Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St.., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
April 6, 2022
Seventeen members met at Samatha’s Restaurant for our monthly business meeting. President Glenn welcomed everyone, led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Today there was no prayer nor song. No one had Happy Dollars and Glenn announced several business items:
* Henceforth, the club will give $1,200 for an officer attending the Rotary International convention. This issue was approved by the Board and submitted to the membership which approved it.
* An officer candidate slate for the 2023-24 year was briefly discussed and candidate names will be accepted.
* Holding our annual banquet in the vacant Chesapeake Office building was mentioned and Denny Valentine will look into the possibility and arrange for those interested to tour the facility.
Members adjourned to Greg Anderson’s house, broke into teams and cleaned the walking trails of trash.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2022
The LHS Varsity Singers, decked out in blue & white dress, presented the best opening ever singing the Star Spangled Banner, with Rotarians standing arrow straight with hands over heart. The touching opening was followed with a prayer given by Mark Sigler. Members pledged the flag and closed with the Rotary Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler, wearing his old baseball cap and carrying a worn ball glove and well-used baseball bat, dedicated the day’s song to his high school coach Andy Aljancic. A rousing rendition of Take Me Out to the Ballgame was sung. It must be noted that the group singing was much improved due to the Varsity Singers’ voices. The singers continued their vocal desserts during the lunch and later joined club members in the meal.
Happy Dollars
* Greg Anderson thanked members who showed up to de-trash the walking trail and the pathway around Metzger Park. He said the amount of trash retrieved was greater this year than in the past.
Club News
* President Glenn Heiller gave special thanks to LHS Principal Garry Tausch for making the arrangements for the Varsity Singers concert. These young people are excellent ambassadors for the school and community. Mr. Tausch has been a welcome visitor for the past three or four weeks and we are looking forward to future visits Garry.
* Glenn read two thank-you notes for donations the club made; one from the Refuge of Hope and the other for a Rotary District project for blankets. Glenn also announced that we were welcome to attend the city’s Tree Board dedication on May 10 at Metzger Park celebrating the city’s status as a Tree City.
* Glenn also reminded members to think about potential candidates for all the offices for 2023-24.
* Jim Edwards gave a report on the Flag program sign-ups noting that 202 persons paid with a credit card. This the first year we have accepted payment by credit card. Also mentioned was that we now have 114 volunteer drivers, four of whom are high school students.
The Program
Brandon Simmons and Chrystal Faberty, representing the non-profit Project Rebuild, spoke of their program. Their project takes young persons between the ages of 16 and 24 who have not yet found themselves and re-engages with them to create pathways to academic, professional, and leadership opportunities while providing them with the skills and support for lifelong success. Students often come from single parent homes, live below poverty level, have not completed high school and have had a poor involvement with the court system. The students come from various Stark County high schools, but are not enrolled. Their mornings are for academic learning while afternoons are spent learning skills, mostly the construction trades. The participants are paid for the afternoon portion with funding from the U.S. Department of Labor. Enrollees must attend the classes to receive pay. The program also emphasizes volunteer projects, too, such as a community garden, spring clean-up, the Canton Marathon and others. Their vocational programs are geared to construction or the service industries. Project Rebuild is partnering with the Americorps Program. “We also help them plan for the future,” explained Ms. Faberty. “And we also like to have fun.” They currently have nine enrollees and the organization averages about 65% to 70% of the persons who begin the program complete the nine-month course. “We offer them an opportunity, not a job,” said Faberty.
Project REBUILD was created as a not-for-profit 501c3 in July 1999. One of their goals is to help youth complete a high school diploma/GED and acquire marketable skills in construction technologies through the rehabilitation or construction. Project REBUILD is a YouthBuild U.S.A. affiliate. By working together to refurbish neglected area properties and through the creation of low and moderate income housing units, youth also learn the importance of helping each other and members of their community. The program was also created to involve the not-for-profit, government, educational, and business sectors in partnerships to minimize the economic dependency and the incarceration of young people. However, through the youth’s involvement in this program, more than 40 major rehabilitative and/or new build projects have been completed within Stark County, with a majority in Canton.
Project ReBuild was founded by Louisville High School graduate Carolyn Jeffers. Their office is located 406 Shorb Ave, Canton. Their website address is project rebuild.org.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Secretary’s notes: This message will only be in our minutes and will NOT appear in the Herald.
Since Bill Wood and I are the oldest male members of this club, I’m using my senior status as authority to speak regarding the talking by several members during the visiting students’ singing last Wednesday. That behavior was rude and I was embarrassed for the students who had to see and hear what was going on as they were singing their hearts out.
Pix of Louisville Varsity Singers

Brandon Simmons
Chrystal Faberty

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2022
With four guests joining 16 Rotarians for our weekly luncheon meeting held at Paradise Church, Club President Glenn Heiller got things moving. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer and members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Song Meister Mark Sigler led the singing of America the Beautiful. One guest was from the Canton Rotary Club and the other three represented the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District and are day’s program presenters.
Happy Dollars
* Ken Willet announced that his cousin Paul Calhoun was to be presented his new Air Force rank of colonel in ceremonies to be held at Arlington National Cemetery on May 6. Paul is a 2000 graduate of the Air Force Academy. Ken and his family plan to attend the ceremony. Ken also commented on the improvements of Aljancic Park.
* Cynthia Kerchner, home from wintering in Florida, said she was glad to be home.
* Barb DiJacimo said she was thankful for the opportunity to share Easter Sunday dinner with her mother who has just completed a round of chemotherapy.
* Long time Rotary member and Past President Jennifer Anderson announced that her office as director of the Stark County YMCA was being relocated to Jackson Township and that she would be changing her Rotary affiliation to the Jackson club. Jen, you will be missed, but we wish you good luck in your new location.
* Glenn Heiller announced that he had been in touch with Bob Hallier who was preparing to return for another surgery. Our prayers are with you Bob.
Club News
# The District 5560 annual conference will be held Saturday, June 25th in North Canton. There will be additional information later.
# Glenn announced there is a small grant available through the District Office. Applications are due in mid-May. Any ideas?
The Program
Matt Thomas, Catherine Suggs and Ethen Zucal, representing the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD), took turns discussing the history, geography and responsibilities of the MWCD. With a home office located in New Philadelphia, the MWCD covers about 8,000 square miles that drains into the Muskingum River. It is the largest watershed in Ohio covering all or portions of 27 counties about 20% of the state’s landmass. The Muskingum River is formed with the confluence of the Tuscarawas and the Walhonding rivers at Coshocton. The MWCD’s system of resevors and dams provide flood protection, water conservation and recreational opportunities for Ohio residents and guests. The Conservancy was originally organized as a Works Project Administration (WPA) organization formulated by the President Franklin D. Roosevelt administration. Atwood Lake, Tappan Dam, Beach City Dam and Bolivar Dam are nearby lakes formed by the MWCD dams. The dams are governed and maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers. Fishing and hunting activities are managed by the Ohio Department of Wildlife. Most of the lakes and parks have cabins and lodges for rentals.
The MWCD website is www.mucd.org
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Matt Thomas, Ethen Zucal, and Catherine Suggs

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
April 27, 2022
Glenn Heiller was at the helm for the meeting which featured the opening prayer by Paradise Pastor David Anderson followed by a group recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test. Unfortunately there was no song today. Attendance included two visitors of the 20 persons in attendance.
Happy Dollars
* Pat Fallot shared her experience with Pat Smith as they both attended a meeting at Mount Union University where the city was awarded Tree City awards for again making Louisville a esteemed member of Tree City of U.S.A. Louisville has attained such ranking for many years.
* Yours truly gave an announcement that the Louisville Town & Country Garden Club is holding its annual plant sale Saturday, May 7th from 9 to 1 at the Beacon of Hope Church on East Main Street. It’s a great place to purchase Mother’s Day gifts.
* Bill Wood, having just returned from Florida, suggested to those driving there to avoid the costal interstate highways from the overload of traffic. “The interstate roads are all less crowed,” he said. He also told not to blame truck drivers for the supply chain backup.
* Eva Roshong shared her experience with Life Line program that provides a health screening for 50 items. This is a Rotary project for an Ohio club.
* Cynthia Kerchner discussed the first of the year Farmers Market coming Friday June 10th. It features food vendors, music, fresh produce, baked goods, flowers, fresh meat and opportunities to meet and greet neighbors and friends. We need help setting up.
Club Business
Glenn read thank you notes from flag customers including a nice donation from Rick Guiley. There was also a $50 donation from Judge Dixie Park. Glenn announced the upcoming District 6650 conference meeting scheduled for Saturday, June 25 in North Canton. Cost is $50. Glenn will also be a presenter for the Rotary - sponsored LHS band awards May 11 at the high school.
The Perry Rotary is sponsoring Wreaths Across America education exhibit Friday, May 6 from 9-to-5 free and open to the public. It’s purpose is to remember, honor and teach about America’s armed conflicts necessary to protect freedom.
The Program
Morgan Massengale and Caitlin Sigler presented the Stark County Probate Court Angel Volunteer Program. The program, working through Probate Judge Dixie Park, serves as a source of support for guardians and ensures that adult wards, the most vulnerable residents of our area, receive proper care, a service provided by the Stark Probate Court.
Court Angels visit adult wards in private residences, group homes, and local nursing homes. They speak to guardians and wards and submit reports to the court about the care being provided and make recommendations that will enhance the health and welfare of the ward. The volunteers are provided training and guidance on topics such as elder rights, developmental disabilities, and mental health. There are quarterly meetings for continuing education. The Angels schedule their vists at a time convenient for the volunteer, guardian and ward. Angels may complete as many visits as they like.
Once a Court Angel returns the completed summary report, the visit is completed. Most reports are positive. The court staff insures that connections to the proper resources are made if needed. Their offices are located in Canton, Massillon and Alliance. Interested volunteers can visit the Court Angel office located in the South Suite 501 in the County Office building, 110 Central Plaza, Canton. Phone 330-451-7752.
Coming Events
May 3rd — Board meeting
May 4th — Business meeting
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Morgan Massengale, Kaitlin Sigler

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
May 4, 2022
President Glenn Heiller opened the May business meeting followed by a prayer given by Paradise Pastor David Anderson. The members pledged the flag and recited the Rotary Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler dug up the lyrics for an older Beatles hit And Your Bird Can Sing. Unfortunately, most of the members couldn’t. Sing, that is.
Club Business
* Cynthia Kerchner, the Master of Downtown Activities, explained the difference between the Louisville’s Second Friday and the Farmers Markets. The community’s first Second Friday, May 13, will have music performed by the Beatles Tribute Band. With his folding camp chair, Sigler will be there by set up time — 4-5 — to grab a choice spot. Cynthia is requesting set-up help from the club members. The first Farmers Market is scheduled for June 10th. Mark your calendars.
* Ron Derry reminded members the Historical Society annual dinner is set for next Tuesday, May 10th at Brookside Farms.
* Scooter Israel was proud to announce that his daughter Raychel graduated from Ohio University and, of course, father and mother were there.​
Other business:
* Garry Tausch was approved as a new club member.
* The officer nominations for the 2023-24 are coming together. Randy Starr is interested in a Board position which was gratefully accepted. Current sergeant-at-Arms, Treasurer and Secretary persons have agreed to hold their current offices for the 2023-24 year. The positions of President-elect and one other board member still needs candidates.
* There is a meeting set for tomorrow following our regular meeting to discuss and finalize banquet details.
* This year’s District Conference set for the end of June and held at Walsh University will be attended by Glenn and Allen. Cost is $50 paid for by each individual. Others are welcome to attend.
* Purchase of a Linden tree to be planted in Metzger Park as the Green Committee use of their grant money. The tree is ordered and will be planted by Cindy Petitti.
* The Education sub-committee, chaired by Barb DiJacimo, is working with the the Board of Education, City Parks Department and other groups to establish a Health, Physical Education path using the walking pathway next to the middle school.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2022
Songmeister Mark Sigler led the meeting in a rousing rendition of It’s a Grand Old Flag with president Glenn Heiller bringing members back to point, Pastor David Anderson thanked God for the beautiful weather (for a change) and members recited the Four-Way Test. Eighteen members including one guest were present.
Happy Dollars & Meeting Business combined
* Greg Anderson officially welcomed and inducted Garry Tausch for membership in the Louisville Rotary Club. Welcome Garry!
* Greg Anderson urged helpers to serve as judges for the school science fair Tuesday, May 17 at the elementary school.
* Garry Tausch told of how proud we should be that four LHS students were honored a Repository Students of the Month over the past school year. In addition, Evan Wengerter and Bridget DeJacimo were elected by classmates as Students of the Year.
* Cynthia Kerchner reminded members of the Second Friday celebration and that volunteers were needed to help set up. Be there threeish.
* Glenn reminded members of the $260 District grant available and that it was decided to apply for the grant and spend it for a tree for Aljancic Park.
* Progress for Planning the annual banquet was discussed by Chairperson Denny Valentine. The dinner will be held at the Chesapeake building, Wednesday, June 29. A caterer is lined up. Searching for a dynamic speaker is on-going. The event is a BYOB. Cost is $30 per person.
The Program
Jeni Menegay, owner of the L&J Masonry Company presented the program. Jeni, a graduate of Louisville High School, took over ownership of the company in 2019 from her father, Dick Menegay, who founded the company 40 years ago. Mr. Menegay retired. Jeni is one of only a few women who owne companies in the building trades.
L&J Masonry specializes in restoration, new builds, custom brick and stone. “We will give your property the face lift it needs!” according to their Facebook page.“We specialize in building repairs,” she continued. “I must get 25 calls a month from people who need mason repair work.” The company also does patio, fire pits and wall work. Ms. Menegay talked of the need for bricklayers. “I could hire 10 today,” she said. “Our company provides benefits after 90 days of employment and a 401K plan as she stressed how important the building trades are.
L&J Masonry is located 9083 State Street, Louisville. Phone 330-205-4873 or reach Jeni at jeni@jcmasonry.net . Their FaceBook page features many photographs of all kinds and types of masonry projects from complete basement rebuilds to beautiful fireplace and patios.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Jeni Menegay

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2022
President Glenn Heiller opened the meeting with a prayer by Pastor David Anderson followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary 4 Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler, inspired perhaps by the Beatles tribute band Hard Days Night last Friday night, led the group in a rendition of Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. There were 18 Rotarians present plus 3 guests; Michelle Schafer and Anna Minor along with featured speaker Deana Fresenko.
Happy Dollars and Thanks
Glenn announced that Rotarian Randy Starr was in Fort Lauderdale competing in Raquetball in the Senior Olympics and so far had finished 4th in men’s singles and 6th in mens doubles. Bill Wood announced that Louisville High School would have an exchange student, Arantxa Garcia Orozco, from Spain for the coming school year, We are looking for a home where she can stay. Members expressed satisfaction with the turnout for the first Second Friday event held last Friday. There were lots of people downtown for the food, entertainment, and just enjoying the atmosphere. Lots of Rotarians answered the call to help out with the event.
A reminder was made that the flag posting begins next Wednesday May 25. So far we are about 100 flags behind last year, but leases are still coming in.
Denny Valentine confirmed the Annual Meeting will be at the Chesapeake Building at 2321 Energy Drive on June 29 with Social Hour starting at 6:30 and dinner at 7:00. District Governor Steve Wilder will attend to swear in the set of officers for the 2022-2023 year. Members and Drivers should RSVP to Dave Yeagley by June 22. The club is also looking for suggestions for a meeting location for the June 15 regular meeting as the church will not be available that day.
The Program
Deana Fresenko, a PE and Fitness Walking teacher at the high school presented a concept of a Mindfulness Trail in Louisville. This would be a walking trail that would also allow the walking students to focus on their 5 senses as they stop at various stations to look around them to enjoy the environment. Benefits would be to increase focus, manage stress, regulate emotions, develop a positive outlook, enjoy and appreciate the environment. Fresenko began Mindful Mondays at school as a first step to provide students with a topic to be mindful of as they walk.
The proposed trail would begin at the old K of C location and follow Nickelplate Trail, which is owned by the city, to Georgetown Road with the stations located along the way. There are already some benches along the trail that could be incorporated into the Mindfulness Concept. Some of the senses involved at the stations could be utilized by Yoga Poses, Stacking Stones, Tubular Bells, a Water Fountain, Flower beds etc. The Wood Shop at the High School has offered to help build any needed structures, such as benches, boxes, signage and they would appreciate any other material and volunteers to help out as needed. Some potential partners for the project could be Louisville City Schools, City of Louisville, Louisville Rotary Club, High School Engineering and Home Maintenance Classes, Stark Parks, Stark County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery. As a confirmation of the value of this trail located within Louisville, a recent bird count by an Alliance bird watching club counted 70 different bird species along the trail.
The Rotary Club has already donated $200 from one of our Areas of Focus to this project
Submitted by Glenn Heiller, President
Pix of Deana Fresenko

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
May 25, 2022
President Glenn Heiller opened the meeting with a silent prayer in honor of Memorial Day in remembering those servicemen who gave their lives defending freedom. He also offered a silent prayer for the school children in Texas that were killed and Pastor David Anderson completed the prayer.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary 4 Way Test. There was no song but there were 2 guests; Samantha Anna and Sara Anna who came to hear the speaker, their son and grandson respectively.
Bill Wood announced he is looking for a home for our exchange student this year, a girl from Spain. He would prefer a home with a high school student. Jim Dutter announced for next months Second Friday on June 10th the band will be Long Time Gone, a Crosby Stills and Nash Tribute band. Cynthia mentioned its also the first Farmers Market of the summer so it will be “all hands on deck” for Rotarians to help set up downtown and the Farmers Market both, but Rotarians are used to responding to the call.
Glenn reminded everyone that the season’s first flag placement is well underway with all 55 flag teams eager to put out over 1200 flags again. He also called for volunteers after the meeting to help place the 50 flags in the Green Space for Memorial Day, Flag Day, and July Fourth and members responded enthusiastically as always.
The guest speaker was Nick Anna, an eagle scout. Nick graduated from Louisville High School last year and is looking forward to starting college at Mount Union University this fall. Nick’s scout project for Troop 16 was to design, build, and place several book exchange boxes at various parks in Louisville. These were built by donated materials and filled with donated books at Metzger Park, Aljancic Park, Wildwood Park, Wilson Park, and Constitution Park. The purpose is to help spread literacy throughout Louisville by offering free books to readers, and also accept free books in exchange. The program has been a great success with no problem collecting books when needed and minimum vandalism with the book cases. When they run low on books they put out a call on social media and are rewarded with lots of free books.
Louisville has one of the highest per capita eagle scouts in the county, at about 2 per year out of 25-30 active scouts. Nick has been in scouting for about 11 years as part of Buckeye Council. We wish him well in his endeavors.
Submitted by Glenn Heiller, Club President
Pix of Nick Anna

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2022
With a new month upon us, the club held its business meeting with 17 members in attendance. There were no guests. The usual opening ceremonies were honored with Paradise Pastor David Anderson giving the prayer. Sadly there was no song today due to the absence of our Songmeister.
Happy Dollars
# Garry Tausch proudly talked of the successes of the LHS baseball team and both boys and girls track members who competed made the Leopard Nation proud. In addition, the Speech & Debate Team is sending a record nine students to the NATIONAL tournament in Louisville, Kentucky. With all this success we can expect open enrollment students coming to town next year!
# Joanie Aljancic wished for good health and safety for our high school athletes.
# Eva Roshong gave a surprise gift certificate to Rotarian Jerry Dunbar. The award was for Jerry consistently getting his carpet cleaned by Brad’s Carpet Cleaning Company. Jerry has used their services 27 times since 2012. Jerry said his bad dog helped him get the reward. Eva requested that members vote for Brad’s as the Best Carpet Cleaning Company in the Repository contest for reader favorite businesses.
# Glenn reported the theft of 4 flags on Pilot Knob Street. The two culprits were caught on a homeowner’s camera. Though their faces were blurred, the thieves appeared to be a boy & a girl of high school age. It was suggested when the two were brought to justice their punishment should be for them to post flags for a route for the rest of our flag season. Otherwise, Glenn said it was a very successful flag posting.
# Glenn reported that progress for the annual banquet was moving forward thanks to Chairperson Denny Valentine. Mr. Mike’s Catering will be the food provider. The District
governor will attend to swear in the next year’s officers. Our nearly 100 volunteer drivers are invited to attend as our thanks for their work.
# Cynthia Kerchner, the unelected CEO of Louisville Farmers Markets, reminded all it will be June 10 and all Rotarians are expected to pitch in and help setting up. Be there at 4. The tribute band for Crosby, Sills & Nash will be prerforming later uptown at the Second Friday activity. Both the Farmers Market & Second Friday activities begin at 5. There will also be a mural drawing going on in Umbrella Alley.
# Our apologies to Randy Starr for over-looking the mention of his bronze medal won participating in the Senior Olympics held a couple of weeks ago in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The original story, sans the bronze, was in last week’s minutes.
The Work Agenda
* Glenn announced we needed a meeting location for the June 15th meeting. Suggestions were: Eva’s barn, a Metzger Park shelter or Unhitched. The lucky location will be decided at next Wednesday’s regular meeting.
* Should we name a Rotarian of the Year? It was decided to continue this tradition. Place your bets!
* Glenn announced that we now have 38 dues-paying members.
* Discussion for board members for 2022-23 was held. Randy Starr & Pat Fallot were nominated and approved with the slate of officers.
* Glenn discussed the District meeting held June 25th at Walsh University.
* The need for a host family for our fall exchange student was discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 12:55.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
June 8 no meeting, we were expected to consider the volumnteer work for Second Friday setup as the meeting for the week.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
June 15, 2022
Due to a vacation Bible School scheduling conflict, Rotary members adjourned to the Unhitched Brewery for a social meeting. Fifteen persons, including guest Brad Roshong, opened the evening with a 20-question game written and administered by President Glenn Heiller. The subjects for the questions included Rotary history and club membership questions. The contest winner, Bill Wood, scorched all players by getting 14 of 20 questions correct. Allen Gress, who wrote the club’s history several years ago, stumbled with just 12 correct answers. Al blamed the background noise as interfering with his thought process. Several other persons also scored 12. The club’s yearly induction banquet is set for next Wednesday in the former Chesapeake office building on Energy Avenue.
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
June 22,2022
A good turnout for the June 22nd meeting found 20 attendees present. The usual Rotary rituals were performed with Pastor Anderson offering a prayer of thanks, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test were recited. Songmeister Mark Sigler was his usual self in leading the group sing. Was that a tear we saw in Mark’s eyes as he lead the singing of It’s a Grand Old Flag?
Happy Dollars
* Cynthia Kerchner was ecstatic with the last Farmers Market and has added more vendors for the July 8th Market. “There will be more food trucks,” she said. “And you can’t miss the bike parade. Thanks to Pastor Anderson for working the dunking machine.” (The church made $400 Anderson said.) Glenn Heiller had been counting the visitors to the Market and reported the average for the evening was 700 persons per hour.
* Jim Dutter said this coming market will have the 50-piece Canton Symphony providing patriotic music.
* Mark Sigler told the story of how he was saved by a local Good Samaritan by the name of Tom Pukys. Tom found a stranded walker and offered him a lift home. “The vultures were circling,” Tom noted. For the City Manager it was all in a day’s work.
* Jim Edwards announced that Judge Earl Wise would be speaking at the Rotary banquet next Wednesday. Parking is in the rear of the building. BYOB is the suggestion.
* President Glenn announced the need for a speaker-finder for July, August & September.
The Program
Stephanie Virgallito, representing the public television network PBS Western Reserve, drove from their offices & studio in Kent to talk about PBS offerings. PBS, of course, is an acronym for Public Broadcasting. Their programming is presented with no commercials and their funding comes from donors and government support which amounts to just 13 to 15 percent of their funding. They have four fundraisers a year. The Western Reserve PBS serves 20 counties in northeast Ohio and western Pennsylvania and a tip of West Virginia. The Western Reserve BPS is the largest public broadcaster in Ohio and has working relationships with the three northeast Ohio Universities — Kent State, Youngstown State and Akron University. Stephanie is in charge of the TV station’s social media platforms and their media audience. Her business card also says she is a “community builder.” “And we’re the most cost efficient,” she said.
The TV station is staffed by 14-15 full time and part time members and is governed by a 15-person board. Each local PBS station is locally owned and is affiliated with the national PBS network located in Arlington, Virginia.
Stephanie said the main difference between public television and commercial TV is the quality of programming. “We offer 35 hours a week of commercial-free HD broadcasting that includes 60 hours a week of children’s programs. She urges citizens to buy memberships which allow members a monthly program guide and access to extra events. Stephanie said their most watched series was Downtown Abby, but Ken Burns has a new series coming in September. Currently the series called The Ohio & Erie Canal is quite popular.
Stephanie can be reached at 330-474-5033 or email svirgallito@PBSWestern Reserve.org
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Stephanie Virgallito

The Louisville Rotary Club held its annual induction banquet last Wednesday at the Chesapeake Center with 80 Rotarians, spouses and flag volunteers attending. Eva Roshong accepted the president’s gavel as the club’s 97th president from out-going president Glenn Heiller. She will lead the club from July though June, 2023. Other club officers inducted include Barb DeJacimo, President-elect; Justin Kuhn, Treasurer; Allen Gress, Secretary; and David Yeagley, Sergeant-at-arms. Randy Starr and Pat Fallot are new board members. This is Roshong’s second time as president.
The new officers were given the oath of office by the Rotary District 6650 Governor Stephen Wilder, a member of the North Canton Rotary. In his introduction, Wilder, who is also the Mayor of North Canton, added a touch of humor when he assured everybody that he was not there attempting to annex Louisville.
In other business, Greg Anderson was honored as the 2022 Rotarian of the Year. Greg fulfills numerous responsibilities for the club as the induction person, works with the Warm Coats program, organizes the walking trail clean-ups, is chair of the pancake breakfast fundraiser and is chair of the Citizen of the Year project. He is a Paul Harris Fellow.
Songmeister Mark Sigler entertained with a enthusiastic group sing of You’re a Grand old Flag. Mark also gave the invocation. Music for the evening was presented by Rotarian Rick Dunlap aided by his daughter Makenna. Cindy Petitti Walter provided the beautiful table decorations.
Honorable Judge Earle Wise was the featured speaker. Wise, who is judge of the 5th District State Court of Appeals, gave an informative speech about the structure and functions of the Appeals Court. Judge Wise attended Pleasant Grove School for four years before the family moved to Marlboro. He graduated from Marlington High School.
Rotarian Denny Valentine, who chaired the banquet, gave a brief history of the Louisville Club and explained about the youth exchange with a display of small flags representing various Rotary Clubs from counties around the world. Those flags were presented to the club by foreign exchange students. Special thanks was given to Kristine Marshall and Diana Black for restoring that flag display. Louisville has hosted exchange students for 29 or the last 30 years before the COVID pandemic put a halt to the program. The Louisville Club will host a girl from Spain due to arrive here in mid-August.
Glenn Heiller gave a farewell message and Eva welcomed everyone with a few words. “We have 54 flag teams and 72 flag volunteers,” said Heiller. Speaking to our guest volunteers, Eva said “We do this from out hearts.”
The steak & fish meal was catered by Mike’s Catering Service.
Rotary was founded in 1905 in Chicago by Paul Harris. Within 16 years there were clubs in 16 countries. Rotary International is an organization of service clubs located all over the world with about 1.4 million members. The Louisville Club was founded in 1925 and boasts 42 current members. The stated purpose of the Rotary organization is to bring together community leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards and help build goodwill and peace in the world.
The Louisville Rotary Club meets Wednesday for a noon luncheon and a short meeting at Paradise UCC. “Everyone is welcome,” said President Roshong.