Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St.., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2021
Perhaps one of the most enjoyable and delightful places to hold a Rotary meeting was the scene for this week’s event. Brad & Eva Roshong live on a farm and farms have barns, often old ones. Eva calls their barn a “Civil War Barn” as it dates from 1865. Besides cats and three dogs, the Roshongs have a pig and a goat, with homes in the barn’s lower level. So what to do with this old barn? Why not make it a family play center? It now has a pool table, games area, and space to be yourself. Oh, and it is very clean and one gets the feeling of grandmother’s house — another time, another place. What a wonderful place for a meeting! Thanks Eva & Brad.
Lunch was catered by Uptown Joe’s — either mini-subs with the choice of ham & cheese or beef & cheese. A veggie plate and condiments were available to dress your sandwich choice. A small bag of potato chips and lemonade for beverage. We can’t wait for another trip to the barn on Broadway Road.
This was Glenn Heiller’s first meeting as the club’s leader. His prepared agenda began with a sub-heading “Serve to Change Lives.” And that spirit was present for the 18 Rotarians present. Jim Edwards gave the opening prayer, the group pledged the flag, still posted in front of the Roshong Farm, and the Four-Way Test was recited.
Happy Dollars
* Bill Wood introduced a guest and former exchange student Luke Shepherd who is now living in the USA.
* Brock Hutchison gave thanks to Denny Valentine for helping with a ride to the meeting. He discussed the library survey circulating around town and urged members to complete it. “This is a concept for the Green Space,” he added. “What direction to you want the downtown to go?” Copies of the survey can be accessed on line and he will send members a link.
* Cynthia Kerchner gave a pep talk for help with the farmer’s market this Friday.
The Program
First. A review of the 2021-22 proposed budget of $43,900 which includes $4800 in membership dues. There is $6,000 set aside for a future project to be decided. Jim Edwards wanted and received additional funds for the Flag Program. There was little discussion, few questions and Bill Wood made a motion to accept the budget as presented, it seconded and the issue passed with no nays.
Next. This week’s second Farmers Market. Glenn explained that the first market, there were not enough volunteers to get started, and too few were there at the close, but there were many Rotarians during the event. This time he expects more help early and late, and asked volunteers to raise their hands in commitment. We need five persons for set-up. Early volunteers should be on site by 2:30 Friday.
This year’s Rotary International theme is The Environment, according to Glenn. We can expect more information to be forthcoming. Glenn announced he had additional Rotary pins if anyone needs one.
The Grant Committee. Glenn appointed David Yeagley, Greg Anderson, Jennifer Anderson, and Barb DiJacimo to serve in that compacity.
Speaking of money requests: the Massillon Rotary is asking for a grant of $708 to restore a downtown building. The Youngstown Rotary is asking our support for Rotary International’s Operation Pollination, an effort to study, educate and preserve the bee population. The members agreed to study the request and Al Gress will provide more information at a later meeting.
Glenn brought up the question of a Media person/officer. Currently, Dave Yeagley is in charge of our Facebook page. Will he expand that to work our website? Stay tuned.
Glenn said that we lost four members over the last year and urged members to bring prospective members to our meetings. Should we have a Membership Committee? Yes, it was decided. It was decided that Jared Shive would be best at that job. Eva Roshong volunteered to work on it, too.
Glenn said there would be a flag pick-up for the Green Space immediately after the meeting. Three members retired the flags and returned them to their home in the Flag Barn in about 50 minutes of effort.
Jim Edwards is the club Program Chairman for the months of July, August and September. If you have an idea for an outstanding program, please call Jim.
Coming Events
July 14 — Meet at Wildwood Park with Trill Vaugh, a former grant recipient.
July 21 — TBA
July 28 — Joint meeting with Lake Township Rotary. Front Porch Cafe at noon.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Sec. Note: Just to brag, I harvested my first 2 tomatoes of the season today.
The Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2021
Louisville’s Wildwood Park Shelter House was the location for this week’s meeting. The Shelter was recently remodeled and is a wonderful addition to the community’s park system. Many young trees have been planted and the grounds are immaculate. The reason for meeting in the park was the day’s program was presented by Trillian Vaughn who accomplished a Girl Scout Gold project for the park. Our club was one of the organizations that gave her money to purchase children’s playscape items. Trillian’s parents, Bob and Trixie Vaughn, attended and joined 20 Rotarians.
Another pleasant surprise for the meeting was the luncheon meal that was hosted and prepared by Jared Shive. He brought his own grill and cooked hamburgers and hot dogs coupled with a salad and chips. What a pleasant surprise!
The bright sunny day, with temperatures in the mid-seventies in this park setting made for a memorable meeting.
Following the usual opening exercises, this week’s Happy Dollars.
* Cynthia Kerchner — “Wonderful, wonderful! she said, referring to last week’s first Farmers Market. “We were light on food trucks and we still need help — between 3 & 4 it’s like a zoo. We are talking about going to 8 for the next one.”
Club Business
* Jim Edwards gave a flag update. “We now have 1,136 flag customers with 110 drivers that include 80 volunteers.
* President Glenn told of a request from the Constitution Committee for golf carts for the Constitution Parade. Also, our past Purple Bag project will resume in August.
* Eva Roshong suggested that next year’s grant program should include grant funds for The Environment since that is in the Rotary International’s 2022 theme. It was agreed to with an unanimous vote.
* Glenn reminded members that there needs to be a leader for our role in lining up floats for the Constitution Parade. Anyone volunteer?
* Glenn announced that Annika Anderson, the daughter of Greg & Jennifer Anderson, wishes to be sponsored by the club for this year’s Constitution Queen contest. Members wished her well and agreed to the sponsorship.
The Program
Trillian, now finished with her first year of college, shared with members the steps involved in developing and completing her Girl Scout Gold project. The Gold award is the highest award in the Girl Scout organization. Trillian first got the idea for the play equipment attending baseball games at the park and realizing there was nothing for children to do. She began her message by thanking the club for supporting her and said “I’m really humbled to have been given the support needed to complete my Girl Scout Gold Project.” She also attended a camp in the park and noticed the younger scouts didn’t have much to play on. “I thought Wildwood needed something for the little kids,” she said. As an aspiring architect, she wanted to design the playground area herself and after discussing the project with the city park director Dan Millsap, it was decided to use commercial grade equipment. The cost of the project was about $6,000 not counting the cost of installation. She began her planning before fundraising began. The Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, Grinders and other contributions were on board to help Trillian succeed. “The experience taught me how much human drive can do,” she said. “It can lift up communities and push people to reach heights they didn’t think they could achieve. I loved be able to give back to the community. I also learned just how strong and determined a person has to be to get projects like this one done.
The Covid pandemic was a major obstacle to complicate matters, but finally the installation day came. Parks Director stored the equipment and had it delivered on installation day. ”Some of my friends helped and what was really neat is that many of them weren’t scouts; they just wanted to help our community.” The installation involved using a skid loader for digging 12” wide holes. “We managed to get the equipment installed with mulch and a border in two days,” she continued. “I hope the helpers got as many lessons out of this as I did . . . of course the best reward was seeing the children playing on it.”
Trillian was honored at the annual scout ceremony where all the Girl scouts got to show their projects to other families. “One of the many highlights of the ceremony was when our mothers gave the Gold Award by placing a gold ribbon with the Gold Pin attached on our heads,” she said. There were congratulatory letters from former presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Louisville Mayor Pat Fallot. Another honor was an offer of an internship for the summer.
For the Rotarians this was a special program. We often give financial support for community and non-profit projects — that support comes from the community flag project — but we frequently don’t get to see the outcomes of that money. We are very proud of Trillian.
Rotarians note:
The Wednesday, July 21st meeting is cancelled due to the funeral at the church the same time as our meeting.
Trillian Vaugh and her parents in front of her Girl Scout project.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
July 28, 2021
The Front Porch Cafe was the site of a combined meeting between our club and the Hartville Rotary. Nine Louisville Rotarians lunched with a dozen Hartville members. Following a joint opening with Jared Shive representing our club and Christa Kozy, president of the Hartville club, hosting us. Jared gave the prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test.
Members introduced themselves, told of their length of Rotarianism, some messages carried a touch of humor, but the tone of all was pride of accomplishment and community.
President Kozy shared her club’s current project of collecting plastic grocery bags and submitting them for a park bench. They have enlisted local businesses to help in the collection process collecting over 500 pounds of plastic. So far they have obtained two benches for the community. The Hartville club is the newest Rotary in District 6650 and is a re-establishment of an older Rotary Club that disbanded several years past.
Jared shared our projects including the exchange student program, Umbrella Alley, the Farmers Market and our community grant program. Time ran out before we could tell of our Splash Pad project.
In conclusion, we invited them to come to Louisville, perhaps for an evening meeting. Details will be worked out later.
Coming Events
August 3 — Board meeting. Noon, Uptown Joes
August 4 — Regular business meeting at Paradise Church
August 13 — Farmers Market
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
August 4, 2021
The August business meeting held in Paradise Church was attended by 14 members and one guest. Las Vegas resident Joel Dunbar, who has been with us several times in the past, was our guest. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer and President Glenn Heiller led members in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test.
Happy Dollars
* Bill Wood announced that the Foreign Exchange program will resume for the 2022 year. The program has been suspended for the past year due to the Corona Virus. He also said we could continue the programs of sending two students to the conference at Pittsburgh and four students to RYLA program.
* Cynthia Kerchner thanked members for their support for the last Farmers Market and reminded all the next market is the 13th and will be expanded one hour. Business will begin at 4 and conclude at 8. “We need help setting up,” she said.
Club Business
Rotary pins. President Heiller passed out new 2022 Rotary pins to members.
Pancake Breakfast. Yes, we’re set to be the breakfast provider for the LHS Music Craft Show the second Saturday in November. Cynthia to check for donations of food.
Allen discuss the progress on a pollinator project. More later. He also passed out hard copies of the 2001-2022 year end report.
Citizen of the Year. A committee was selected with Greg Anderson (to be asked) as chair. Jerry Dunbar, Joanie Aljancic and Al Gress will work with Greg. Al will send a notice to the Herald for their community notices that appear on the front page. Nominations may be given to any member of Rotary. The citizen will be honored at the Constitution Banquet September 15.
Old flag disposal bin. Its location is still up in the air. Old post office? The library? Downtown gazebo? Across the street from the DQ? Stay tuned.
Constitution Parade. Brock Hutchison will chair. It was suggested that there be assigned spots for Rotary volunteers to avoid the lack of workers in certain spots as happened last parade.
Gazebo renovation. Good news. Cynthia researched ownership of the small plot of ground that holds the gazebo. It belongs to the city. Rotary built it and gave it to the city. According to reliable sources, the city will have renovation costs in its 2022 budget.
Community grant history. It was discussed to develop a 10-year listing of grants and gifts our club has provided the community. No action was taken.
Coming events
August 11 — Regular meeting at Paradise with Luke Shepherd will present the program.
August 12 — Football scrimmage with on field band rehearsal — 5 o’clock at football stadium.
August 13 — Next exciting Farmers Market. It keeps growing! All Rotarians on deck.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
August 11, 2021
Sometimes the best laid plans go amuck and today the scheduled person presenting the program didn’t attend. President Glenn Heiller quickly shifted gears and asked Bill Wood to speak. Bill accepted and his presentation was outstanding.
But first, the opening rituals. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer and the members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. There was no song this day. Eighteen members attended along with one guest. Las Vegas Joel is back!
Happy Dollars/Cub Business
* Cynthia Kerchner reminded members of Friday’s 4th Farmers Market. Meet at 3 for set-up and the market will stay open till 8.
* President Glenn announced the Pancake Breakfast is on and St. Joseph’s Care Center will donate the food. Greg Anderson will chair the event.
* Brock Hutchison will chair the Constitution Parade this year. He will meet with volunteers after Wednesday’s meeting. It was suggested we get an extra car for the year 2020 Citizens of the Year that did not get to ride in last year’s cancelled parade.
* It looks like the club’s Flag Disposal Box has found a home — probably somewhere in the parking lot facing the Police Department.
* The next flag posting is set for September 1 & 2.
The Program
People who know Bill Wood know he is a Air Force veteran, but most do not know that Retired Colonel Wood served two tours of duty in Vietnam during the war. Speaking without notes and from his heart, Bill took members on an emotional, sometimes humorous tour, of a few of his war experiences.
This program began with stories of Bill’s first tour with his posting at a camp near Saigon call Tamsonnut arriving there on Thanksgiving Day 1962. Reporting to the base commander he was informed there were only three sleeping officer quarters on base and that he must find housing in the nearby city of Saigon. But on the other hand, the enlisted soldiers slept in tents with the temperatures 115 degrees in the daytime, although temperatures did drop to 98 at night. Bill was directed to a hotel in the Chinese Quarter of Saigon and met the manager who spoke little English and called himself Charlie Chan. Having had no meal this Thanksgiving, Charlie invited Bill to go out for a meal. In the restaurant, Bill was given chopsticks, which he had never used before. “But I learned to use them quickly when hungry,” he quipped. The menu was, of course, in Chinese so Bill was at the mercy of Charlie to order for him. His meal was roast pigeon, head wings & feet attached. The good news was the roast pigeon had been de-feathered.
Bill was in charge of a photography unit assigned to photograph enemy territory, keeping tabs on Vietcong movements and the bombing damage inflicted by American planes. While he was in Nam, there was a civil war with the Vietnamese leader being deposed with a bullet to his head. Bill was over there on that November 23, 1963 day when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
Bill would return for duty in Vietnam in 1972-73, this time as piloting reconnaissance planes flying over enemy-held territory for various missions. He was flying an OV10 that flew at about 1,000 feet above tree tops at 100 mph. The mission was to find the enemy and call fighters to take them out. “I was always shot at and even had a hand-held SAM missile sent my direction,” he recalled.
And so the stories poured on for the next 35 minutes keeping members on the edge of their seats while remaining silent and in awe, except for a few laughs at Bill’s humor.
Club minutes cannot do justice to Bill’s stories and to be honest I got so engrossed listening to him I didn’t take sufficient notes. However, I did latch onto Bill’s closing comments that went something like this . . . It bothers Bill when people say America lost the Vietnam War for the military did its duty, often handcuffed by government officials. ”I was there when the war ended,” he said. “The end of combat occurred due to a negotiated peace settlement between us and the VietCong. The military did their job,” he concluded.
Secretary’s Comment —
Most of us know about our country’s wars through what is seen and heard on television and through our various cordless devises. Listening to one who was actually there, who faced enemy fire and who had buddies that did not come home — those horrors of war take on a new meaning. Speaking for your fellow Rotarians . . . from the bottom of our hearts — thank you Bill both for your service to America and for sharing your message with us. It was better than a Ken Burns special.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2021
President Glenn Heiller called the meeting to order exactly at 12 noon, and the breakfast/lunch of pancakes & sausage was served. Seventeen members including three guests were present. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer keeping the recent Haiti earthquake in our prayers. Glenn led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Guests were introduced.
Happy Dollars
* Glenn announced his granddaughter’s successful passage rites by way of getting her driver’s license last week.
* Amy Sinkius was present and talked about her new assignment as Director of the Louisville YMCA.
* Bill Wood gave the disappointing news that this year’s RYLA is cancelled for the second year due to the COVID scare.
* Jim Edwards gave a brief eulogy for Bob Armstrong, a former Louisville Rotarian who passed away last week. Bob had been a veterinarian here, retired and moved to his family farm in Wayne County.
* Barb DiJacimo introduce Karen Vrabec, Director of Communications for the Louisville Schools. She introduced the school’s Good Morning program and urged members to volunteer for the school’s Good Morning crew. “Just an hour in the morning to welcome children to school and start their day off on a happy note.” Those interested can call Karen at 330-875-1666 or email kvraec@lepapps.org.
Club Business
President Heiller said the Library Board has voted to allow the placement of the flag disposal bin on the Green Space. More discussion on that matter will come later. Glenn also mentioned that he will be out of town September 1 and Denny Valentine will stand in for him to shepherd the flag posting.
Things are moving for the organization of the Constitution Day parade. Our club has sponsored it and worked it for the last five or six years. Brock Hutchison will chair the parade organization with the help of at least eight volunteer Rotarians.
The Program
Eugene Lingenhoel, a 1983 LHS grad, discussed The Legacy Project (LP), a school mentoring program for middle school children. Lingenhoel was a pastor of a church near Lehman Middle School and began mentoring youth there in 2015. His work expanded in the Canton and Massillon schools. “We started a lunch program,” he explained, “we provide curriculum guidelines, but most of all through the power of mentoring we impact lives.” A Legacy program began in the Louisville Schools in 2019, but last year COVID cancelled it. Rev. Lingenhoel has now purchased a vacant Massillon church, build in 1954. “The sanctuary needs a little work. We see about 50 kids on Saturdays.” He plans to allow other non-profit organizations to use the facility.
Rev. Lingenhoel has a couple of plans that include fundraising goal of $500,000 and to engage 24 new mentors for the Louisville program. Legacy programs are now in 17 Stark County Schools with 1,500 kids participating. The age of mentors range from 18 to 100. “My mother is 82 and she is a mentor. “They look at them as grandparents,” he said. “Usually we’re involved between the hours of 10 am to 12 noon, he said. “About half a day commitment. Over all, we need 450 adult volunteers to mentor.”
There are five ways people can help with the Legacy Project, he said. One is to be a volunteer — one hour, one day a week. Two, volunteer your time or skills to help with projects. Three, help with on-going renovations or donate supplies. Four, a monetary gift and last, spread the news about the good work Legacy is doing in our communities.
The mission for The Legacy Project of Stark is a commitment to transforming communities and impacting lives through the power of mentoring, leadership development and intentional partnerships.
Learn more by visiting their website at https://lpstark.org/apply-to-mentor/
Coming Events
August 25 — John Paloti sponsored by Jim Edwards. Mr. Paloti has a clean-up business.
September 1 — Business meeting
September 8 — Military Family Center
September 15 — Constitution Community banquet - no noon meeting
Eugene Lingenhoel
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
August 25, 2021
Sixteen members including three guests attended the meeting chaired by President Glenn Heiller. The usual meeting routine was followed with the opening prayer given by Paradise Pastor David Anderson.
Happy Dollars
* Barb DiJacimo announced the naming of Greg Parrish Courts at the high school. Rotarian Greg Parish now has the high school tennis courts named after him. A tennis pro, Greg had been the high school tennis coach for 31 years and he has also served as the assistant tennis coach for Mt. Union University. Congratulations to this outstanding coach who has 34 league championships to his credit. Think for a moment of how many lives Coach Parrish has touched! What a marvelous legacy he has forged. Greg, your fellow Rotarians are proud of your work.
* Glenn announced that Bill Wood has had surgery. There is no report on his condition. He also clarified that the times for this week’s Farmers Market is from 3 to 7. Help is needed for set-up and take-down.
The Program
John Pilati, a man who is very comfortable leading a group, needed no introduction. John, a Rotarian in the Minerva Club, is the Sales Manager/Vice-President of Miller & Company Sanitation Services. John opened his presentation with a background. He is particularly proud of his basketball past, as a player, a coach, an official and as a league president. In fact, his basketball playing was how he met R.C. Miller, the company’s owner.
The company rents and services portable toilets & sinks, restroom & shower trailers, holding tank installation & service, on-site office trailer restroom systems, septic & grease trap plumbing and roll-off containers. The company employes 62 persons and works from four office locations serving 33 counties in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
John’s talk was sprinkled with humorous stories he experienced from working in this business. He said that his toilets have been used by presidents, vice-presidents, governors, golfers and Hillary. During the pandemic, the company never ran out of toilet paper — “We buy it by the truckload,” he explained.
Other news
Sept. 1 - 2 — Flags posted.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
September 1, 2021
President Glenn Heiller left for vacation this afternoon so Allen Gress chaired the business meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church. Pastor David Anderson gave the opening prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance and Four-Way Test were recited. Songmeister Mark Sigler led the singing of Its a Grand Old Flag with his usual gusto. The song was to cheer the members on as it was the date to post flags for the upcoming Memorial Day. Twenty members attended the meeting including two guests: Amy Sinkus — her second visit — and Randy Starr.
Happy Dollars
* Pastor David Anderson announced he was happy because the following week he attended the military graduation of his son from the Army Ranger school.
* Jim Edwards confidently announced that the Cleveland Browns were going to the Super Bowl this year. When he was challenged, he said he would lead the opening club singing for the month of February if the Browns didn’t make it.
* Congratulations for Mark Sigler who is celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary.
The Work Agenda
1. Greg Anderson gave an update on the Citizen of the Year project. He urged members to attend the Constitution Banquet where the announcement will be made. Reservations need to be made by Monday the 13th. Emails will be sent for sign-up. Dave Yeagley will handle the sign-up list.
2. Global Grant with the Indian Rotary Club is on hold as Rotary National did not approve it. Other possible projects includes sending an emergency shelter box to Haiti or sending support to victims of the Louisiana hurricane.
3. Jim Edwards made the motion for our club to send $1,000 or whatever the current charge is to Haiti. The motion passed unanimously.
4. The KennyBob memorial. The tree has arrived, City Manager John Collins agreed to have the city Park Department plant it. The question of what color should the bench we approved be? Pat Smith was in the kitchen and was called out to give her opinion. She approved blue as it as Ken’s favorite color.
5. Eva Roshong was introduced as a candidate for President-Elect. Her name for the position was put in a motion and there was a robust “Yeah!” for approval.
6. Barb DiJacimo, the first and only chair of Warm Coats, organized her committee with 5 volunteers. (I was busy conducting the meeting and did not make notes of her members. Later.)
7. A request was made for help posting the 50 flags on the Green Space following the meeting. Five members did volunteer and with pride the Red, White & Blue emblems of freedom are blowing in Louisville’s breeze.
Upcoming Events
Sept. 8 — Discussion about the Military Family Center
Sept. 15 — Constitution Week community banquet. 6:30 — get your reservation to Dave now. There will be no noon meeting this day.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2021
With 22 persons in attendance, Jared Shive took over the meeting leadership as President Glenn Heiller was on vacation in Minnesota. Following the usual rituals to open the meeting, Songmeister Mark Sigler took center stage to celebrate the revival of the musical Swedish group ABBA with their song Don’t Shut Me Down. With their lively music emanating from the church speakers, Mark was up dancing, swaying back and forth while leading us with his usual gusto. “They’re back,” he declared. “Yeah, they’re back! Mark, you missed your calling; you belong on a stage! Visitors Randy Starr and Amy Simkus attended and expressed a desire to join our club.
Happy Dollars
* Eva Roshong announced the happy news that she is now a grandmother. Congratulations. Next meeting bring pictures.
* Dave Yeagley reminded Rotarians to sign-up for the Constitution Banquet next Wednesday.
* Cynthia Kerchner reminded members that help is needed for this Friday’s Farmers Market — 3 o’clock we need 4 or 5 helpers. There will be no big tent this week, just the welcome tent. This week is projected to be a smaller market so all the booths will be in rows 1 & 2.
Club Business
Flag retirement is Monday or Tuesday September 20 - 21.
The Program
Officers from the Military Family Center were on hand to discuss their programming and share their excitement with their progress. Executive Director Shelley Sprang and Program Director Tammie Gainer, with help of colorful slides, related the Military Family Center’s history and shared stories of what they do. Their program is free for retired members of the Armed Forces, current service members and First Responders. She thanked the financial help from various Rotary Clubs and said the local support has provided $64,000 in assistance. Founded in 2007, the Family Center, located at 5495 Meese Rd. in Nimishillen Township, is a part of the Pegasus Farm operation. They provide counseling services under contract and they are funded by grant monies and with help from local organizations. “We offer horse sponorships,” Tammie explained. They are a 501C organization. On average over 300 persons come to the Family Center for something each month.
Several of the Center’s programs include:
* Equestrian activities that provide unique experiences helping participants to build trust and self-esteem, learn coping skills, gain new knowledge, and create positive social networks.
* Individual exercise programs offered by a certified professional for overall wellness.
* Regular family activities and kids programs.
* Access to professional counseling onsite in the relaxed, pastoral setting of the farm.
* Use of the facilities for other wellness, support and military or first responder-oriented activities.
The Military Family Center staff may be contacted at 330-871-8900 — follow them on Facebook or access their website for information and current events. For programming opportunities and services contact Tammie at tammi@pegasusfarm.org.
Upcoming activities
Sept. 10 — Farmers Market 4 - 7 and the Leopards host North Canton Hoover on the gridiron.
Sept. 13 — Kickoff of Constitution Week with the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast — 8 am at the Methodist Church.
Sept. 15 — Constitution Banquet. Paradise Church 6:30.
Sept. 17 — Naturalization ceremony, Middle School 1 p.m.
Sept. 18 — Prep for parade. 5 pm at the middle school.
Sept. 19 — The Rotary Grand Parade. Volunteers need to be at the MS by noon.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Shelly Sprang
Tammi Gainer
September 15, 2021 Constitution Banquet where Citizen of the Year was presented:
Lisa Lingenhoel Citizen of the Year
— She just completed 7 years of Writing and Producing Constitution Queen Pageants
by Allen Gress
Special to the Herald
Lisa Lingenhoel was honored as Louisville’s 2021 Citizen of the Year during closing ceremonies at the Constitution Week banquet held last Wednesday evening at Paradise Church.
Sponsored by the Louisville Rotary Club, inductees are chosen for their public service, volunteer work and contributions to the community. Nominations were encouraged from the community and judging is completed by a committee of members.
In keeping drama to the end of his introduction, Rotary President Glenn Heiller listed the many projects Lisa participated in before announcing her name. Heiller concluded by saying that Lisa’s work personifies the Rotary motto Service above self. With a surprised look, she first went to her husband Arden for an emotional hug. Arden, full of pride, accompanied her to the podium.
Lisa and Arden have been married for 20 years after meeting at a realtors convention in San Francisco. She moved to Louisville from Provo, Utah and brought with her an enthusiastic spirit that has brought positive changes to the community. “Arden would come home and say ‘they need your help’, and then he would add that he had already volunteered me’. As a saying goes . . . behind every awesome man is a fabulous woman!”
Her community activities include:
* Currently completing 7 years as the Constitution Queen & Court Pageant Director.
* Co-chaired parade floats for the Pro Football Hall of Fame parade 2002-2005.
* Chairman of Have a Heart Charitable Foundation 2008-2012.
* Member of Women’s Council of Realtors and was president in 2015.
* Volunteered as a LES Junior Achievement teacher volunteer 2015-2018.
* Served 3 years as President of the LES parent-teacher organization 2017-2020.
* Coached children’s co-ed soccer (when her children were that age) 2009-2014.
* Past volunteer teacher for All Stars for Jesus at their church 2009-2017.
* Past deaconess at Greenwood Christian Church 2010-2015.
* Volunteered in various capacities for the Louisville Schools 2009-present.
* President of the LHS Choir Booster Club 2021.
* Senior Parent with the LHS Touchdown Club 2021.
* Three years chairperson for the YMCA Snowflake Auction 2014-2017.
* Honored in 2010 as the Volunteer of the Year for the Louisville YMCA.
* Stark County Women’s Council of Realtors Member of the Year 2017.
After accepting a plaque Lisa quipped, “You should know to never give a redhead a microphone . . . you are amazing friends . . . Wow! . . . without you I could not have done oner the last 20 years what I have accomplished.” She continued. “I am thankful for so many of you who because this have supported our business over the years and this has helped me to have the time to give back to our community, families and most of all our youth.” She paused. “This is a great honor. God bless Louisville, God bless our constitution and God bless America.”
The Rotary Club is a service organization active locally since 1925, with currently 40 members who are among the 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide in 200 countries and 33,000 clubs. Among the many service projects the club sponsors, beginning in 1975 and the past 46 years the club has sponsored the Citizen of the Year with 49 citizens given the honor.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2021
Twenty-one persons including four guests attended the meeting chaired by President Glenn Heilller and held at Paradise Church. One of the honorable guests was Lisa Lingenhoel the 2021 Louisville Citizen of the Year. Following the usual Rotary rituals, Songmeister Mark Sigler led the group sing of Rod Stewart’s Maggie May. Actually, by the 3rd stanza, the music sounded pretty good. “Wake up Maggie I think I got something to say . . .” Mark, showing his storehouse of musical knowledge, told us that 50 years ago — in 1971 — Maggie May was Billboard’s pop song of the year.
Happy Dollars
* Pat Fallot thanked Dave Yeagley for his work for the Constitution banquet.
* Jennifer Anderson reminded all the Y Fall Harvest Auction was set for Oct. 16 at Varian Orchard. Reservations are due next Thursday.
* Greg Anderson thanked all for a successful Constitution parade. Brock did a great job.
* Glenn Heiller remarked that the young lady the club sponsored for the contest, Annika Anderson, was named a runner-up. He also thanked Denny Valentine for getting the vintage military truck used to lead the parade.
* Jim Edwards announced the Old Flag drop-off bin is now positioned in the west parking lot of the city West Main Street complex, in front of the police station. He is planning to talk to the Boy Scouts to see if they will empty it as needed and perform the recommended burning process.
Club Business
Joyce Hudnell, Chair of Constitution Week activities, attended the meeting and was profuse in thanks for the club’s work with the parade. “Asking the Rotary to help us was the best thing we ever did,” she said. “Everything went well.”
President Heiller reminded us the last downtown Farmers Market of the season would be this Friday and help is needed by 3 o’clock to set the three small tents. There will be three bands playing. Glenn also presented five choices for printing on the park bench we’re dedicating to KennyBob Smith. Voting will be done by email.
Glenn passed out information of the Chamber of Commerce Scarcerows on Parade event which has become a local community tradition. Eva Roshong volunteered to take care of a scarecrow for the club.
The Program
Wayne Moore, owner of Mott’s Greenhouse and Mott’s Old Mill Bulk Foods, presented the program that included a history of the businesses that were established in the same location since 1907. Once a cider press, now the business he took over in 1977 includes the sale of bulk foods and is a speciality grocery in addition to a 8,000 square foot growing and sales center for flower and vegetable plants. Moore said when he used to press cider, they could process 2,300 gallons a day, but he exited the apple pressing business about 2003. Moore’s presentation was complete with photos showing the progression of the buildings which originally stood very close to SR 153. Today, Now Mott’s facilities are new, brightly lighted and easy to shop. They employ five persons.
Born in New Castle, Pa., Wayne’s father moved the family to Stark County where he started in 6th grade at Pleasant Grove Elementary School. Though not a farmer, Wayne worked on farms over the summers. Before the greenhouse, he worked as a surveyor for Ohio Power. Wayne is married and the father of 4 children. He also owns a store in Wooster that sells vegetable oils.
Mott’s Greenhouse is located at 11555 Louisville Street at intersection of Paris Street.
Their telephone number is 330-875-2040 and they have websites that can be accessed by keying in Mott’s Greenhouse on Google. Greenhouse operations are open till November.
Upcoming Events
Sept. 20 — Alan Harold, Stark County Auditor
October 6 — Business meeting
October 13 — Beekeeper Scott Keister
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Wayne Moore of Motts Nursery
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2021
Club President Glenn Heiller presided over the meeting attended by 18 members and three guests. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the opening prayer followed by President Heiller’s leading the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-way Test. Rev. Anderson asked for God’s grace for Larry Collins, the City Manager and Rotarian. Rich Dunlap, Bridget Edwards and Randy Starr were guests. This was Randy’s third visit and has accepted application forms to become a member.
Happy Dollars
* Bill Wood, back from surgery, said it was great to be back and thanks to the guys that did my flag route.
* Cynthia Kerchner thanked everyone for their support for the bi-monthly farmers market. “I think we made a great impression with the community . . . It was amazing!” she said.
* Eva Roshong announced that their family business Brad’s Carpet Cleaning was the award of Best Carpet Cleaning company in a recent Repository poll.
Club Business
Barb DiJacimo announced that she, representing the Warm Coats committee, will be ordering coats this week. The club has $2,000 committed to the program with an estimated $4,000 needed.
Glenn said that the Boy Scouts checked the used flag bin and picked-up over 40 discarded flags.
The Program:
Jim Edwards introduced his nephew Tom Edwards V who is the day’s program presenter. Tom, a former Rotarian, is an insurance agent with offices in uptown Louisville. Opening his message, Tom praised the club for its sponsorship of the Farmers Market. “There is more downtown traffic than I’ve ever seen,” he said. “I’ve been there for 32 years and there is a lot of stuff going on.”
His message reviewed insurance changes and suggestions for people to pay attention to including:
+ A discussion of sewer backups. “My last payout for sewer back-up was $4,000,” he said. “Sewer back-up coverage is optional.”
+ Home equipment breakdown is a newer coverage he recommended homeowners look into.
+ ID theft is a growning problem and can be covered in homeowner’s insurance, but he recommended Lifelock coverage.
+ Roof coverage has changed and is not as comprehensive as it once was. Some policies covered a percentage of the roof.
+ Liability coverage was discussed.
+ The computers in one’s car can be monitored and may be used in the future to determine auto insurance premiums.
Edwards concluded with the message that approximately 20% of drivers are not insured.
Coming Events
Oct. 5 — Board of Directors meeting at Uptown Joe’s.
Oct. 6 — Business meeting
Oct. 13 — Beekeeper Scott Keister
Oct. 20 — Stark County Commissioner Janet Creighton
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary