Louisville Rotary Club
We meet Wednesday at noon in the downstairs at the Louisville Eagles,
306 W. Main St.., Louisville, Ohio 44641
Mailing Address: P.O Box 170
Louisville, Ohio 44641
Phone 330-418-3375

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
January 4, 2023
Led by club President Eva Roshong, the first business meeting of the new year was attended by 18 Rotarians. Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer, the members pledged the flag and recited the Four-Way Test. There was no song. Happy Dollars:
Jim Dutton enthusiastically thanked Cynthia Kerchner for “one heck of a good party.” There were rounds of “Hear! Hear!” from the members.
Club Business:
Greg Anderson performed an induction for new member Lisa Lingenhoel. Congratulations, Lisa! *
Brock Hutchison gave a discussion on his recent experiences as a 2023 member of the Stark County Leadership program presented by the Stark County Chamber of Commerce. Brock’s class is the 36th indicating that the SC Chamber has been conducting this for 36 years. *
Eva discussed Jim Edward’s idea for assisting the cost for a better railroad crossing for West Main & North Chapel Street crossings. There was no action taken. *
Glenn Heiller discussed the establishment of service projects. Glenn, Bob Hallier, Jim Edwards, Dave Yeagley and Randy Starr will be a Service Project Focus Group. The thinking is to establish a community corporation for those individuals who want to do volunteering. This would be a clearing house for non-profits and individuals who need assistance. Some examples would be Second Fridays, Umbrella Alley, the Farmers Markets, Key Club, the 80 volunteer flag drivers and others. * Eva suggested we try an evening meal a month to pick up persons who cannot attend noon meeting. Jim Edwards spoke up and said “We need young people.” *
Eva said the club was going to serve a luncheon for The Refuge of Hope office in Canton. We do not have to do the cooking only the serving along with the possibility of clean-up. The date is is March 29. More details later. *
Jim Dutton said the Second Fridays are scheduled already and the first is April 14th. *
The next Speakers Committee includes Travis, Tom and Jim.
Coming Events & Menus:
January 11 — Dr. James Perone * * * Hot ham & cheese sliders. Chips, cupcake
January 18 — Refuge of Hope, Director Joann Carpenter * * * Meatloaf, cheesy hash browns, cookie
January 25 — HOF Village Director Anne Graffice * * * Loaded baked potato, coleslaw fruit cup.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Greg Anderson after inducting new member Lisa Lingenhoel:

Thank you Denny for creating this montage of the Rotary District Inbound Foreign Exchange students:
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes January 11, 2023
It was a historical musical theme that kept members on the edge of their seats for the Rotary Club’s Wednesday noon luncheon with 24 persons attending including two guests. Guests included Scott Dunn and Dr. James Perone. Dr. Perone presented the day’s program.
Songmeister Mark Sigler, who is a well-known Beatles fan, led the singing of a long-lost Beatles song released in 1965, Tell Us What You See. This song gave prelude to the day’s program which presented members a background of the preBeadles rock music in America and the UK.
Dr. Perone’s message came with select snippets of the rock music that dated from the 1950s moving into the mid ‘60s. It was Feb. 11, 1964 when Beatlemania blasted live in the United States two nights following the Beatles appearance on the Ed Sullivan TV show. But according to Dr. Perone, the groundwork for the period’s rock music was formed following World War II. In England a lot of the early music was heavily influenced by the poverty and youth gangs that developed among the lower social-economic population in London and Liverpool. Rockabilly, Bill Haley and Elvis were great models from American music as were the influence of the African-American R & B music. For those with more appetite for the history of rock & roll, Dr. Perone has authored 26 books on the subject, all available on Amazon.
Announcements & News *
Glenn Heiller discussed the establishment of service projects. Glenn, Bob Hallier, Jim Edwards, Dave Yeagley and Randy Starr will be a Service Project Focus Group. The thinking is to establish a community corporation for those individuals who want to do volunteering. This would be a clearing house for non-profits and individuals who need assistance. Some examples would be Second Fridays, Umbrella Alley, the Farmers Markets, Key Club, the 80 volunteer flag drivers and others. Glenn suggested we look at the flag drivers to gage their interest in a service club. *
For a service project the club will serve a meal at the Refuge of Hope in Canton. A request for volunteers brought nearly all the members agreeing. The date is set for March 29th. More information will be forthcoming. *
Eva thanked Jerry Dunbar for his faithful service doing the luncheon check-in. *
Scott Dunn was introduced as a guest and was urged to return.
Coming Events Jan. 18 —Joann Carpenter, Director of the Refuge of Hope
Jan. 25 — Director Anne Graffice, Director of the HOF Village
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Jim Perone

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2023
President-Elect Barb DiJacimo stepped up to fill in for President Eva Roshong now on vacation.
Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the opening prayer and following the members pledged the flag and repeated the Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler led the group sing of I Won’t Back Down. For those who are interested in such things see below. "I Won't Back Down" is a song by American rock musician Tom Petty. It was released in April 1989 as the lead single from his first solo album, Full Moon Fever. The song was co-written by Petty and Jeff Lynne, also his writing partner for the album. It reached number 12 on the Billboard Hot 100 and topped the Album Rock Tracks chart for five weeks, starting the album's road to multi-platinum status. Thanks to Wikipedia.
The day’s 25 attendees including two guests. Glenn Adkins, who has attended before, and the day’s program presenter Mary Smith were guests.
Club News Glenn Adkins, the 1st half-year host of our exchange student, has volunteered to organize and chaperone a 3-day trip to Washington, D.C. March 3 — 5 for all the exchange students in District 6650. There is a 16-passenger van rented for the trip, but a volunteer driver is needed. Jim Edwards volunteered. Way to go, Jim.
Cynthia Kerchner shared the ideas proposed by George Kiko. The idea is for our club help in a project to build sidewalks from both the middle school and the high school that would connect with the YMCA. Cynthia said many students go to the Y when school dismisses. The project will be discussed for further action at the club’s next business meeting February 1.
The Program: Randy Starr introduced the day’s program speaker, Mary Smith, the Director of the Refuge of Hope. The Refuge of Hope, located in Canton, is the only refuge for homeless men in Stark County. Last year, 163 homeless men were moved from homelessness to shelter living. If a person is homeless and meets the Refuge’s acceptance criteria, they are provided a small furnished apartment. The Refuge staff works with them to help each person to find a job. The average stay is between 35 & 40 days. Hot meals are provided on selected days with usually 85 to 105 attending. There is also a clothing ministry on site and Community Care Center to provide health care for the men which includes mental health support. Our club has agreed to serve a meal there March 29.
Submitted by Allen Gress, the won’t back down Secretary
Pix of Joanne Carpenter

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
February 1, 2023
Fifteen members were present as President Eva Roshong called the February noon business meeting to order. Following the prayer, the Pledge and the Four-Way Test the program got going. There were no guests to introduce, no Happy Dollars to collect and no song to sing. Songmeister Sigler where are you?
Items Discussed: The club’s participation in the funeral arrangements for Mike Yeagley were discussed with an agreement to send flowers with a posting of the Rotary banner including his name tag in the funeral home. * Discussion focused on finding two new members of the Rotary Board for the next year. * The Service Committee is in place with Jim Edwards, Glenn Heiller, Randy Starr and Bob Hallier members. Bob will serve as Chairman. * The Annual Chamber of Commerce Dinner is planned for Friday, February 24 at the Foltz Center in East Canton. Cost is $35 and the hope is our club can be represented. After all, we are members of the Chamber. * The Speaker Committee is in place with Jim Edwards, Glenn Heiller and Pat Fallot doing the calling and planning. Their hitch runs from April through June. * Barb DiJacimo discussed the school levy fundraiser. Our club has agreed to provide a free flag for a raffle basket. * Randy Starr volunteered to drive our four RYLA students to the conference in Canfield February 24-26 and return them home afterward. *
The cost and profit figures for last November’s pancake breakfast will be forthcoming. * The D.C. trip of District exchange students is coming with Jim Edwards, Glenn Heiller and Barb DiJacimo driving and chaperoning. * Our participation in the schools - YMCA sidewalk project was discussed. *More research is needed for the idea of the Rotary Community Corp. * The recently passed texting while driving law in Ohio was discussed. * For those with a sugar craving, the Dairy Queen has triple truffle cupid cupcakes on sale. Future Exciting Meetings & Luncheon Menu (With the snow day cancelling our meeting last week, the menu MAY be off by one week)
Feb. 8 — Bob Meadows — a biker who has ridden across America. Roast beef sandwich w/ mashed potatoes and gravy. Mixed fruit.
Feb. 15 — Stark County Administrator Brent Luther will speak. Sub sandwich. Tater tots. Ice cream bar.
Feb. 22 — Stark County Engineer Keith Bennet. Ham & bean soup. Corn bread. Cake.
Feb. 24 — Chamber of Commerce dinner
Feb. 24-26 — RYLA conference in Canfield
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2023
Due to a funeral dinner in the church the Rotary meeting was held in Paradise’s Old Kitchen. Fifteen persons and two guests, Bob and Lorie Meadows, attended the meeting. Bob was the program this day. Following the usual Rotary opening rituals, Songmeister Mark Sigler led the group sing of an old classic song Daisy Bell: A Bicycle Build for Two. Just to keep our group in the club’s ever-learning mode, the song was written by an Englishman in 1892 and has been used in several American films. Surprising, many of the the Rotarians knew the lyrics. The song, of course, was selected in the spirit of the day’s program.
Happy Dollars and Club Business * Joannie Aljancic was excited with the outcome of Tuesday’s basketball victory over Lake. Her comments brought other similar responses. Go Leps, this Friday at Northwest High School. *
Jared, being the good father, sold pretzel sticks, a school fundraiser for his 6-year-old daughter. *
Greg Anderson raised the matter of the club sponsoring a shelter box for the many victims of the earthquake in Turkey. He also suggested a similar box for the residents of East Palestine who lost shelter due the train fire. The Board will take up the issue.
The Program — Biking Across America A lifetime Louisville resident and a member of Paradise Church, Bob Meadows has a passion for bicycling which dates from his first bike when he was just three years old. He joked how he received a new bike for his 15th birthday and his mother assured him when he got his driver’s license, he would no longer be a bike rider. Bob, now 64, is retired from a 45-year career in the insurance industry. He is married to Lori and they have two grown children, Amanda and Mark. And he is still riding bikes. There are too many trips to record in this club’s minutes, but several of his trips include: a 40-mile training route through Portage County and back, a trip from Atlanta to Washington D.C., from the Ohio River to Lake Erie, and many more. He has riden routes in Alaska, Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand. Asked if he ever felt alone on these trips he said “I do a lot of praying . . . God is always with me. There was a time he had to steer off the road and crash to avoid large trucks coming both ways at the same time on a narrow 2-lane road. And there was the time when a park ranger warned him of buffalo herds and not to stop and take selfies or the time he saw what looked like a large rock beside the road and in his path. Turned out it was a bear. But the dark-tanned biker with well-tuned muscles Bob spent most of the time sharing his adventures of this last summer when he rode from Astoria along the Oregon Pacific Coast across Idaho, through Wyoming with the goal of seeing Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. He rode the 1,600 miles in 24 days. His trip includes having Mark and Amanda keeping track of him from the start to finish with contacts at certain waystations along the road. With his cell phone he could communicate with Lori. His on-bike equipment includes a GPS, so he is never lost. Bob’s last two trips were successful church fundraisers in competition with Paradise Pastor David Anderson. Before allowing questions, Bob closed with this message — “I’m having a great time doing something I love.” What a wonderful example he is for us. God speed Bob and may you have many more biking adventures.
Upcoming Events & Luncheon Menu Feb. — Stark County Administrator Brant Luther /Sub sandwich, tater tots, ice cream
Feb. 22 — Stark County Engineer Keith Bennet/ Ham & bean soup, corn bread, cake
Feb. 24 — Chamber of Commerce Dinner
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2023
With a beautiful 60-degree winter day outside Paradise Church, the club met for their weekly noon luncheon meeting with 17 members and two guests attending. Mary Smith attended her second meeting and City Service Director Dan Milsap were guests. Pastor David Anderson gave the opening prayer followed by Club President Eva Roshong leading the group reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. Songmeister Mark Sigler led the singing of America the Beautiful (from one . . .2, 3, 4).
Happy Dollars & Club Business *
Joanie Aljancic, with excited enthusiasm, praised the LHS boys basketball teams 72-66 hard fought victory over the Massillon Tigers Tuesday evening. Louisville boys have “grit” she said. As a retired physical education teacher she should know grit when she sees it. *
Barb DiJacimo gave a heartfelt message about her niece Kristine’s heroic battle with double pneumonia that turned into sepsis from an infected leg injury. She was placed on a ventilator, but thankfully she recovered. Barb credited her sister with resilience. *
Josephine Guibeau-Wade, accompanied by a future Rotarian, Baby Easton, invited members for a dinner meeting at her home. Eva will establish a date possibly the 1st week of April. Additional information forthcoming. *
Joanie A. asked about when the club cleaned the walking trails? Chair of that project Greg Anderson said weather plays a part and we would plan such cleaning in late March or early April. *
Barb DiJacimo said the annual president-elect conference (PETS) was set for March 10-11 and she is looking forward to the experience. As a project she is collecting feminine toiletries and hygiene products for a Rotary International project called Empowering Girls. The collected items will be made available through organizations such as the YWCA, the domestic violence shelters and our schools to girls as young as 2nd grade *
Eva gave updates: the club will send $250 to the East Palestine Rotary Club to assist in the community damage caused by the recent railroad derailment. The club also gave $1,500 to the Rotary Ukraine Relief Fund. She reminded all of the Chamber of Commerce networking dinner at Foltz Community Center on the 24th. *
The are two open positions for the Rotary Board of Directors for the upcoming year. Nominations are accepted now. * The 4 LHS juniors will be attending the Rotary-sponsored leadership conference Feb. 24-26.
The Program Louisville City Manager and Rotarian Tom Pukys needed no introduction nor did City Service Director Dan Milsap. Their topic was the city’s desire to move to a single trash collector, a current emotional issue before council. The current situation allows for seven separate trash companies, many doing their pickups on the same day, during the same hours in the same neighborhoods. This has been a discussed issue since 2010. City Manager Pukys wants citizens to know and understand the “why” and the “how” of the single payer system. Every resident will have trash pickup and will be billed as part of their water/sewer bill once a month. The companies submitted bids and the Kimble Company had the most favorable rates that run — depending on the services provided — $13.45 to $19.35 for the 1st year. There would be slight increases over the next four years of the five-year contract. Five percent of the citizens now recycle and curbside pickup could be available. Citizens have said they would like the spring citywide pickup which could be apart of the city’s arrangements with the hauler. Council will vote on the matter later this month or early March. Mr. Pukys or Mr. Milsap will answer questions they receive either by mail, telephone or email so please don’t go uniformed.
Coming Attractions
Feb. 22 — Stark County Engineer Keith Bennet. Ham & bean soup, corn bread, cake
Feb. 24 — Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner
Feb. 24-26 — RYLA Four LHS students travel to Canfield
March 1 — Work session. Antipasto salad, garlic bread, ice cream
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
February 22, 2023
Due to the absence of your secretary for this meeting, these notes were artfully taken by Barbara DiJacimo who was asked to stand in for me on the spur of the moment. They are well-done, as we all know Barb would do for any job requested of her. From me Barb, a big thank-you.
President Eva Roshong called the meeting to order and members and guests were served ham and bean soup, cornbread, and cake for dessert, a savory choice for such a damp, rainy day. After a prayer given by Pastor Anderson, the club recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four-Way Test. A total of 20 Rotarians and 2 guests were present:
Glenn Adkins, the host father for our exchange student, Aran; and the speaker for the day, Keith Bennett, Stark County Engineer. Mark Sigler led the club in singing the apropos selection, “On the Road Again” by Willie Nelson.
Happy Dollars* Eva Roshong said that this year will mark 118 years since Paul Harris founded Rotary
Club and that our club will turn 100 in 2025. Also, Rotarians are needed to volunteer to judge the Rotary-sponsored speech contest on March 15th. She also reminded members that Alliance’s First Friday’s program is titled Music Madness.* Glenn Adkins — asked if any female members would like to chaperone for the Inbound Exchange Student trip to Washington DC March 3-5th, as his wife Tricia recently broke her ankle and five female students would be attending.
* Barb DeJacimo — requested members to consider attending the Keys to Success meeting for the school levy on March 4th at Christine’s Banquet Center, featuring the Dueling Pianos. Also thanked were members for their donations of feminine toiletries and hygiene products for Louisville’s Community Cupboard. She will be collecting and buying products through March 8th for the Ohio President Elect Project focusing on Elect Project focusing on Empowering Girls. As of the day, our club has donated three bags and a $175 cash donation to purchase additional items. * Mark Sigler — Requested bottled water donations for East Palestine train wreck. Donations are to be dropped off at Paradise Church by Friday morning. * Brock Hutchisen announced the Louisville Library’s new partnership with the Community Cupboard as a donation center. Those donations will be passed on the CC monthly.* Josephine Wade volunteered to help any member interested in establishing a Rotary Community Corps. * Greg Anderson officially initiated our two newest members, Alec and Josephine Wade. The Wades thanked the club for welcoming them and reiterated their commitment to service.
The Program:
Tom Pukys introduced the Stark County Engineer Keith Bennett. Keith has been the Stark County Engineer since 2010, and worked in the private sector for 25 years prior to that. He is also a former chair of the Balloon Lift Off and Ribs Burn Off. Mr. Bennett began by describing the biggest difference between working in the private sector and as an elected government official. He joked, “In the private sector, you look for work; in the public sector work finds you.” He went on to explain his office is responsible for inspecting and maintaining 406 miles of county roads, 329 bridges, and
2700 culverts. There are 74 employees, 50 of which are union road crews. Their budget comes from Ohio’s gas tax and county license plate fees, totaling $18.2 million in 2021. These dollars, along with state and federal grants and OPWC infrastructure money, fund snow removal, patching potholes, chip sealing, micro-surfacing and bridge maintenance/repair. He highlighted several road construction projects, including: Adding an additional southbound lane by Strip Avenue, at Dressler Road and Mega Drive.
• Adding 2 roundabouts at Shuffel Road
• Redoing the Farber Street bridge over Nimishillen Creek in East Sparta The county has secured grants that cover the entire construction costs portion of projects. He also explained why the county is installing traffic circles: not only do they
keep traffic moving, they eliminate deadly “T-bone” crashes. Accidents in roundabouts are generally less serious, “sideswipes.” As time was running out, he accepted questions from the members. Coming Events & Menus
March 8 — Stark County Auditor Alan Harold. Dr. Thomas will added some thoughts. Chicken tenders, macaroni salad, cupcake
March 15 — Dr. Rooney shares thoughts about a cancer program. Breakfast
casserole, hash browns and mixed fruit
March 22 — Hall of Fame Director Ann Graffice. George Kiko will also add comments
regarding the proposed sidewalk project. Hot dogs, chili & pudding
March 29 — Refuge of Hope lunch serving project. All club members are invited. We will eat before we work. No lunch at Paradise

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
March 1, 2023
“We are more than a club, we are a movement!” Jennifer Jones, President of Rotary International 2022-23. Nineteen members and five guests were treated with a presentation by four LHS students who attended this year’s RYLA Conference. First, perhaps a description of what RYLA is. RYLA has been a Rotary-sponsored leadership seminar for high school students in District 6650 since 1959. It is also an important activity for Rotary Clubs around the world. Each year, thousands of young people participate in this program for students in their junior year of high school. Participants are chosen for their leadership potential and Rotary Clubs and the Rotary District cover all expenses for the participants. The format of the events vary from district to district, but commonly take the form of a seminar, camp, or workshop to discuss leadership skills and to learn those skills through practice. Rotary clubs and districts select participants and facilitate the event's curriculum. The Louisville club has sponsored LHS students for longer than anyone can remember — at least for 20 years. Students from St. Thomas Aquinas are also welcome to apply. RYLA is considered to be one of the most important programs sponsored by the club. This year’s group includes two girls and two boys: Jack Mayle, Zan Keister, Eliza Adkins and Leila Mitchell-McKim.
Standing in front of the membership and five guests while remembering their good manners — the young people first thanked the club for this weekend experience held in Columbania. They all agreed this program was well worth their time. Several said they have continued communicating with new friends they made from other schools. It was noticed by the adults that all the youth were good students, poised, and while they were front and center they were able to speak clearly and effectively. They all plan for high education following high school graduation. One aspect of their experience was a requirement to relinquish their cell phones for the weekend. When asked how they felt about the no cell phone equipment, they agreed that it worked and helped them enjoy their RYLA experience.
In other business, Allen, Mark Sigler and Pastor David discussed their experience Friday Feb. 24 delivering three pick-up trucks full of bottled water to East Palestine to aid residents displaced by the well-publicized train wreck. Paradise Church planned the collection of bottled water while the Rotary and Ace Hardware joined the project. It was an eye-opening experience for Rotarians who were impressed how the residents there have been helping each other. Both the church and Rotary has contributed cash in addition to the water. The East Palestine Relief Project has now received over $17,000 and supplies from District 6640.
* The club voted to send a $1,000 dollar Shelter Box through Rotary International for help with the displaced citizens in Turkey due to the terrible earthquake there. Money has been in the club’s yearly budget for many years to be used for Shelter Boxes for emergencies that displace people from their homes. Many shelters have been sent. *
Four club members, Jim Edwards, Glenn Heiller, Eva Roshong and Lisa Lingenhoel were chaperoning exchange students for a weekend trip to Washington, D.C.
Randy Starr was elected to fill the Vice President’s position that had not previously been filled.
Coming Events & Luncheon Menus:
March 8 — Stark County Auditor Alan Harold. Chicken tenders, macaroni salad and a cupcake.
March 15 — Dr, Rooney. speaks about a cancer research program. Breakfast casserole, hash browns (catchup available, mixed fruit.
March 22 — Ann Graffice, Director of the Hall of Fame Project. Hot dog, chili soup and pudding (catchup available; that yellow stuff may be around somewhere)
March 29 — Remember your aprons. We’re serving lunch at the Refuge of Hope. All members are encouraged to be there. We will eat before we serve. No luncheon at the church.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Louisville Rotary Cub
Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2023
President Eva Roshong chaired the meeting with 22 members and guests attending. Eva gave the opening prayer. The Four-Way Test and the Pledge of Allegiance were given before Songmeister Mark Sigler led the singing of the Louisville High School alma mater. He chose that in honor of our guest and program presenter Alan Harold, who is an LHS graduate. Louisville, Louisville . . . you’re the dearest school to me . . .
Happy Dollars
* Barb DiJacimo, leaving for the President-Elect conference in Columbus this weekend, reminded members that her request for donations of feminine hygiene items is still available through Thursday. Bring items to her home.
* Cynthia Kerchner asked members to check basements & garages for last summers Second Friday signs and get them ready for the First Second Friday.
* Alan Harold gave his dollar to thank the club for inviting him. “I happy to be here again!” he said.
* Gerry Tausch announced that LHS senior Will Aljancic was honored as the 2023 All-District Player of the Year. Will, please note a number of our club followed your career, cheered you on, and wish you the best in your next career step at the University of Findlay.
* Glenn Adkins was thanked for his dedicated working & volunteering with our exchange student that included work with other District 6650 exchange students. Glenn, please attend our future meetings for you will always be welcome.
* Lisa Lingenhoel thanked Jim Edwards & Glenn Heiller for driving and chaperoning students to last week’s trip to Washington D.C.
* Josephine Guilbeau-Wade discussed a fund raising idea to get the word out regarding a new library. She suggested key community leaders publicly publish their support.
Club Business:
# George Kiko, businessman, township trustee, community activist and father, shared his idea for constructing sidewalks connecting the YMCA with the middle school and the high school. He said that over 100 students each school day make the trip from the schools to the Y. “They walk through grass, mud, snow and dirt bringing that into the library.” The sidewalk would also help students travel to the planned new library. Projected cost is between $35,000 and $45,000 dollars. He is looking for a key group leader for the drive. Eva said the request will be discussed at the March 15 meeting.
The Secretary’s question — Could we accept that challenge?
# Eva requested volunteers for the Rotary Speech Contest coming up in the next weeks. She also mentioned that there are reimbursement forms for those who have club expenses.
The Program:
Alan Harold needed no introduction for he is an LHS graduate, a member of the prestigious Louisville High School Hall of Achievement plus is the current Stark County Auditor. He has spoken to the club in years past. Alan began his presentation by confessing that it his job to asses the value of our homes and set the property tax rate we would pay. He soon found that our members would not hold that against him. The next evaluations, he continued, would be in 2024.
Among the other facts Harold gave us was there are 78 different county agencies that rely on property tax funds to operate. His auditor’s office Weights & Measure Department has responsibility for 8,275 devices and they perform almost 14,000 tests a year. By contract, Stark County performs these services for both Carroll and Columbiana counties. The Auditor’s Office also issues licenses for dogs (40,335), vendors (1,021), and cigarette dealers (365). There are 80 employees in his office down from 108 employees when he took office. Their yearly budget is over $8 million. Another task for his people is to provide technical support for the county offices. That support includes how 911 calls come in, software programs, network connectivity and security, all PCs & phones and all location based software. Besides setting the value on all properties, he must maintain records of all real property, create and maintain county tax maps, oversee tax reduction programs for 200,000 properties. To help make his message clear like a school teacher Harold used a sample property tax bill and discussed each category # It is an excellent program that allows citizens to meet and question those politicians who control our lives.
Thanks, Alan. Please return soon.
Coming Events & Menus:
March 15 — Dr. Rooney from Aunt Susie’s Cancer Wellness Center. Chicken tenders, macaroni salad, cupcake.
March 22 — Ann Graffice, Director of the Hall of Fame. Breakfast casserole, hash browns, mixed fruit.
March 29 — Refuge of Hope luncheon we pledged to serve. We may eat prior to the service so there will be no meal at Paradise Church.
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Alan Harold

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2023
President Eva Roshong called the luncheon meeting to order with 22 members and three guests present.
Guests included Mary Smith, Jennifer Anderson and the day’s program presenter Dr. Dina Rooney.
Paradise Pastor David Anderson gave the prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four-Way Test were recited. Songmeister Mark Sigler led the singing of America the Beautiful.
Happy Dollars *
Greg Parrish thanked the volunteer judges for the high school Four-Way Test contest. *
Bob Hallier noted that the yellow crocus flowers are up and blooming at his home. “Spring is almost here,” he said. *
Randy Starr urged friends & family be invited to next week’s program, hopefully bringing 50-60 people to hear the Hall of Fame speaker. The guest count should be given to Sharon before Wednesday. *
Allen Gress requested an emergency Board of Directors meeting to discuss a plan for the proposed sidewalk project. *
Jim Dutter informed members that Don Barthel passed away. *
Eva announced the Chamber of Commerce’s Chocolate Walk need volunteers. It was also discussed for Rotary to have hot chocolate available for the walkers.
Dr. Doma K. Rooney, Executive Director of Aunt Susie’s Cancer Wellness Center, introduce herself. Founded by Marlene Mason, Aunt Susie’s is a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization providing cancer services at no charge for Stark County women and men. Founded in 2012 the organization began seeing clients in 2014. “Last year our clients increased by 30%,” she said. Their 5,000 square foot offices are located at 2813 Whipple Avenue NW in Canton. Aunt Susie’s is completely dependent on grants and donations. Their goal is a budget of $50,000 by May. “No monetary gift is too small to make a difference,” she said. They have 21 volunteer drivers and provide the following services: Transportation to & from treatments. labs, X-rays and doctor visits Food assistance — grocery cards or meal delivery House cleaning — by professional cleaners Salon services — hair styling, free wigs and wig styling Care essentials — non-drug medical supplies Companion Programs — Phone & mail encouragement by phone Prostheses & bras — By appointment Support groups Dignity tops Dr. Rooney said they were always looking for volunteers. “Call us to help you determine how best you can contribute your time and talents,” she said. Their phone number is 330-400-1215.
Coming Events & Menus
March 22 — Hall of Fame Marketing & Public Affairs Director. Breakfast Casserole, hash browns, mixed fruit.
Marsh 29 - Refuge of Hope, serve lunch. Arrive at 10:15. No lunch at Paradise Church.
April 4 — Board of Directors Meeting — subject is next year’s budget
April 5 — Business Meeting
Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Dr. Rooney

Louisville Rotary Club
Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2023
Approximately 25 non-Rotarian guests joined 22 members attending the noon luncheon meeting held in the Fellowship Hall of Paradise Church. The attraction was the program presenter Anne Graffice speaking about the progress and activity for her responsibilities at the Pro Football Hall of Fame Village. Following the usual opening meeting rituals, Dr. Michael Thomas spoke giving thanks for the club’s help last summer with the community’s first Second Friday program. He told of this coming spring’s plans to again do the downtown Louisville Friday evening programs. Dr. Thomas expressed hope that our club would assist as we did last season stating that 5,000 people attended some of the activities.
Happy Dollars * Glenn Heiller presented a list of five possible service projects for the club members to consider. The Board of Directors will discuss the list at their next meeting April 4th. *
Greg Anderson said the club’s semi-annual trail clean-up will be Saturday morning, April 22 beginning at 9. He said that with enough help we could clean the trail around Metzger’s Park and the nearby walking trail in about an hour. *
Eva Roshong announced this day, March 22, was designated as the International Water Day. *
Cynthia Kerchner reminded all that this summer’s Farmers Market would kick of for the months of June, July, August, September and October. It will again be in the St. Louis Church parking lot in conjunction with the Second Friday’s activities. *
Garry Tausch invited three LHS head athletic coaches who attended the meeting. He invited members of the audience to attend the high school’s spring musical to be presented this weekend.
Other Club Business President Roshong shared with the guests information about our grant program that uses money from the flag program. “All the money that comes in, goes back out to communities,” she said. “And we need volunteer drivers.”
She also reminded members there would be no lunch at Paradise Church next Wednesday and we will instead be serving lunch at the Refuge of Hope in Canton. Be there at 10:15.
The Program:
Randy Starr introduced Anne Graffice who immediately, with charm and grace, identified with the audience. Anne, who has held various titles for the Hall of Fame Village since 2016, is currently Executive Vice President for Global Marketing & Public Affairs for the Hall of Fame Resort & Entertainment Company. Anne, an Alliance native, is a graduate of St. Thomas Aquinas High School and Mount Union University. She served as the Director of Alumni Affairs for her alma mater for over eight years. Her job, she said, was getting people to come to the HOF. “We had a million visitors last year.” Anne’s projections are for between five and seven million visitors in the next few years to the 115-acre project. Not counting the stadium, the site’s eight turf fields and a zip line hosted 300,000 youth last year. “These visitors will be spending time in our community . . . they will spend the night here. We are currently the largest construction project in the state.” The question was asked — Where will all the cars be parked? There are plans for an upward parking deck we were told. Among other things on the construction plate are a new on-site hotel. Currently a Ferris Wheel and a 100,000 square foot dome highlights the Canton skyline along I-77. The dome is the largest of its kind in the U.S.A. A new restaurant just opened last week and there are other stores coming. It takes 13 minutes to walk from one end to the other and there are plans for a trolly loop from the Village to downtown Canton. “Just think of the TV coverage we bring to the area.” Building of the HOF Village took the replacement of 109 houses and 12 commercial buildings necessary for the construction. There will be the need for more space someday, according to Anne. “We want to build a trust with the community,” she said. “What we say we’re going to do — We win, you win!”
Coming Events & Luncheon Menus:
March 29 — Refuge of Hope serving lunch. Be there at 10:15. No lunch at Paradise.
April 4 — Board meeting - noon
April 5 — Business Meeting
April 12 — SARTA’s CEO Kirt Conrad
April 19 — Wally Anderson, trip to Antarctica Unfortunately, the April menus list has not been sent to me. Submitted by Allen Gress, Secretary
Pix of Anne Graffice

Louisville Rotary event: March 29th
Rotarians a’cooking— Rotarians preparing a luncheon meal for the Refuge of Hope clients last Wednesday. Left to right: Alice Ryter, Eva Roshong, Tom Pukys, Barb DiJacimo, Travis Kelley and a Refuge of Hope staff member. Rotarians were reminded again that helping others reaps rewards for the givers. Fifteen members and Rotary supporters traveled to Canton’s Refuge of Hope last Wednesday to serve the daily luncheon meal for approximately 140 clients, many of them homeless. The group helped in the kitchen, set and bussed the tables and helped people as needed. Four members of the group moved to the clothing area to unpack and sort donated clothing. A memorable time was had be all. “Donating your time to work in a soup kitchen does good both ways. It helps the homeless person receiving the food, but it also helps the soul of the person serving the food.” said Glenn Heiller