercy Hospital, presented an interesting program detailing the history and the recent merger of Mercy with the Cleveland Clinic. Ashley McMillan, Marketing Representative, accompanied him.
"We've been looking for a partner for the last year and a half," Bensinger said. "Cleveland Clinic seemed like natural choice." Mercy Hospital with a long time faith-based Catholic program, will continue with that philosophy. The Catholic Marymount Hospital, based in Cleveland, is now a successful affiliate of the Cleveland Clinic. The partnership, according to Bensinger, gives Canton Area patients expanded services, electronic health record system, more high technology, additional financial support and increases the ease of some services. "We're geared to improving patient health including convenience and value," he added.
Bensinger listed a host of national awards Mercy has received. "We are the only 4-star rated hospital in the four-county area . . . we are one of only 16 hospitals in the U.S. to have won that honor for four straight years," he said. "But paramount is the value of care we give." Mercy is the only area hospital with a heart lab right next to the ER." Mercy also has a dental suite for providing dental services for patients. Mercy has its own rehab center now located on the 4th floor, so patients do not have to be sent to nursing facilities for rehab services.
Bensinger sees a consolidation of health insurance programs. For example, Mercy now accepts patients with AultCare. "At Mercy we like to treat you like you're home," he concluded.
Upcoming Events:
November 27 - No meeting. Happy Thanksgiving
December 1 - Light Up Louisville. 4 - 7
December 3 - Rotary Board meeting at UpTown Joes - noon
December 4 - Business meeting
December 11 - Noon meeting - The Mountain Climber
December 18 - Christmas Party - Unhitched Brewery
December 25 - No meeting for Christmas break
January 1 - No meeting for New Year's Break and party recovery
Ron Bensinger and Ashley McMillan

Louisville Rotary Club
December 4, 2019
Meeting Minutes
With 16 members and 4 guests present at the noon luncheon meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church, club President Bob Hallier presided for the first of the month business meeting. Paradise Pastor Dr. David Anderson gave the opening prayer and members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. No songmeister was present so the club did not sing any Christmas Carols.
Happy Dollars
*. Glenn Heiller told of his high school back in Minnesota that finished the season undefeated and extending the school's win streak to 68 games. The school has now won their Minnesota state championship for the 5th straight year.
*. Ann Davis happily announced that both exchange students were now moved into their second homes successfully.
*. Dave Yeagley is happy the city finally received the chiller for the ice rink and he is looking forward to suffering sore ankles weakened from the lack of ice skating.
*. Bill Wood is happy his wife Vivian is successfully recovering from a heart attack.
*. President Bob is thankful that all his family shared Thanksgiving together. The rest of the members nodded their heads in grateful understanding.
*. Kenny Bob Smith told of how his daughter is invited to a Christmas Party at the White House. Ken, it's all who you know!
Short Program
*. LHS senior Robert Duncan attended the meeting and discussed his thanks for paying for his attendance at the World Affairs for Student Leaders meeting held in Pittsburgh several weeks ago. He told of meeting with 400 students broken into 26 groups to discuss current problems and techniques to resolution. "I got to talk with other students and shared ideas," he said. "and discussed how we can work together. Thanks for allowing me to attend."
Robert was recently honored as the Repository Student of the Month and was honored with the high school cross country team for making state competition.
*. Following Robert, our foreign exchange students, Gabby Urrea and Jermey Taitan , gave a brief talk about their recent weekend trip to Washington, D.C., part of their exchange student planned experiences. "It was incredible," commented Jermey, "a beautiful city; we saw and learned a lot." The Lincoln Memorial was the most impressive for Gabby. The tour was Friday night to late Sunday.
Short Business Session
* The wine bottle auction will be held at the Christmas party with the proceeds going to the Foundation program.
* Purple Bags full of food items were accepted for distribution.
*. Cynthia Kerchner discussed the problem with going to Unhitched Brewery for our Christmas Party and the request for $750 fee or about $20 to $25 per person upfront fee. The group would have a roped off area to meet as a group with a buffet provided. The menu was bar food such as pizza, tacos, and chitlins. There would be a cash bar.
It was decided to take an email vote on how many people would attend and a final decision would be made following the attendance count.
Upcoming Events:
December 11- Exciting meeting
December 18- Christmas Party at a venue to be decided soon
December 25 - Merry Christmas! No meeting of course
January 1 - Happy New Year. Enjoy the football games and no meeting
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

Louisville Rotary Club
December 11, 2019
Meeting Minutes
With 20 Rotarians and one guest filling the seats in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church, club President Bob Hallier presided over the meeting. Guest Cliff Varian volunteered to say the prayer, the club pledged the flag and recited the Four Way Test.
Songmeister Mark Sigler put a new twist into the opening song - members marched around their tables, clockwise, while singing Jingle Bells. Actually, in the end it didn't seem as silly as it sounds. Meghan McKimm attended her 3rd meeting and now eligible to become a full fledged member. She was welcomed by all.
Happy Dollars
Jim Edwards read a heartfelt letter from a flag customer. Her husband passed away near Memorial Day, and when she returned from his hospital bedside, there was her flag waving in the breeze. "Thank you so much," she concluded. "He loved his country's flag."
Jim suggested the club purchase 30 or so ice skates and rent them when the ice skating season is in session. City Manager Larry Collins said the city had looked into the same idea, but their insurance adjuster suggested not to do in due to the liability factor. It was said that Greg Beatty planned to rent ice skates as a part of his downtown sporting business. Cynthia Kerchner suggested as a club we could issue vouchers for those children who cannot afford to rent skates. The final conclusion was to wait and see how this winter skating season goes.
Club Business
President Bob read a thank-you card from Sally Samblanet for our support of the Community Cupboard food pantry.
The President asked the members about holding a raffle for the wine bottle instead of an auction. Everyone agreed with the idea. The raffle will take place during our Christmas party. Funds from sale will go to Rotary National's Polio Plus project.
The Program
The KidWatch program, a mission of Paradise Church, was awarded a $500 Rotary grand for a project called Jammin in Your Jammies. Cliff Varian, the Director, was present to share with the members how the grant money was used. Varian's idea was to have a fun evening activity for parents and their children. The pre-school programs from Louisville Elementary, North Nimishillen and Fairhope United Methodist Church were also invited.
About 150 people jammed into the Fellowship Hall on a Friday night. Many of the staff members also attended. There was a band which played music on the children's level, food, games and a lot of fun, said Varian. The kids, of course, wore PJs, as well as some of the parents. This was an effort to develop activities with the goal of bringing parents and their children together for fun activities. One of their activities was to bring a new pair of pajamas which, taken to the elementary school, would be given to needy children. (The school once in a while has a PJ Day for the kids to wear pajamas to school, but some children do not have pajamas). Thirty pairs were donated by the KidWatch group. KidWatch has 202 children enrolled with 13 staff members. They take 21/2 year-olds and up. Director Varian said he would like to do the project next year.
Coming Events:
December 18 - Christmas Party at Unhitched. No luncheon meeting
December 25 - No meeting. Have a merry Christmas
January 1 - No meeting - Watch football and recover from NY's Eve
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary