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Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2023
This was the integral meeting of the Barb DiJacimo rein for the 2023-’24 Rotary year. Nineteen members attended and shared excitement by singing the Beatles song Here Comes the Sun led by the club Songmeister Mark Sigler. A first “Rotary Moment” was given by Glenn Heiller. He shared his memory of the time he was club president and five new members were initiated at the same time. Happy Dollars * Barb spoke for Cynthia Kerchner who is recovering at home. Her message was “For the Farmers Market everything is set to go! Members should show up at 3:30 to help vendors set up and then set up tables for the Second Friday music. Keep in mind the need for a lane in the middle for the bike parade.” * Treasurer Bob Hallier requested that members who need a cash reimbursement fill out a requisition in advance and attach a bill or receipt. The club’s financial bottom line as of June 30 is $45,759.91. Club Matters School Levy — Since Barb is a member of the School Board, she provided current information from the last public levy meeting including the idea of changing the wording of the levy from an emergency renewal to substitute levy. The school will loose $1.835 million if this 5-year levy fails. The change would not increase the taxes for current property owners and would place new homeowners on the current rate as existing homeowners. There was discussion, too, as to whether the school levy was a political issue or not. The general consensus was the need of school funding is consistent with Rotary’s ideals for the betterment of people, the community and society in general. Please consider volunteering for levy. Committee Volunteers — A form was passed to all members regarding committee membership. Choose the opportunity you prefer to be a part of the club’s commitment to service above self. This is your chance to choose for yourself as those who do not choose any will be assigned. There are 14 different committees. The Clock on Tavern Square. Why has the city not repaired it? Mayor Pat said there has been a contract signed and we are waiting for the company to move on it. Weekly lottery. It was suggested with accompanying discussion of starting a cash drawing each meeting. Members would buy a numbered ticket and it will be selected at the conclusion of the meeting. One-third of the amount will go to the Rotary Foundation, one-third into the club’s kitty and the third third will go to the lucky winner. August 16 cookout at Metzger Park. Two cooks are needed to work the grills. See Barb if you want to show off your skills. Gift for Ms. Creighton. It was decided to get a gift certificate for her speech at the banquet.
Coming Events & Luncheon Menu
July 19 — A local toy maker. Chef Salad, rolls & ice cream
July 26 — East Palestine leader Nathan Perry. Coney, waldorf salad & cupcake
August 2 — Business meeting.
August 9 — Caleb Leatherberry (?)
August 16 — Metzger Park for lunch cookout.
August 23 —TBA
August 30 — Evening social at Anderson’s summer home at Lake Guilford. Directions will be provided. This is a very nice evening. Children welcome.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

Not Sure what happened this week at Rotary

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
July 19, 2023
An abbreviated version of Rotary Minutes will appear on Louisville Herald’s website after each meeting. The Herald’s website’s user name is (small case letters) You will need a login number which is easily obtained from the Herald office between 9 & noon by calling 330-875-5610 and a login number will be emailed to you. President Barb DiJacimo rang the Rotary brass bell opening the noon meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church with 25 persons in attendance including five guests.
Following the usual meeting rituals, Louisville resident Bruce Lautzenheiser, a guest of the day’s program presenter, sang beautifully Alleluia with members joining singing the refrain.
For the Rotary Moment, Denny Valentine told of his assignment as chair of the Student Exchange Program after he had been a Rotarian for just 3 or 4 years. Happy Dollars & Club News * Arden Lingenhoel spoke of the need for seven volunteers for the community’s Legacy program for youth without fathers. * Glenn Heiller announced that 1,377 flags were returned to the barn this week. About 150 need replaced due to the weather, wear or errant flying birds. * Denny Valentine announced the need for a second host family for the upcoming student, exchange student. The tour would be from January through June. * Still on the mend, Cynthia Kerchner sent thanks for all who helped with the Farmers Market and Second Friday activities last week. * Barb said there was a gift card sent to Janet Creighten. * Listen up Rotarians — Roto Ball starts next week. Think excitement!

The Program Glenn introduced the day’s speaker Shorty Weisel, now retired after working 22 years as a heavy equipment operator. For a hobby, Shorty crafts models of the heavy equipment machines. He brought about a dozen models — about half his 22 models — for display. The models are operative, the wheels turn, doors open and golf tees are used for horns. It was soon acknowledged that this man is far more that just a person who makes models. Shorty uses official Caterpillar plans from a book then crafts models in the scale of 1 to 10 in size. He uses oak and walnut for his projects. His favorite tool is router blade. He has eight grandchildren and plans to leave two models for each child. When Shorty was 15, his father bought a bull dozer and took his son on work projects. “Dad spent about 15 minutes showing me how to operate one, then left me with a job,” he said. But showing his models was only half Shorty’s message. “I never knew I could do this,” he said referring to the models. “I was raised in the church and as a young man I took an alter call . . . yes, I used to cuss Jesus, now I praise Him . . . I am a man of faith.” It is apparent to listeners that Shorty is a giving artist, a Christian, with a unique talent.
Coming Attractions & Luncheon Menu
July 26 — East Palestine resident Nathan Petrus. Coney, waldorf salad & cupcake.
August 2 — Business meeting. Menu TBA.
August 9 — Caleb Leatherberry — Eagle Scout grant winner. TBA
August 16 — Metzger Park cook out
August 23 — Tax expert. Menu TBA.
August 30 — A can’t miss evening social at Anderson’s Lake Guilford home.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
July 26, 2023
President Barb DeJacimo called the meeting to order with 23 members that includes four guests present. One of the guests was a future Rotarian — 7-year old Roselyn Shive. Pat Fallot gave the prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance and Rotary Four-Way Test were recited. With appropriate hat and a bat in-hand, Songmeister Mark Sigler, keeping the baseball season in mind, led the group singing of Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Because some Rotarians are interested in such details I have included this nugget of information. The song was written in 1908 by two men who never had attended a professional ballgame. Over the years Take Me Out to the Ball Game has become the unofficial anthem of American baseball.
The Rotary Minute Dave Yeagley told about a meeting during the planning stages of the Metzger Park restroom project back in 2006. Thanks, Dave! Happy Dollars Barb explained the first Roto Ball activity starting today. (Later, it was announced that Don Marshall was the first winner. (His take was $5, somewhat less that this week’s Power Ball jackpot.) Jim Dutter announced his band would be playing this weekend in Canton’s Centennial Plaza. Pat Fallot expressed her relief arriving back home from chaperoning the Constitution queen candidates for their trip to Washington, D.C. Denny Valentine said his sister had her 90th birthday today. (How old does that make you, Denny?) Bill Wood said this weekend would be his 65th wedding anniversary. Eva Roshong announced she needed names of local veterans for use on downtown banners. Joyce Hudnell thanked the club for our continued support of the Constitutional Parade and requested help acting as marshals stationed along the parade route. Their job is keep the parade moving. She said there are plans to divert from the usual parade route due to construction at the Nickel Plate-Main Street intersection. Barb said plans for the first evening meeting will be in late September or early October.

The Program The day’s program presenter, Nathan Petrus, is in charge of a crucial job that may keep him in the center of controversy. Petrus directs the environment study after the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. He works for Eurofin, a French company with headquarters in Luxenboug. The company brings together global, multi-disciplined research capabilities with market-leading product development and technical support services to meet the regulatory needs of business. Petrus’ office is in Barberton. The company was hired by NorfolkSouthern Railroad Company to study the environmental impact after the overturn of tank cars and the spilling and fire during and after the accident. Petras’ group has studied and will continue to study the fallout in the area water table, the air and local land. The rails have already be removed along with about five feet of stone and dirt along the rail footprint. Petras said they have done testing as far away as Pittsburgh and it appears to now be clear. “Most of the town is in good shape,” he said. “We have found some chemicals in the Ohio River. . . We’re going to be in East Palestine for the long term.” Petras took questions from the group and answered them in language we could understand.
Upcoming Events & Meal Menus
August 2 — Business meeting. Baked chicken, potato wedges & fruit
August 9 — Caleb Leathberry, Eagle Scout grant recipient. Fish sandwich, macaroni & cheese, cake
August 10 — The Chamber of Commerce is planning an open house for their new office at the KMG building, 12 -2. RSVP to candice.guthrie@iwgplc
August 16 — Metzger Park lunch cookout.
August 23 — Tax expert ? Ham & Cheese sliders, potato chips, tossed salad & fruit
August 30 — No meeting at Paradise. TBA
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
August 2, 2023
Creating Hope in the World Club President Barb DiJacimo opened the meeting with 17 members attending including Paradise Pastor David Anderson who gave the invocation. Barb led the Pledge of Allegiance, the Four-Way Test and asked to introduce the guests, but there were none. Songmeister Mark Sigler dipped into the music history books for the day’s song — Who Put the Bomp (in the Bomb, Bomb, Bomb)? Those interested in rock music history read on, others move to Rotary Moment or Happy Dollars. The song was recorded in 1995 by a 5-man punk rock group billed Me First and the Gimme Gimmes later shortened to The Gimmes. The Gimmes worked exclusively as a cover band. They specialized in rapid-fire punk interpretations of a wide range of songs, often with a humorous edge.
Rotary Moment Jared Shive shared the story of his first meeting. Greg Anderson had asked him to speak about his new job with StarkParks. “I had only lived in Louisville about 3 or 4 months . . . I was just married. Greg & I met at Floyd’s Restaurant (now Scratch) and I set my project up and used the back of a beer poster as the screen. It was the beginning of a new adventure for me.” Happy Dollars * Brock Hutchison discussed “parade opportunities for help with the Constitution Parade. Volunteer parade marshals are needed. * Mark Sigler proudly announced that his son left on a volunteer service mission to Guatamala accompanied by their 16-year-old son who was born in Guatamoala. Question of the day — What is the most populous city in Central America? (Read on to find the correct answer). * Cynthia Kerchner thanked members who help with the Farmers Market and reminded all that next Friday is the next market. Get those signs out! Robo Ball Brock Hutchison was the big winner with the Robo Ball pot. He won $5. Hey, can members put more money in and get more tickets for the draw? We may have some big-time gamblers eager to buy 3 or 4 tickets. The Business Meeting Agenda With Important News * Barb discussed getting all Rotarians to create a Rotary account called My Rotary. Brock volunteered to help anyone who needs assistance downloading the ap. * Barb also announced that the Minerva Club is celebrating its 100th anniversary with a dinner. We are welcomed to attend. Cost is $50 and an RSVP is required. * Barb discussed the committee assignments and announced who’s in what committee. If you are not on a committee, please contact Barb. Someone to monitor social media is needed “to tell our story”. *
A reminder: The August 16 meeting is a cookout at Metzger Park — noon — the club will provide hamburgs & hot dogs and water. This is a covered dish and family members are welcome. I will provide ketchup and a small jar of the yellow stuff. * Evening meeting. A committee is working for one late in September. Stayed tuned for more information. When the date is solidified, each Rotarian should invite at least one potential member to come. The possibility of a morning meeting is also on the table for discussion. Should we drop the monthly business meeting and go to a business meeting quarterly? More discussion coming. * New member mentors. Five members volunteer to mentor new members. *
Our foreign exchange student Helene arrives at CAK Saturday at 8:17. Join the welcoming group. * Denny Valentine was given approval to spent $250 on a new 8 X 3 foot club banner to be used in the parade and other events.
Upcoming Events and Luncheon Menus
August 9 — Caleb Letaherberry, Eagle Scout grant recipient — Fish sandwich, mac & cheese, cake
August 11 — Second Friday and Farmers Market in beautiful downtown Louisville.
August 16 — Metzger Park cookout with family and friends.
August 23 — Tax Expert — Ham & cheese sliders, chips, tossed salad and fruit
August 30 — An evening social at the Anderson’s Guilford Lake. Directions will be provided later. This is a special evening for families. Don’t miss it! Guatemala City is the largest city in Central America.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2023
It was good to be outside. This meeting was held in the picnic shelter of Metzger Park. Families came and it was special to see and hear children, the young adults and seniors, about 40 persons in all, enjoy choices of three meats, baked beans, salads galore and an entire picnic table full of homemade desserts. The day was bubbling with fellowship and good will. Thanks to Glenn Heiller and Jim Dutter for cooking the hot dogs and hamburgers. Special guests included District 6650 Governor Richard Tirpak, Minerva Mayor Tim & Nancy Tarbet from the Minerva Rotary Club, Helene Becker our exchange student from Germany, and Helene’s two host sisters Abby & Emily. Eva Roshong gave the opening prayer with special emphasis on the Hawaii fire disaster and President Barb DiJacimo led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. As we stood, hands over hearts, looking south across the freshly mowed greenery, the red, white & blue banner, taped to a support post, members could not help but feel a sense of pride in being in America, our home. That moment was topped off when Songmeister Mark Sigler led us in singing God Bless America. After the Meal * After eating, Barb welcomed all and introduced guests. * Helene gave Barb the traditional mini German club flag, a gift from the Rotary club that sponsored her American experience. * Tim & Nancy Tarbet, invited our members to attend Minerva’s 100th anniversary dinner held at the Great Trail Gulf Course September 9th. *

Brock Hutchison, the Director of the Louisville Public Library, shared with those in attendance two large color renderings and an arial photograph for the proposed new library to be built at Metzger Park. The new library will not require any new tax money Hutchison explained. “We have worked with the city on such things as parking, water and sewer lines” he said. The Director is excited about the closeness of the high and middle schools, the YMCA and the park to the new library. Brock said the current library has racked up over 23,000 visits during the first six months of this year. “Our new facility will allow the loaning of recreational equipment such as bike rentals, disc golf and pickle ball equipment,” Hutchison said. *

District Governor Tirpak said he plans to make a visit to each of the District 6650 clubs this year. Louisville is his first of such meetings. “My job is to say thank you for being Rotarians,” he said. “Will you support the Rotary International Foundation? Only 70% of the clubs do and only 37% of members contribute to the Foundation. My goal is for every Rotarian give to the Foundation and to get two new members each year.” Only 12% of District members donate to the Foundation’s Polio Plus project.

Coming Events & Luncheon Menus
August 23 — A tax expert. Ham & cheese sliders, potato chips, tossed salad and fruit.
August 30 — Evening social at Anderson’s Guilford Lake. Directions will be forthcoming.
September 9 — Minerva Rotary’s 100th anniversary dinner.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

Louisville Rotary Club

Meeting Minutes
August 23, 2023
President Barb DiJacimo called the meeting to order with 19 members in attendance. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the opening prayer, Barb led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Jerry Dunbar was the winner of Robo Pot and pocketed $5. Songmeister Mark Sigler led the singing of the 1966 Beatles song Taxman, the lyrics a protest of the high level of progressive income tax which saw the song group taxed at 90% of their income. This was the first political song the Beatles did. Happy Dollars * Glenn Heiller pitched and paid the $5 fine for Jim Edward’s cell phone going off during last week’s program. (Edwards is the first victim of the club’s penalty for not turning off cell phones during the meeting. Don’t be the second.) *
Amy Simpkin thanked the club for its financial support of the sideway between the library and the middle school and the YMCA. “The sidewalk seems to bring the community together,” she said. “Thank-you.” *
Bill Wood reported that our exchange student Helene had a good start to her school experience. Also, the District had a weekend retreat with all eight of the Districts exchange students for a get together.
The Rotary Moment Cynthia Kerchner told of her invitation and induction into the Louisville Rotary Club back in 1986. Jim Edwards invited her to join as RI was encouraging clubs to include women. She became the first woman to break the Lousville club’s “glass ceiling”. Today, Cynthia is one of the longest club members. “They settled and put up with me,” she reminisced, “I’m happy to be a Rotarian.” And thanks to Jim.
Club Business * Barb thanked Glenn, Jimba, Cynthia and Randy for last week’s cookout help. * Our sidewalk project for the YMCA and middle school has been completed and the sign will be ordered soon. * The September 6 meeting will be a joint meeting with Plain Township at Chateau Michele. Reservations are needed so RSVP to Glenn.

The Program Louisville resident Tom Davis spoke of his participation in the nationwide AARP Tax Preparing Program through the AARP Foundation. Davis is the District Coordinator including the local program held at Paradise Church. “We’ve been here for the last 10-15 years,” he said. “But this program has been an AARP offering for about 50 years with exception of the COVID years.” Originally, this was a program for senior citizens, but now generally no one is turned away. We’ve done 880 returns this year or about 10% of Ohio’s count of 16,000 returns. Davis said their approach is face-to-face but they do not do business returns. Each site is open at least one day each week, but some are open two days. Training classes that begin February 1 are offered to interested volunteers. Volunteers are must pass a certification test. Returns are submitted on line. Volunteers work 4 to 5 hours a day. Davis reminded members that the IRS does not call persons or email them, but scammers do. Be careful!
Coming Events ANDERSON’S GUILFORD LAKE HOUSE (Plan A) The second you see the lake SLOW DOWN and take a left on Wooddale Drive Drive past our house (32358 Wooddale). Take a left onto Wooddale Road. Park on the grass on the LEFT side of the road.
Pix of Tom Davis

Tom Davis.jpg

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
August 30, 2023
We met at Greg Anderson's cottage at Guilford Lake. Great time, thank you Greg. Impressive new improvements to the cottage made for a fun time for all. It was a little cold but the drizzle held off til the end.


Louisville Rotary
Club Meeting Minutes
Sept. 6th, 2023


In lieu of our regular Wednesday gathering at Paradise church, the Louisville Rotary accepted a kind invitation to join the Plain Township Rotary weekly meeting at 11;45 Chateau Michele . Eight Roatrians and one guest from Louisville attended the catered lunch consisting of salad, cooked carrots, au gratin potatoes, ham and fish, followed by  vanilla ice cream for dessert. 


Plain President, Jami Elsworth, began the meeting with a prayer. We recited the 4 Way Test and pledge, and Jamie welcomed each of us by name. Happy Dollars were given for a Plain Township member’s wife who had recently completed chemotherapy and received a clean bill of health. Another member contributed $5 because he appeared in the paper–this seems to be a tradition of the club. Eva Roshong invited everyone to join us in downtown Louisville for Market Days and Second Friday. Jami then introduced the speakers, David and Jan Roasa, rotarians from Grove City, Ohio.


David is the Zone 30 Director for  Disaster Aid-USA and is on their board of directors. He started volunteering for DA-USA in 2017. His wife, Jan, joined in volunteering in 2018, and she has been on 7 disaster deployments. This is an all-volunteer organization, started by and run rotarians. Although they do not receive funds directly from RI, they have applied for and received grants. DA-USA is a “second” responders that comes into communities to help them clean up after disastrous events such as floods and tornadoes have caused a path of destruction. Grove City houses the 1 trailer full of relief supplies and equipment that is housed in Zone 30 which stretches from Ohio to Alabama. There are a total of 24+ trailers across the USA–many of them housed in Florida which has become accustomed to responding to numerous disasters. 


David and Jan shared pictures of damage and debris from the tornado and flooding in Kentucky and West Virginia last year. Much of their volunteering consists of cleaning away debris and sorting it into personal items, household items (like cabinetry and drywall), and natural debris (tree branches etc), so that FEMA will cart them away. Much of what they do is “mucking and gutting”--removing mud and emptying homes to get them ready for construction and repair. 


David and Jan asked for people to share their contact information if they would like to volunteer–and to no one in our club’s surprise–Jim Edwards obliged. They informed us that donations can be made through their website. 100% of the donations go to helping. Donors can even pick which community disaster they would like their funds to help, and if there is leftover, DA-USA contacts the local rotary club to find out what else is needed. For example, there was about $2000 leftover from their trip to Kentucky last year and the rotary club was able to purchase space heaters for several people. David and Jan invited anyone who wanted to check out the DA_USA trailer and its contents after the meeting adjourned.
Respectfullly Submitted, Barb D.

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2023
Creating Hope in the World The noon luncheon meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church attended by 21 members and three guests.
President Barb DiJacimo called the meeting to order and the Prayer was given by Paradise Pastor David Anderson. Barb led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test.
Songmeister Sigler led the singing of Jimmy Buffett’s song Come Monday. (It’ll be alright . . . ) And it was!
Guests included our exchange student Helene Becker and another exchange student from Louisville Mino Schmidt. Both are from Germany.
Happy Dollars and Club News * Jim Edwards, full of excitement, reminded members that the Browns won big last week. * Cynthia Kerchner thanked all who helped with the Farmers Market & the Second Fridays. She said there may be German food for the next Second Friday celebrating Okterberfest. She is looking for polka dancers. * Pastor David invited members to his book signing October 1st at Varian Orchard. * Barb announced with a parent’s pride that her daughter Bridget, a student at Ohio State University, tried out for the volleyball team along with about 300 others, and was selected as a team member. * Barb introduced Mary Smith who has applied for membership. She also thanked Greg and Jennifer Anderson for hosting a wonderful cookout party at their Guilford Lake summer home last week. * Next week will be the Constitution Week dinner for our meeting. Members who wish to attend must RSVP today. * There will be school levy meetings Sept. 21, Oct. 5 & Nov. 2 at the Middle School. County Auditor Alan Harold will be there for questions. *
Randy Starr passed out a description of our meeting with the Plain Township Service Director who showed us the new amphitheater recently completed at the shopping mall on Easton Street. Their outdoor theatre was built at a cost of $3.65 million. *
A park trail clean-up and milkweed planting is planned for Saturday 10 in the morning Sept. 30. Meet at Greg Anderson’s home in Park Village. *
Sept. 15 was Kindness Day and to celebrate it our club hosted about 25 LMS students at the flag barn. Glenn, Randy, Mark and Barb met at 12:15. The students arrived about 12:30 and needed to walk back to school no later than 1:25. We taught them about the Four-Way Test and our flag program. Barb ordered coins with the Four-Way Test engraved on them and challenged them to keep the coins and follow the principals of the Four-Way Test for a Week. * Community grants accepted as of Sept. 15
A Rotary Minute Allen Gress gave his favorite Rotary Minute remembering when he & Gail moved here in 1999. Their grandchildren were visiting and the grandparents took them to Rainbow Park. “I was sitting on a picnic bench watching the kids play when a stranger joined us for conversation. His name was KennyBob Smith and he invited me to attend a meeting of the Louisville Rotary Club. I did attend several; Jim Edwards was the President then and I enjoyed the camaraderie. As I got to know everyone, I decided I wanted to be a member. That was over 23 years ago.

The Program Louisville resident Luke Shepard shared with members his experience as a 2017-18 Rotary Exchange Student with Belgium his host country. He had been studying German and knew that Belgium was a tri-lingual country where French, Dutch & German were spoken. He requested to be placed in a German-speaking home, but found himself with a French-speaking family. In the end, he learned a third language. He traveled around the city by bicycle. One of his fond memories was the price of a case of beer — $3.98. Bet he had a great time.
Coming Events Sept. 17 — Community Choir Concert — 3:00 pm Paradise Church
Sept. 18 — Mayor’s Breakfast@ Christ Church — Judge Frank Forchione. Commemoration 1:00 pm at the Middle School — Judge Taryn Heath speaker
Sept. 20 — Constitution Community Banquet, Paradise Church
Sept. 24 — Constitution Week Grand Parade 2 pm
Sept. 27 — Breakfast meeting, 7:30 at the Eagles — Dave Fisher
Sept. 30 — Park walk clean-up and milkweed planting. 10 am, Meet at Greg Anderson’s home
Oct. 4 — Business meeting
Oct. 18 — Evening meeting 5:30 at Unhitched. Invite a friend & RSVP
Submitted by:  Allen Gress, Secretary

Below is a pix of the 8th gradeers that helped build flags as a service project.

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Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2023
We met for a morning meeting at the Louisville Eagles. The purpose was to make it easier for working members to attend. 

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2023

We filled 3 tables at the 6 o'clock Louisville Constitution banquet

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2023
Feeling the need to reach persons who might be interested in Rotary but cannot attend a noon luncheon meeting, the club tried a 7:30 am meeting held at the Louisville Eagles Aerie. The business meeting was attended by twenty-two members including two guests and enjoyed the variety of food in a self-serve style. Eva and Jared brought people who might be interested. Eagles President David Fischer hosted the breakfast and spent time sharing what the Eagles Club has accomplished. Following the usual Rotary rituals, Songmeister Mark Sigler led the singing of The Grand Old Flag. There was no lottery today. Eva Roshong, a club member since 2010, gave her Rotary Moment relating how she became interested in serving others that led to doing a Meals on Wheels tour for 7 years. She also served as a delegate in Rotary conferences around Ohio and the USA.

Happy Dollars & Discussion Items * Lisa Lingenhoel thanked Randy Starr for pushing the parade cart and shared how she enjoyed passing out candy to the children along the parade route. *

Bill Wood shared his enjoyment of driving a convertible in the parade carrying the two exchange students. *

Barb DiJacimo thanked all who participated in Sunday’s parade. “I knew everyone who would take care of the details.” She also discussed the Purple Pinkie Day, a district fund raiser for Polio Plus. A $20 donation for a box of 12 purple pinkie donuts will result in a donation to end polio now. Each person received an order form due by Oct. 11 in keeping with World Polio Day Oct. 24. For more information visit ENDPOLIONOW.ORG *

Mark Sigler spoke about supporting the Louisville School levy with emphasis that this is a renewal and will NOT increase property taxes. There will be an open meeting 6:30 at North Nimishillen School Oct 5. *

The club is accepting community grant applications with an Oct. 10 deadline. Encourage applications. *

Warm coats update — Distribution is set for 2 to 6 pm Oct. 27 at the YMCA. *

Should we support a shelter box for Morocco? More on this idea later.


The Program:  David Fischer, President of the Louisville Eagles, discussed what it means to be an Eagle. Community involvement is a cornerstone for the Eagles with social programming and activities for members to make a difference in the lives of others. The club dates from 1898 with national headquarters in Grove City Ohio. The Eagles, founded by six Seattle, Washington theatre owners, gives back 100% of money raised by members. There are over 3,000 Eagles Aeries across the U.S. and Canada. Throughout history, the Eagles have had seven U.S. Presidents as members. One of their significant achievements was in 1904 when they made the first plea for a national Mother’s Day and since have upheld Mother’s Day honoring women and their contributions. Their club motto is People Helping People. For more information go online at (The Louisville Eagles donated $10,000 15 years ago for our Metzger Park bathroom project and have given numerous $500 gifts for the Rotary Warm Coats project).


Coming Events Sept. 30 — Trail cleaning & milkweed planting - 10 a.m. at Greg’s house.

Oct. 4 — Business meeting

Oct. 11 — TBA

Oct. 18 — Evening meeting 5: 30 @ Unhitched lunchroom. Megan Demos will be speaking. Bring a friend.


Following our Sept. 27 meeting, the Rotary 100th year anniversary committee met. Below are the edited minutes of that meeting prepared by Randy Starr. Details of that meeting The two subjects of the day were the possibility of an amphitheater and the 100 Year Anniversary Dinner scheduled for Sept. 27, 2025 - two years from now. After much discussion, it was unanimously decided to pursue finishing the amphitheater at Metzger Park. Mark Sigler will contact Architect Joe Caplea to schedule a walkabout at Metzger Park to discuss what's needed to be done to complete the project & to obtain a quote for Joe's company to prepare architectural renderings for the project. Interim City Manager Andy Turowski will alert Louisville City Council that our club is willing to take the amphitheater project on as a 100 Year Anniversary Project. Once we meet with Joe Caplea & have verification that Louisville City Council is good with the project, I will set up a trip/ tour of the Jackson amphitheater. Our Rotary 100th Anniversary Dinner, Sept. 27, 2025 and selecting/ securing a venue & a keynote speaker are two priorities. The 3 venues in the Louisville area that are under consideration for our 100 Year Anniversary Dinner are: 1. Barley Center: On Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 9:00 AM we will be meeting at the Barley Center on Easton Street to review the facility & ask questions. If you would like to join us, that would be great. 2. Brookside Farms: I spoke to Joe at Brookside Farms. He stated that the months of September/October are always booked with weddings, and he can’t help us. 3. Waters Edge: I have left two messages for Waters Edge. When I have a confirmed date/ time to go there & review the facility, Randy will communicate this information to our committee. We discussed the selection of a keynote speaker and Stephanie Urchick, who lives in Ohio, and is the Rotary International President, is our first choice for ther keynote speaker. I am reaching out to to see if she would speak at our dinner. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me.

Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary

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