Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St.., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375
July 6th - We did not meet due to the holiday short week.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
July 13, 2022
The message of the song Imagine is the 2023 theme for Rotary International and is this year’s theme for the Louisville Rotary Club. This first meeting for President Eva Roshong opened with the recorded song played over Paradise Church’s PA system. Some members, led by Songmeister Mark Sigler, sang along. The lyrics, written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, encourage listeners to imagine a world of peace without materialism, without borders separating nations and other peaceful concepts. Imagine was the theme song for the opening ceremony of the 2022 winter olympics.
With this powerful message behind, the meeting was continued by the 18 members present with the Pledge of Allegiance, a prayer of thanksgiving and a recital of the Rotary Four-Way Test.
Happy Dollars
* Jim Dutter thanked Rotarians who helped with last week’s Second Friday celebration, but asked for more assistance with the closing take-down at 10 o’clock. With Glenn Heiller’s contribution, it was suggested we really need three groups of help; opening set-up at 3, Farmers Market wrap at 8, and closing clean-up for the Second Friday activities at 10.
* Cynthia Kerchner also thanked members for the help with the Farmers Market. She told the story of a LHS Class of 1982 reunion that met in Umbrella Alley. “They were very impressed with everything going on and all the action downtown,” she said. “And we had nine food vendors.”
Club Business
Eva’s message began, referring to Imagine, that whomever wants to join Rotary will be accepted. “We respect one another.” Next was a thank-you for board members and thank-you for helping her attend the Rotary International convention in Houston, Texas a couple of weeks ago. “One new thing I learned is that we need a safety policy for our exchange students.”
Other items:
# Complimented Greg Anderson for his selection as 2022 Rotarian of the Year.
# Announced that District Governor Michelle Charles will visit our meeting August 10.
# Discussed and answered questions about the new year’s budget and said the budget would be voted on at our August 2nd board meeting.
# Passed out a list of committee membership and announced committee leaders. “Each committee should have at least 3 members,” she said. “Each, with one exception, has $200 to spend. Committee Chairs include Jim Edwards, Cynthia Kerchner, Brock Hutchinson, Jennifer Anderson, Andy Turowski and Jared Shive. Committee membership members are listed on the My Rotary website.
# Justin discussed the treasurers report.
# The no-shows for our year end banquet was discussed.
# Looking for a Constitution Parade Chairperson.
# Eva offered special thanks to the KMG Center officials for allowing us to use their facilities for the banquet.
Upcoming Events
July 20th — Legacy of Honor — Danielle Riggs
July 27th — Adam Zorn — Nature Center
August 2nd — Board Meeting at library meeting room
August 3rd — Business meeting
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2022promptly
With club President Eva Roshong at the helm, the meeting got underway in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church promptly at 12 noon with 20 members and four guests present. Eva gave the prayer, the members pledged the flag and recited the Rotary Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler led the group singing God Bless America. Guests included John Cespedes, Becca Norman, Dan Riggs and Russ Riggs.
Happy Dollars
* Bob Hallier, who just returned to attend meetings from a lengthy recovery following intensive surgery, said “I’m happy to be back!” Members gave Bob a standing ovation amid cheers “We’re glad your back, too!”
* Joanie Aljancic is thankful her niece recently received a good health report.
* Glenn Heiller thanked Joanie for frequently watering the recently planted Rotary-sponsored tree in Aljancic Park. The tree is in honor of former Rotarian KennyBob Smith.
* Eva reminded members that their committees should meet at least once each month.
Other Business
Library Director Brock Hutchison and Louisville City Manager Tom Pukys gave a brief report on the progress of a possible new library facility. According to them, city council recently gave approval for the library board to study the possibility of building a library building in Metzger Park. The proposal would have the building facing Nickel Plate Avenue and would be accessed by a new driveway that will be constructed by the city to reach additional ball fields that are also in the city’s future plans. The proposed library would share parking space with the additional recreational areas. “Is this (project) something the community would like?” Hutchison asked.
The Rotary members said they can see the club supporting a community meeting to discuss the idea.
The Program
The father-son team of Dan and Russ Riggs, founders of the Legacy of Honor, discussed their program designed to help veterans, first responders and their families. With an office located at 229 E. Main St. in Louisville, the organization’s motto is Serving those who served us. “We will stand with them when they need our help,” said Dan. “We are a private organization based on faith.” Some example of their help is assisting with the red tape through local, state or federal agencies. Assistance in filling out forms is available and maybe transportation is needed.
They are a 501c3 charitable organization. October 1st is the date for their 2nd annual Legacy of Honor Day at MAPS Air Museum meeting at 5:30. Reservations can be made starting in August on-line at www.honorthelegacy.org .
Dan, an LHS graduate, and Ross, a former Louisville Police Chief, put together the Legacy program following Dan’s injury while serving as an Army Ranger. Both father and son have long histories of service to their community and our people. Since getting off the ground in 2021, they have now served 56 families. Their next group project is a family fun day set for October 1 at a site to-be-determined.
Ross said in their website that after 46 years and 5 months (and 2 retirements!) since beginning my first job in public safety and law enforcement which also included 12 years in a security flight in the US Air Force Reserve, I have stepped away from working directly in law enforcement and private security to help an organization whose sole mission is to serve those who have served us. Legacy of Honor, where I am now assisting as vice president and board chairman, provides services and help to veterans of the U.S. military, first responders and public safety retirees and their families. If you're interested in helping out either financially or by providing your skills or needed materials, contact me rriggs@honorthelegacy.org! Their phone number is 330-871-4692.
Legacy of Honor is a 2022 Rotary grant recipient.
Upcoming Programs
July 27 — Adam Born - Huston Brumbaugh Nature Center
August 2 — Board meeting - noon
August 3 — Regular monthly business meeting
August 10 — Michelle Charles the 2022-23 6650 District Governor
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Danial & Ross Riggs
July 27th, the speaker was Adam Born from the Huston / Brumbaugh Nature Center, apparently, no minutes were taken.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
August 3, 2022
With 18 members present, no guests, President Eva Roshong presided over the monthly business meeting with a full agenda. Paradise Pastor David Anderson, back from a month-long sabbatical, opened the meeting with an inspirational prayer. Eva led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler led a musical group birthday card for Pastor David’s birthday. His age has not been mentioned.
First on the agenda was the Rotarian of the Year presentation to Greg Anderson by Glenn Heiller. Greg was unable to attend the yearly banquet the end of May. Glenn read an impressive list of Greg’s Rotary activities including Induction Chairperson, Chair of the Nickel Plate Trail Clean-up, Chair for Citizen of the Year, Chair for the Rotary Grant program, member of the Warm Coats project and others. Greg is a Paul Harris Fellow. Following a round of applause, he said “There are so many worthy people in our club . . . it’s a pleasure working with my fellow members and giving back to our community together.”
The next agenda item was a discussion and approval of the 2022-23 club budget. According to Eva there were only three additions or corrections to the budget package. Polio Plus was re-introduced to the budget for $1,000, Cynthia Kerchner’s committee funding was raised from $800 to $1,000, and Umbrella Alley’s $1,000 were added. There will be no outbound student this year. The proposed budget, recommended by the Board of Directors, was voted on and passed with a unanimous vote.
Cynthia Kerchner asked members with Farmers Market signs to place them out on the Sunday/Monday prior to the scheduled event. She announced that there are now 12 food vendors for this August event whereas there we eight last month. “We need help closing the Second Friday at 10,” she said. “And pray for good weather,” added Jim Dutter.
Discussion was held regarding placing a Rotary sign in the high school cafetorium along the Hall of Achievement wall. Our club has paid for the plaques for many years and it is thought the club should get some recognition for their support. Barb DiJacimo will check on the school’s position for the plaque.
Eva discussed the new District Governor’s wishes. One item on the wish list was for each District club to gain 100% participation in the Rotary Foundation. Another wish is for each club to give $1,000 to Polio Plus. Another of her hopes was for each club to have a Pennies for Polio fund raiser and each club to donate to a Night for Ukraine fundraiser slated for early November.
The club will be unable to have our August 17 meeting in the church due to a scheduling conflict. Where to meet was discussed and it was finally decided to have a noon luncheon picnic in the pavilion at Metzger Park. We will provide hamburgs & hot dogs, buns. Each member should bring a side dish such as potato chips or a dessert. Bring your own beverage.
Jim Edwards suggested the club find a new large project for the community.
The meeting adjourned at 1:00.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2022
Aided by members singing and the jaunting lyrics of the Beach Boys 1964 song I Get Around, Songmeister Mark Sigler introduced Michelle Charles, this year’s Rotary District 6650 District Governor. Governor Charles has made it her pledge to visited all 45 of district 6650 clubs. Today is her 18th visitation. Mark chose the Beach Boys song to highlight Charles’ “getting around” to the various Rotary groups. Governor-Elect Rich Tupic quipped, “There are two types of persons who like the Beach boys — those too young to know the lyrics and those too old to remember them.”
Club Business & Happy Dollars
* Joanie Aljancic was first with a buck as she congratulated Randy Starr for his 3 gold medals in Senior Olympic competition. In Columbus, Randy picked up a gold for tennis in singles competition. Earlier this summer he won 2 golds for singles & doubles competition in West Virginia. This summer’s winnings now give Randy 12 golds. A side note: In 1976, Randy was captain of LHS’s first tennis team.
* President Eva Roshong announced that next week we will gather for our noon meeting at Metzger Park for a Picnic in the Park. Hamburgers & hot dogs provided. There was a sign-up sheet for sides. Bring your own beverage.
* Cynthia Kerchner gave a pitch for volunteer workers for this week’s Second Friday/Farmers Market. “Wear your Rotary shirts,” she said. “The band Shouts Out is supposed to be very good — they play between 8 & 10.”
* Greg Anderson made a request for members to support the RI Foundation. “Every donation counts toward a Paul Harris Fellowship,” he reminded members.
* Garry Tausch announced his pledge to the Principal of Northwest High School, Louisville’s football opponent September 2, an away game. The challenge, called the Red Zone Challenge, is competition between both schools to raise money for America’s Homeless Veterans. More information will be forthcoming.
The Program
Secretary’s note: I was privileged that Michelle shared the written copy of her message with me. I copied it edited it to fit our space.
“I am excited to be here today,” she said. “The road to become District Governor is a long one and I have been anticipating my club visits for many months. Every former district governor says that was their favorite part of the job. It is so wonderful to be able to meet the members of our district.
This year, we are celebrating the first female Rotary International President. The Rotary Board set a goal to be at 30% female membership worldwide by the end of 2023. Globally, female membership is 25%. In Zone 30/31 it is 31%. In District 6650 it is 33%. This year, as we “Imagine Rotary”, Rotary International will turn 118 years old. Few organizations or institutions can say that they have been around for over a century, but our commitment to “Service Above Self” sets us apart as we focus on local and global projects centered around promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies and supporting the environment.
The logo for this year’s theme was created by an Australian artist and graphic designer. The circle signifies our connections to one another. The dots around it represent people and there are seven because of Rotary's areas of focus. The circle and the dots together become a navigation star – our guiding light. The solid line underneath is what is referred to as a digging stick and it is used when doing hard work. And since Rotary members are people of action – it represents a tool for getting things done. There are several ways to interpret the colors: Purple stands for polio eradication, green the environment, the newest addition to our areas of focus, is white for peace, our core mission. Together, they are the colors of the women’s movement. There is a subtle nod to the history of the Suffragette movement as Jennifer becomes the first female RI president.
Jennifer Jones said “Imagine a world that deserves our best, where we can get up each day knowing that we can make a difference”. To me, that captures my vision for the Rotary year. It opens up so many possibilities. It gives clubs the ability to chart their own course and imagine what you can do for your members, your community, and the world. We have all taken our own path to become a member of Rotary. Some of you may have joined because your father was a Rotarian. Others because an employer asked us to. Yet we all entered one way - through an invitation. And each one of us has the same opportunity - to extend an invitation to someone else. I joined Rotary in 2011 because I needed to network. I was new to my job and to Canton so I figured this would be the best place to do it. My reason for staying, however, was different. I loved the people, but I also really loved the impact that Rotary has in each community and the entire world.
It wasn’t until I was a President-Elect and attended training in Columbus that I truly grasped what it was like to be a part of an international organization. Attending the international conference in Toronto and again in Houston, is an experience like none other. Meeting like-minded people from all over the world is truly special and really gives you the perspective of the global impact that our organization has. That’s the power of Rotary.
For those clubs that have lost members, I would suggest looking at the Club Health Check that can be found on the Rotary International website. Using that tool can really help clubs focus on areas that matter specifically to their club.
Rotary has an important role to play to ensure that the club environment and experience is welcoming, inclusive, and enjoyable for all of its members. Surveys show that comfort and care is the single biggest driver of satisfaction and our most powerful tool for retention. We need to stop the revolving door of membership. So many of our new members leave within the first two years because they are not happy with their club. It is critical that we listen and understand what each member wants and needs. Jennifer Jones is suggesting “entrance interviews” to better understand the needs and expectations of new members at the outset and to regularly survey all existing members to make sure they have an opportunity to share thoughts about their membership experience. Engage new members as soon as they join. We need to listen to new member’s ideas just as closely as those with many years of membership. Rotarians need to feel they’re in a club that is relevant and filling their needs. etaining members.
But making an experience where people feel included is more than just making our membership more diverse. It’s about making our meetings and events places where people can speak openly and honestly with each other.
The Rotary Action Plan has four areas:
Increase our Impact
Expand our reach
Enhance participant engagement
Increase our ability to adapt
This year, youth exchange is back! After several years of no youth exchange, it is great that we are sending some of our students abroad and welcoming students to our district. We have 7 clubs hosting 8 inbound students this year and 7 clubs sponsored students to go abroad.
We also are bringing back RYLA. You will be receiving information from the committee with information on how you can send a local 11th. grader to this wonderful leadership program.
Finally, we will have a four-way speech contest. I was so impressed with the quality of the 14 students at the district competition last year and I am hoping to see at least half of the clubs participate this year.
I am asking every club to strive towards 100% participation in giving to the Rotary Foundation. My District Goal for the year is $200,000 to the annual fund. With this money, we have supported numerous projects worldwide including projects in India, Vietnam, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Singapore, and Africa. Locally, our Clubs have sponsored 128 projects to make a difference in our communities through our Local District Grants.
Our big event this year will take place on Nov 5. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to support Ukraine relief, but I would love to see us get to $250,000. Former RI President Barry Rassin will be in attendance. I am asking each club to contribute/raise a minimum of $2,500. In addition, for every club that raises or contributes at least $2,500, you will receive a Paul Harris Fellow to give out to a member in your Club. The event will be in Canton and is called “A Night for Ukraine”. The committee is hard at work lining up Ukrainian entertainment and food, great auction items and more. We have an amazing menu and three types of Ukrainian entertainment. I hope that you will support this event not only through sponsorships but also through attending.
In conclusion, please remember that I am here to support you. Please invite me to your events and fundraisers.
Imagine a world that deserves our best, where we can get up each day knowing that we can make a difference. Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe in our communities and in ourselves.
Although we all have dreams, acting on them is a choice we make. When an organization like Rotary dreams about big things like ending polio and creating peace, it becomes our responsibility to make them happen. Don’t imagine yesterday - imagine tomorrow.
Imagine what Rotary can do for you.
Imagine what you can do for your membership.
Imagine what you can do for your community
Imagine a world without polio.
Imagine what you can do for the world.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2022
The afternoon weather was perfect for a picnic and the Wednesday luncheon meeting at Metzger Park was equally perfect. Looking out over the greenery and newly moved dirt, there was no need for visual film for the landscape told the program’s story succinctly. The program for the meeting was a presentation by City Manager Tom Pukys and City Service Director Dan Millsap. Their subject was the changing landscape of Louisville’s largest park as construction is underway to provide residents with 4 new ball diamonds, 8 soccer fields along with other amenities.
With hot dogs & hamburgs prepared by Jim Dutten, and a number of delicious side dishes brought by members, the Rotarians ate well. Conversation was sometimes loud and joyful.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance and other Rotary opening rituals, Song Meister Mark Sigler led the group sing of Home, Home on the Range, chosen — according to Mark — to honor the day’s scenery. Well, use your imagination.
Happy Dollars
* Jim Dutter offered a free golf round this Friday at The Legends Golf Course.Tee off 9 am. The event is a fundraiser for Sheriff Myers.
* Cynthia Kerchner thanked all who helped for last week’s Second Friday with special thanks to Louisville PD officers who pitched in to help.
* Travis Kelley noted a significant life-changing event as his son Victor is starting kindergarten. Travis, most of us have been there, done that. We understand.
The Program
Tom Pukys & Dan Millsap tag-teamed to share the story of Metzger Park and what is currently in progress at the park. Tom began with four park maps dating from the donation of the Mary Metzger farm in 1971. The first master plan was done in 1977 and is surprisingly close to the current plan before the excavations. There was another master plan completed in 1987 led by Andy Aljancic. Mark Sigler was a member of that group of planners. The ’87 Plan included a 9-hole golf course, tennis courts, horse shoe area and a community center with an outside swimming pool. That plan was to be financed with a 2-mill levy that was turned down by voters.
“But the objectives then and today are to continue developing the park,” explained Tom. With additional soccer fields and ball diamonds, residents are really not going to see much difference.” The City Manager explained that much of the unmowed grass area will remain, but the walking paths are wider with some change. The trees that were removed will be replaced along with their markers “Approximately one/third of the park will be dedicated to nature,” he said. The City Manager also said the placement of the library in the park would fit well with the middle and high schools plus the YMCA all located in the same area.
The park projects are to be paid for with two $250,000 grants.
Rotarians agreed that our community is blessed with its beautiful park system.
Upcoming Programs
August 24 — Warm Coats.
August 31 — Bob Nau, Stark County Regional Planning /commission Executive Director.
September 6 — Board Meeting-noon.
September 7 — Regular Monthly Business meeting.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club Meeting Minutes
August 24, 2022
The best laid plans of mice & men oft go astray — And so it was with this meeting. Our speaker called President Eva Roshong the day before the meeting and cancelled leaving Eva in a lurch with no program. What to do? Rotarians always take an opportunity to talk, so talk we did — mostly about club matters with a slight spatter of football speculation. Go Leps! But first the usual routine opening with Paradise Pastor Anderson praying followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Songmeister Sigler was AWOL and no one else volunteered to lead the singing therefore creating a void in that department. Perhaps it’s time to appoint an Assistant Songmeister, perhaps an understudy.
Happy Dollars *
Bill Wood flashed a George Washington bill enabling his news first: our exchange student is arriving at Canton-Akron airport tonight at 9. She will make her debut appearance at next week’s meeting. Bill informed us that the young lady has only seen snow twice in her life. It’s also her birthday, so we will plan a cake and hope that Songmeister Sigler can attend to lead the appropriate song. *
Glenn Heiller needs help following the meeting to assemble 75 new flags. (Seven members did show and the project was completed in 25 minutes). *
Jared Shive announced that our memorial park bench for KennyBob has been installed and we will plan a ceremony soon. Details forthcoming. Other topics that prompted discussion Question from the floor — Are the 2 dead Metzger Park drinking fountains ever going to provide thirst relief? The Honorable Mayor Pat Fallot will look into the matter and throw her political weight into solving the problem. Speaking of the Mayor — Pat discussed the plans for the Patriot Fest, a return to family celebrations this Sept. 10th & 11th at Metzger Park including a fireworks show Saturday night at dusk. For more details try www.louisvilleohchamber.org or just read this week’s Herald. Yes, just like it used to be. The Constitution Banquet. Just 7 young ladies are competing so they will perform their required act as entertainment. Reservations necessary. The club will reserve two tables for members, but can add one if the reservations flow in. Keep in mind, the Rotarysponsored Citizen of the Year, always kept in veil of secrecy, will be introduced. The club will help organize the parade Sunday afternoon. This is an all-hands on deck event. Denny Valentine has arranged for a WWII half-track to lead the parade — well, behind the lead police cruiser. Denny suggested some Rotarians deck out in Rotary blue shirts, ride inside the lead machine and heave candy in the general direction of children. Both Al Gress & Don Marshall volunteered. Eva announced that RI requested donations for a Kentucky Flood Relief. We just happened to have an extra $200, so it was a motion and approved unanimously to send the $200 for that purpose.
Upcoming Events
August 31 — TBA
Sept. 6 — Board Meeting noon
Sept. 7 — Another business meeting with opportunities to talk
Sept. 9 — Second Friday; football game a North Canton Hoover High
Sept. 10 & 11 — Patriot Fest
Sept. 14 — Constitution Dinner, no noon meeting
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club Meeting Minutes
August 31, 2022
Four guests were among the 23 persons attending the luncheon meeting held at Paradise Church. This was the first meeting for our 2022-23 foreign exchange student Arantxa Garcia-Orozco, who just arrived last week from Spain. She is enrolled at Louisville High School and on this day the club song meister Mark Sigler arranged for the Happy Birthday song played — in Spanish — over the church sound system. Arantxa turned 18. Arantza’s host mother, Pat Adkins, and host sister, Elizah Adkins, joined Arantxa.
Paster Anderson gave the prayer, the Pledge and Four-Way Tests were recited and the meeting got underway.
Happy Dollars * Jim Dutter announced the Saturday performance of his band, Rock Salt Nails, at Unhitched. He also got in a piug for the group Jimmy & the Soul Blazers who will perform at the next Second Friday coming September 9th. * Cynthia Kerchner reminded everyone that the last Farmers Market of the season is also be held the 9th. “Get your signs out,” she asked. *
Pat Fallot reminded all of the Patriot Fest festival, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, set for Saturday & Sunday Sept.10 & 11. Don’t miss the fireworks at dusk Sunday evening. *
Don Marshall commented on the Stark County Fair featuring local high school band shows. “It was a nice affair,” he said. * Greg Anderson reminded all of the trail clean-up next Wednesday following the meeting. *
Garry Tausch reminded all of the Friday night football charity contest between he and his twin brother Larry, who is the high principal for Northwest High School. Garry, for those few who may not know, is the principal a LHS. The contest is a “friendly” game of table surfing during the halftime. The principals are doing this to raise money for the Sub Zero Mission for homeless veterans. Donations are accepted at the entrances to the Martin Smilek Stadium. The men were the feature story complete with a 3-column picture for the Canton Repository’s Stark & Ohio section. *
We found out that Tom Pukys over the years has been a member of the Alliance, Wooster and Louisville Rotary Clubs. The Program Linda Ferguson, an Alliance Rotarian and current Chairperson for the Rotary (RI) District 6650 Foundation Fund, was the presenter. She gave the highlights for a few of Rotary International worldwide projects beginning with a touching story of a village in southeast Asia with poor sanitation and inadequate clean water. RI helped the village clean up their water systems, and through education helped with local business practices. She continued her message by reviewing club projects for both the Alliance and Louisville Rotary clubs including, but not all, activities such as RYLA for youth leadership, Peace Fellowships, exchange student opportunities, the local grants programs, polio inoculations and areas of focus groups for bringing people together. “October 24 is the worldwide Polio awareness day,” she said. “We are global citizens from small town America.” Ferguson encouraged the use of social media and Facebook to tell the Rotary story.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Aran (Arantxa)
Louisville Rotary Club Meeting Minutes
September 7, 2022
To get members into “the Spirit” for Constitution Week, SongMeister Mark Sigler opened the meeting held in Fellowship Hall at Paradise Church with the group singing of A Grand Old Flag. There was no prayer, but members did hold to Rotary tradition by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and repeating the Four-Way Test. There were 19 members present with no guests attending. There were no Happy Dollars requests today, so President Roshong moved into the business agenda.
1. Sunday’s Parade. Brock Hutchinson has a well-organized plan. Saturday morning is set-up 7 to 9 am arranging and marking float locations in the middle school parking lot. Sunday meet at noon for assignments. Denny is making signs for the four cars we need. In was decided to invite our flag volunteers to join us by walking in the parade beside the Rotary vehicles, which will be placed together. Rotary members and volunteers should wear their yellow Rotary shirts. Glenn Heiller will email the volunteers with the invitation. It appears all is set to roll.
2. Pat Fallot said all reservations for the banquet are in and that no additional reservations can be accepted. Rotary will have three tables with eight chairs each reserved. The exchange student and her host family will sit with the club members.
3. Eva discussed the Rotary District 6650 Ukrainian Relief fundraiser set for November 5. Our club has a challenge goal of $2,500. Collection Plans are in the thought process.
4. There will be no noon meeting Wednesday the 14th and members are encouraged to attend the Constitution Banquet. 5. Wednesday the 21st — no noon meeting — a social is planned for Bud’s Corner. Families are invited.
6. The 2022 grant applications are accepted this month. There will be announcements of the grant applications in the next three Heralds. Thanks to Barb DiJacimo for being the contact person for this project.
7. Barb also discussed the planning for Warm Coats Project progress and is looking for community financial support. The order will be made soon with delivery of the coats, hats & gloves and pass-out date by the end of October. Pass-out will be from the YMCA meeting room. 8. The meeting was adjourned early so members can complete a trail clean-up following the meeting.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
In lieu of a meeting on Sept 14th we opted to attend the Louisville Constitution Banquet
Louisville Rotary Club Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2022
The September 21 meeting was a social event including families held at Bud’s Corner located in Nimishillen Township. The bar-restaurant has a large outdoor area suitable to accommodating a large group. The evening was sunny and warm. About 15 members attended and no club business was passed — just a fun time with good food & beverage.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes September 28th
19 members attending including our guest speaker, Louisville Fire Department Chief Rod Bordner. President Eva Roshong got things moving along with the usual club rituals including Paradise Pastor David Anderson saying grace. Songmeister Sigler led the singing of the old pop tune There”ll Be a Hot Time to the Old Town Tonight. The Old Songmeister said he chose this tune in honer of Chief Bordner and members responded — somewhat — with response that showed their unfamiliarity with the lyrics.
Happy Dollars * Joanie Aljancic expressed her excitement that local persons purchased the Julliard house at auction and plan to use it for a bed & breakfast business. * Cynthia Kerchner thanked all who helped with the Farmers Markets over the summer months. “We had a successful year,” she concluded. “But bring in all the Farmers Market signs so we have them ready for next year.”
Brief Club Business
1. The Prez read a thank-you note from the Board of Education thanking the club for our $200 donation for the Mediation Park project.
2. Eva also read an email from a Rotary Club in India congratulating our club for 100 years of service to the Louisville Area.
3. Eva thanked members for their service with the Constitution Parade.
4. Eva gave special thanks to Denny Valentine for the work he does for the club. In her gratitude, she purchased a handmade figurine of a cameraman that will fit well on Denny’s desk. Members gave Denny a well-deserved round of applause.
5. She also mentioned that we gave $25 gift cards to the essay contest winners.
6. The Citizen of the Year Committee was commended for their work.
7. The tree dedication for KennyBob Smith is set for Saturday, Nov. 1 at Aljancic Park. Members are encouraged to give personal messages.
8. A Night for Ukraine is planned by the District. They are looking for sponsors and for ticket sales. More information is forthcoming.
The Program Louisville Fire Chief Rod Bordner was introduced by City Manager Tom Pukys. Chief Bordner was born and raised in Louisville and at age 18 became a firefighter with the Nimishillen Township Fire Department — that was in 1983. He moved to the Louisville Department several years later. He still manages a construction business he started in 1996. “We are a part-time paid-on-call Department that is responsible for EMS, fire suppression, fire prevention, and other various public services,” he wrote for the Department’s website. “We offer paid training, paid public events, holiday pay, comp time, and health care if qualified. We currently have two members that staff the station 24 hours a day and others respond from home when available. We respond to approximately 1600 calls per year of EMS, fire, and public service.” While working with elementary school children, he always stresses “stop, drop and roll” which the children seem to remember. Among the items in his message, he stressed: # Each family should have an escape route and a meeting location outside for all members to gather.” # Don’t go back inside a burning house to rescue pets. # Frequently check your smoke alarms. Alarms are made to last about 10 years and then should be replaced.
The Department will install a free smoke detector for residents. # Always use the fireplace screen when operating the fireplace. # Try to never use extension cords.
Chief Bordner said that when the Louisville Department was founded in 1873 there were 5 volunteer firefighters. Today there are 18 part-time members. “We are short staffed,” he continued, “But every department is short staffed.” In costs about $3,000 to outfit a firefighter,” he said. The LFD has two engines, one ladder truck, one utility truck and a chief’s car. The Louisville Department has two members on duty 24 hours, 365 days a year.
Another tidbit, the Department is now paperless and every report is done on an iPad. And an answer to the question, the Louisville Fire Department has never had a fire dog. The week of October 9-15 is the national Fire Prevention Week. If you have any questions, contact the Fire Chief at (330) 875-2663 Ext. 219 or by email at firechief@louisvilleohio.org.
Coming Exciting Events Oct. 4 — Board meeting noon in the Library meeting room. Oct. 5 — Business meeting Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Rod Bordner